Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

Comments (Page 66)
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on Dec 16, 2007
Hooray!! More Organic Icons!!

Only cuz of you....(hint,hint)
on Dec 17, 2007
nice work Adam!
wow! Jack very cool!
on Dec 17, 2007
on Dec 17, 2007
For more details about Powder, please ask to SK.

on Dec 17, 2007
Patrick, that looks damn sweet! TYCUS, damn cool!! and those icons look great Jak!   Everything in here looks awesome!   
on Dec 17, 2007
Thanks Javier
on Dec 17, 2007
Update on the Powder WB --- in pink
on Dec 17, 2007

Well, here's a preview of a dream that I'm working on for the alienware contest.

If I had entered, you would make me feel really untalented

Nice!!! Me wants...

For some reason, my text is inside the quote, but outside the brackets... [Fixed by CerebroJD, was breaking the page layout. ]
on Dec 18, 2007
very cool SK!
on Dec 18, 2007
2008 going to be another great year for skinning
on Dec 23, 2007

May be I will get done by the 31st
on Dec 23, 2007
Seriously, you guys stuff is awesome!!

Patrick, that dream is a winner!
SirS, looks promising.
Skinhit, very original and creative!
TYCUS, very cool.
SK, looks very smooth; easy on the eyes.
AVMAN, looks interesting.

A little further along:

on Dec 23, 2007
a meaty p-sone (or whatever it's called) from pizza hut
on Dec 24, 2007

Still taff in build
on Dec 28, 2007
.Dream preview in reply #986 has been rendering for 22hrs. about 1/2 way done!
Almost there ....waiting....waiting...waiting.......
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