The weekend is finally here! As always, we have the latest edition of This Week in Skinning ready for your consumption. Although summer is typically more slow for skinning, the Summer Wallpaper contest has brought in bunches of new works, and other skins like WindowBlinds skins are also doing well. Keep up the great work and have a great weekend!
If you are running Windows 7 on a Netbook, or even XP or Vista for that matter, then check out how WindowBlinds 7 has a new UI that looks great on the smaller resolutions of Netbooks. Check out the article here.
I’m certainly glad it’s Friday, aren’t you? Today we end the Summer ‘09 wallpaper contest, and it has been a great success. We will definitely have another before the year is over. Now for this weeks picks! Troll Thumping cxp by BONEHEADdb This is an update, but it’s still a fantastic CursorFX theme. INFINITY Ultimate DX by RedneckDude This is a DX theme based on the popular WindowBlinds skin. Ari...
There is just a few more hours left to get your submissions in for the WinCustomize Summer ‘09 Wallpaper Contest. The contest will officially end at 12pm EST, so any entries submitted after that time will not be eligible. If you skin is in moderation at time of closing, that will not count, it just has to be submitted before noon. We have had a huge amount of entries, and I can’t wait until the next contest!
As many of you have read before, I am a big fan and user of Netbooks. Customizing them with new themes, icons, etc. really isn’t any different than any other type of PC, you just have smaller screen real estate to work with. I have been using WindowBlinds 6 for a while with my Acer Netbook, and it runs great. However, there was one small issue and that was the WindowBlinds configuration window wouldn’t always fit on the screen making it a bit difficult to navigate. Severa...
Corel has a sale going on Impulse, and it’s a great time to catch some great deals. Over the years we have talked a lot about Corel products as applications like Paint Shop Pro and CorelDRAW have been very popular with skinners and artists over the years. I can only imagine how many skins here at WinCustomize have been created with just those two applications alone. Check out some of the current deals going on! Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 $49.99 ...
We are happy to offer the latest free MyColors theme to Object Desktop subscribers! This one is an entire pack of free themes from the Gloss series.
Object Desktop subscribers can download them via Impulse in the “My Software” area. If you don’t have Impulse, get it from .
We are happy to offer the latest free MyColors theme to Object Desktop subscribers! This one is an entire pack of free themes from the Gloss series. Object Desktop subscribers can download them via Impulse in the “My Software” area. If you don’t have Impulse, get it from .
These people really can't go too much lower. The funny thing is that the left doesn't realize America isn't buying their nonsense this time.
Dell made a really cool announcement yesterday . “If you've got young kids at home like I do, you know the answer to that question is the one and only SpongeBob SquarePants . I'm betting you can probably sing the rest of the theme song as well. Why am I talking about this? Because we're partnering with Nickelodeon , , Walmart and others to introduce a netbook for kids. It's or first product that focused on kids. Since it's a netbook that weighs less ...
Dell made a really cool announcement yesterday.
“If you've got young kids at home like I do, you know the answer to that question is the one and only SpongeBob SquarePants. I'm betting you can probably sing the rest of the theme song as well. Why am I talking about this? Because we're partnering with Nickelodeon,, Walmart and others to introduce a netbook for kids.
It's or first product that focused on kids. Since it's a netbook that weighs less than three pounds, it's easy for kids to bring it from room to room or in the car during a road trip. From a spec standpoint, the Nickelodeon edition is based on our popular Inspiron Mini 10v. Kids (or their parents) will be able to choose from three different Design Studio designs: SpongeBob, iCarly or Green Slime (pictured below—click image to see a larger version). “
And of course Stardock partnered with them to create the interface and skins!
I am very happy to announce WinCustomize has a new Master Skinner. Welcome sViz to the Master Skinner club! She has been a member since 2006, and since then has gained quite a name for herself in the DesktopX area. Most recently, she has stepped up to help the community with the DX weather widget issue, which she spent hours and hours trying to come up with a resolution. For her hard work, dedication, and the fantastic skins she creates, we are proud to have her...
One of the really cool features of WindowBlinds 7 is Live Previews. When you select a skin you can use options like in the Transparency tab to change the blur and opacity of the skin. With the Live Previews you can see the changes you are making in real-time so you can easily get your skin looking just the way you want it to.
I have been asking around, and nobody can give an answer.