Island Dog's Articles In The Media
September 4, 2008 by Island Dog
I came across this on an anti-Obama blog , but it's a perfect example of how all types of media is in the tank for Obama. Reading more I found the publisher of the magazine is a huge Obama donor, and supposedly they leaked these covers to the press at the DNC convention.  
September 26, 2006 by Island Dog
How many times does the NYT have to post classified national security information before something is done?  This "report" was completed in April, and now suddenly it appears just weeks before a major election where democrats don't have the lead which they once thought. The leak was purely politically motivated and the NYT will apparantly do whatever it can to help the democrats win something in November.  It is interesting for a party who still obsesses with the Valerie Plame "leak...
February 28, 2008 by Island Dog
This is what to expect during this political season.  Biased polls from the MSM showing democrats in the lead. CBS and the New York Times have a new poll out that looks at the Democratic primary race and at the generalelection. In the former, it uses a rather small sample, but in thelatter the sample gets weighted -- as usual -- in favor of Democraticvoters. Barack Obama has taken a lead in the national numbers for theprimary, not exactly breaking news: How did CBS reach this conc...