Yeah, it's not very wise to tweet terrorist threats to an airline on Twitter. The Dutch girl ended up being arrested for this.



Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 18, 2014

Some people need to learn what's a joke and what's not.

This was an act of incredible stupidity and recklessness.

Morons like this need to be removed from society and taught proper values.


If the bit about her friend is true (probably isn't - it wasn't me, it was my imaginary friend...), then it also a lesson about personal security and not letting anyone have access to your login details.

on Apr 18, 2014

Jafo, you must be a bitter, angry person for wanting to punish people so severely for joking. It's just absurd what you want.

I'm all for people taking responsibility for their actions, and if that means a bit of prison time, then so be it.  However, the punishment should fit the crime and not go over the top for an act of stupidity in which noone was harmed.  Whether this girl or her friend tweeted this message, 10 years is an over-the-top kneejerk reaction and is just as silly as the tweet in question.

What I'd like to see is perpetrators of violent crimes, where people are hurt, tortured, raped, actually serve out their sentences and have no chance of parole after just a few years of being a 'model prisoner'  All too often rapists reoffend while on parole after serving just 5 or 6 years of a 12 - 15 year sentence, and that's just wrong.  Parole for serial sex offenders should never be an option.  In fact, it should be mandatory that all sex offenders are castrated, as well as serving the full sentence handed down by the court... and that sentence should be no less than 15 - 20 years, or more, depending on the severity of the offence.

So yes, it is fair enough to be angry regarding crime, but that anger needs to be proportionate to the crime.  Therefore, to suggest that some silly little girl gets 10 years for a stupid tweet, while a rapist gets just 5 years for violating another person physically and emotionally, is completely off balance and not proportionate to the crime.

on Apr 18, 2014

     It isn't the joke that's the issue here, its the nature of the joke itself. A terroristic threat cannot be taken lightly under any circumstances joke or no. Social media has one major flaw, it does not allow for face to face communications where you can actually see the person you are talking to. That's how vice squads lure pedophiles and other criminals by pretending to be potential victims. Text on a screen can be typed by anyone pretending to be anything they choose. Before I posted a pic of myself no one knew what I looked like. I can say anything I want and people take that at face value. How would the airline know it was just a young girl pulling a prank, no way of knowing. Even an admission doesn't qualify. Again because they can't see who is behind the texting.

     Granted it was incredibly stupid but the answer though harsh because of her age, should send a clear message that such things cannot and will not be tolerated regardless of who is doing it. Also because she is a minor the prank will be considered based on that. Restrictions, the loss of certain privileges, community service is what's called for. Even a stint in juvenile hall for a time. It has to be taken seriously because you don't know who is on the other end. What is really needed is a re-evaluation of family values. Parents need to instill in their kids a strong sense of the differences between right and wrong. Teach them to be leaders, not followers and how not to bow down to peer pressure. Not saying that's the case here though. In the end she will learn a very hard lesson that will probably be with her the rest of her life unless of course it is expunged when she's old enough to be considered an adult. In the US a kid that age can be charged as an adult and we all know how that goes. A very long time behind bars plus a permanent blot on her record. Something that will follow her for the rest of her life. I don't see that happening here.  


My two cents. 

on Apr 18, 2014

Jafo, you must be a bitter, angry person for wanting to punish people so severely for joking. It's just absurd what you want.


You see Campaigner, what Jafo, Fuzzy and I as well as others are saying is that what she did wasn't a joke and wasn't at all was an irresponsibly stupid act in a time when maniacs do actually perform acts of terror which kill and maim. 



on Apr 18, 2014


Quoting Barrynor, reply 16No, not "whatever". The semi-national color of the Netherlands is Orange, its royal house is called "Huis van Oranje" , which translates to " House of Orange" ... thats why he said " she's dutch".

The OP has nothing to do with nationality, therefore the use of 'orange' [nothing to do with the House of Orange] - there's no reason to take offense as that has to do with the color of prison clothing here, which has nothing to do with the House of Orange (which originally had nothing to do with the color, but rather the Province of Orange in Normandy).

Here, to make you happier: "I expect she'll tire of prison stripes fairly quickly."



Did I take offense? If you took it that way, then urr, nope. Appearently you are already aware of the history connection to Orange, and Oranje as a national color... so... never mind...



