Published on August 17, 2005 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News
Microsoft has finally put to rest months of speculation, announcing official pricing and models for its upcoming Xbox 360 home entertainment console. The basic version of the Xbox 360 will run $299.99 USD, will a premium edition priced at $399.99 USD.

The core Xbox 360 model includes only the console without hard drive, wired controller and standard AV cable. For an extra $100, gamers receive a special console with metallic detailing, 20GB hard drive, wireless controller, remote control, headset, high-definition AV cable and an Xbox Live Silver membership.

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Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 17, 2005
Im a sheep, but I will be trowing down the 400.
on Aug 17, 2005
thats pretty pricey considering they want to replace it in 4 years. Gates said the PS3 was the ferrari, but if they dont charge much more than the xbox, microsoft just shot itself in the foot.
on Aug 17, 2005
no thanks rather keep my xbox's i got now & wait a year when the price goes down
on Aug 17, 2005
I'm not going to buy it at launch. I was never really impressed with the Xbox and I have been very happy with my PS2 and Gamecube. Those are the two which I might have to get when the new ones are released.

on Aug 17, 2005

I am looking forward to X-Boxes meda Extender aspects. But I admit I am pritty happy with my xbox. And I works in game development. So I can write it off.

on Aug 17, 2005
Im a fan of Sony...more so because i just feel the MS had to buy its way into the gaming market rather then bring anything innovative. I mean, yes, the Xbox is better thne the PS2 in terms of graphics and CPU, but they came out a year or so later then the PS2. Moving on, im just not really impressed with anything the XB360 has aside from Gears of War. I'll wait for the PS3. Which has true backwards compatibility so that i dont have to drop even more money when i buy the system. Hopefully the Sony will have a competetive price under $500...the big issue right now is the HDD...we'll see soon enough But yeah, MS may have jsut shot itself in the foot by making the 'core' system HDD-less. Anyway, im not a fanboy, just opinionated
on Aug 17, 2005
-- What a JOKE!!Leave it to the great MICROSOFT EMPIRE to line it's pockets with what I think is a pretty Expensive adventure and then in order to get the real 'trick' stuff,sock you for an extra $100.I'll get shot for this but Stardock ain't no different.Cursor XP and XP prem. Windowblinds reg. then enhanced. Ever hear of putting that carrot in front of the donkey.All you have to do is give'em a little taste and the rest is "There's a sucker born every minute".
on Aug 17, 2005
And what is so wrong about making money? Isn't that what everyone wants. Also, the PS3 is expected to be no lower than
$400, that makes the Premium 360 the same if not less than the PS3.
on Aug 17, 2005
there is a sharp line between making money and being flat out greedy. us corporations are nortorious for this. screw them.
on Aug 17, 2005
I think I might just wait for the PS3, but I don't know. If the PS3 came out before or on the X360's release date, there would be a slaughter. Knowledgable gamers will buy the PS3, while the uninformed will go for the X360.
on Aug 17, 2005
The Ps3 isn't gonna be due out till mid-2006, and I read that if the 360 doesn't do too well at launch the ps3 might end up coming out '07, I don't care which system is better in anyway, cuz I'm gonna buy both...
on Aug 17, 2005
Bah, I was interested in the 360 only because of TES IV, when I learned it would be released for the PC, I stopped following the 360 (I just hope my computer has enough power to display the uber graphics )
on Aug 17, 2005
I was interested in Gears Of War and my Windows XP Media Center Edition's rumored compatibility with the X360. But I'd probably wait until mid 2006 to buy the X360 anyway, so the PS3 could do fine. But I think Sony will lose quite a handful of money because of the later release date. Had X360 waited until mid 2006, they probably could have released a HALO3 at release date. Then...well...riots would spread and so on. But, Microsoft is a Monopoly. Sony is a Funopoly.
on Aug 18, 2005
Holy moly... that's expensive just for all the fancy stuff. The savings is quite good all things considered: 50 for the wireless controller, possibly 20 for the HD-AV cable, possibly 15-30 for the remote, possibly 20-30 for the headset, and however much it is for Live! Silver membership.

I'd throw down my 400 for it but... I'm afraid I'll have to play the waiting game and see what Big N has up their sleeves. Here's to hoping some good competition in the console market.
on Aug 18, 2005
there is a sharp line between making money and being flat out greedy. us corporations are nortorious for this. screw them.

Of course! Evil MS not sending themselves bankrupt on your account.
They really should have more respect for the average idiot. Anyway, the 360 sounds rather nice, so I'll probably end-up getting one. Besides, for the price, you get quite a bit: a pc (sort of, depending on what you do to it), DVD player, CD player, ability to rip CDs, good games, and so forth.
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