Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

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on Jan 09, 2007
I've been talking about it since the GUI champs and tried to talk a few people into it but nothing has come of it.

I want a skin that looks like human flesh. I want the buttons to look like fresh tattoos.

At this point I'm just trying to find good skin. Then . . learn Then . .SKS.

I figure I'll have something done by Friday afternoon.

Skin sample 1: WWW Link
and 2 WWW Link
on Jan 09, 2007
This is a bad thread for me. No one ever asks me what I'm working on. I feel like Ned Flander's must have felt when Homer asked him to read the Bible to him.

Still trying to do a windowblind..

another effort...

my first effort and still incomplete...

and a widget I can't make the script for..trying to get the objects/icons to revolve...sort of a space saver/shortcut widget..(Those are not my icons, I am using some png's to test it with)

I won't bore you with all the walls I am working on. lol. This is enough.
on Jan 09, 2007
After having sometime off around the holidays, I am now, in the process of updating the SummerBreeze Theme". I also recieved some wallpaper and screen saver requests that I am mulling around. And I am also working on my website DeskTopMakers.
on Jan 10, 2007
Installing OS2 on an old machine...
on Jan 10, 2007
Island Dog, great thread! Mr.Smedley....that first one is delicious!

here's mine...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
on Jan 10, 2007
Close to finishing up my website
on Jan 10, 2007
I'm with Skinhit Po'...that first skin looks very nice...hope to see a finished product!
on Jan 10, 2007
Ohhh, icons right now, I need to roll out a couple of updates on Liquidox and perhaps Encoded, need to redo the website again, getting tired of it already, lots of stuff to do, now that I finished painting the kitchen ceiling.
on Jan 10, 2007
Nice thread.

Two things:

A new version of my rss reader. This one with add/delete rss, fast forward, rewind, play, change color, font stylings etc.

And a todo list. Yeah, I know there are already quite a few out there but I wanted to learn to make one. Once finished it should have a daily list(on top), a weekly list that changes depending on what day it is(on bottom) and 3 or more quick lists that open out like pop up menus (the three at the bottom corner). Not quite sure on the design, what do you guys think?

on Jan 10, 2007
Hyundai Dealership......grading & drainage plan
on Jan 10, 2007
Wow.  Glad to see there are some cool things in the works.

on Jan 10, 2007
Honestly I have no motivation to work on anything at the moment. I'm trying to set up a new Laptop my kids gave me for Christmas and I'm getting more frustrated by the day. New stuff to me is not fun. I feel like I'm out of my league with this and Im ready to give it back to them

Po..your blinds look very promising - I like them all. Number one looks like my kind of blind. Keep it up
on Jan 10, 2007
Cool thread, can't wait to see some of the finished releases!

I'm working on some meters for Windows Sidebar (just getting started):

And also an easy-skin analog clock for the Vista desktop and possibly Sidebar too, is in the works:
on Jan 10, 2007
A wb skin concept based on Ford's new Mustang concept car.
on Jan 10, 2007

Rabidrobot, those are looking very nice!  Please keep me updated on the progress.



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