At any rate, I'm sure you all did nothing stupid when you were younger. Maybe not THIS stupid  (I use did not )but fourteen year olds are prone to stupidity. It comes with the age. Saying that they have to go into prison for ten years is, however, even stupider... yes, we live in a world with terrorism, no, its not funny to make "joke" threats, but ten years in prison is not a fitting response.

on Apr 18, 2014

Yes...all things in perspective...but then when I say 10 years for terrorist-threat 'jokes' I'm also thinking summary execution for rape/murder, etc.

Every time I see a parolee kill/rape someone I see a criminal justice system that has failed.

on Apr 18, 2014

Yes...all things in perspective...but then when I say 10 years for terrorist-threat 'jokes' I'm also thinking summary execution for rape/murder, etc.

Every time I see a parolee kill/rape someone I see a criminal justice system that has failed.


And what do you see when an innocent person gets released from jail after 19 years in prison on some fake charges and is completely exonerated?   Someone who should have been executed before those pesky facts got out?



on Apr 18, 2014

The Ministry of Truth approves of this relatively meaningless story of an immature child's mistake going viral, and all the public persecution helps our vision of the future. Anyone that disagrees will soon be escorted to the Ministry of Love for re-education. 

on Apr 18, 2014

And what do you see when an innocent person gets released from jail after 19 years in prison on some fake charges and is completely exonerated? Someone who should have been executed before those pesky facts got out?

Rare as rocking horse shit...whereas repeat offenders...paedophiles, rapists, murderers are a dime a dozen....

on Apr 18, 2014


Biggest thing not to do on Twitter is to sign up in the first place.
What he said.  Facebook is evil too.  Millennial's are, well, Mellennial's.

on Apr 19, 2014

Quoting smeagolheart, reply 37And what do you see when an innocent person gets released from jail after 19 years in prison on some fake charges and is completely exonerated? Someone who should have been executed before those pesky facts got out?

Rare as rocking horse shit...whereas repeat offenders...paedophiles, rapists, murderers are a dime a dozen....

There have been several recent cases of innocent people being released from prison after prolonged incarceration.  Had the death penalty been an option in those cases, several innocent people would now be dead.  Now, Paul, a few years ago I would have agreed with you regarding the death penalty, and that perhaps a few mistakes were acceptable collateral damage to ensure we got the guilty.  However, the justice system is supposed to protect the innocent, and a handful of 'mistakes' is not acceptable in our quest to combat crime, violent or otherwise.

That's why I proposed long prison terms without parole for murderers, rapists and paedophiles... because if it is proven later that they are in fact innocent, the penalty is not finite... irreversible.

on Apr 19, 2014

and a handful of 'mistakes'

EVERY recent murder and rape in Oz has been at the hands of repeat offenders...mostly on parole...or simply in contravention of an AVO.

REAL mistakes happen daily.

Most sex offender slips his bracelet in Sydney an is found a day and a half later in the town where the offence took place.

Yes, shit happens....but too much is happening for the system to even pretend to be 'working'....

on Apr 19, 2014

EVERY recent murder and rape in Oz has been at the hands of repeat offenders...mostly on parole...or simply in contravention of an AVO.

Which is why I advocate NO parole.  If somebody is sentenced to 25 - 30 years, then that is the term of their sentence.... no time off for time already served [prior to and during the court case], no time off for good behaviour.... NO time off at all.  Period!  And for proven sex offenders, repeat or otherwise.... chemical castration, no ifs, buts or maybes.

Yes, shit happens....but too much is happening for the system to even pretend to be 'working'...

The system would work a lot better if there weren't too many fechen do-gooders lobbying for prisoners rights... not to mention the dipshits who are supposedly running the criminal justice system... those who turned prisons into fechen holiday camps/a home away from home.  For mine, prisons would be more like medieval dungeons with no creature comforts whatsoever... because they're there to be punished, not live a life of luxury behind bars  Oh, and hard labour would be a an extra provision for the worst of the worse.... like 10 - 12 hours a day of breaking rocks or something equally demanding.  Yup, that oughta keep 'em too tired to cause any trouble

on Apr 22, 2014

I have no respect whatsoever for rapists, kiddiemolesters and other such monsters. The death penalty however, due to the chance of a mistake, is off... I'd much prefer lifelong imprisoment with eight hours of community service every day ( digging trenches, cutting down trees, breaking rocks, you know, the usual) and a more severe variant of the ankle-belt to keep em in check ( one around each ankle, one around each wrist, and one around the neck... if you take any of em off, the rest goes kaboom...step over the line... kaboom).

Oh, and castration. With two bricks.

on Apr 22, 2014

Oh, and castration. With two bricks.

This method won't work on girls

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