Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 11, 2007
A few pics of stuff I've started...
Went through a phase a creating numerous file exploring objects, and of course, I've made my own original versions of desktop notes and calanders.

This is for playing a game-book where you navigated around a map on a quest. The object 'automates' the book and allows you to play in a point and click fashion and keep track of stats.

A tiny little file explorer.

Another gamebook playing object - links to the internet version of Joe Devers Lone Wolf game book series. Again, keeps track of all stats, skills weapons etc.

A desktop note.

Meant to be an elegant/professional 'paper/parchment' desktop replacement - has a working apointments and tasks ledger with nice calligraphy persentation, linked to calander, a file browser, and custom icon shortcut pages to link to useful files.

Another desktop theme meant to be more 'futury'. Lots of transparent panels and animation, the main central 'gizmo' is a hub to bring up various functions, one of which the animated file browser (shown) which auto populated the image viewer (below centre).

on Jan 11, 2007

Making progress with my skinnable system-info gadget.
on Jan 11, 2007
Remodel/addition to the Boston Museum of Science.   
on Jan 11, 2007
I have to say I am very impressed with the works in progress here.  I am very excited to see the finished products. 

Keep the updates coming!

on Jan 11, 2007
I'm working on a fun novel.

Wow, you guys are all very talented.
on Jan 11, 2007

Wow. Just wow.
on Jan 11, 2007
Skarnivorous: Wow. Just wow.

My sentiments exactly. There's some really cool stuff in the works!

, to all.
on Jan 12, 2007
Here is the first WB skin I've just started (uses Danillooc's Acrylic as template). Trying to match it with my Winanmp skin and wallpaper

Now I'm not as excited about this as I was at the outset It's too much work for too little graphics.

on Jan 12, 2007

I was working on this:

...seem to have come to a stand-still   

on Jan 12, 2007
Those are excellent! I just finished on VClockbasic few days ago and plan to work on more advanced version of it eventually.
on Jan 12, 2007
A WB I'm calling "Orange Crush"'s black and...uhhhh, orange, as the name implies. The wall is a Bryce rendering...lots of depth, super dooper glass and you guessed! It's about finished...just adding the little details and making the final fixes throughout so instead of a screeny peek, look for the real thing in a day or so...
on Jan 13, 2007
Studying some PSP tutorials. It's time I actually learn to use it for more than making Sputnik ports. If anyone has any recommendations...

Oh and I have plans for (read as "have not started") a multi-mode Sputnik Rainlendar port.
on Jan 13, 2007
A few of many on the go. Left to right.

Green Folder - Folder Creator for organizing icons
Folder Icon Changer - Streamlined code & added commenting option
Folder Tagger - Add tags to each folder
Slot Machine - Taking a break on this one & need to make my own symbols
Dx Flip Clock - This is pretty much done just needs to be cleaned up & I think one slight code change

on Jan 13, 2007
I've been just trying to remember where I last buried my dog bone.   I guess I'll do some more SS's of all this great stuff you guys are working on. Later.
on Jan 14, 2007
Oops forgot about this one. Actually, was kind of doing this on spec to shop around but, giving a basic fully opened view. When closed cab be either an eye, glossy globe style cover or eye with shaded transparency.

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