GameSpy has published their exclusive review with Stardock’s Brian Clair (Yarlen) about the upcoming Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion!

GameSpy: So you're dividing the existing three factions -- the TEC, the Advent, and the Vasari -- into a Loyalist and a Rebel faction each. How is playing as a Rebel faction going to differ from playing as a Loyalist faction?

Brian Clair: Well, it depends on which race you play. The TEC Loyalists are very defensive. If you're a gamer who likes to turtle, they're probably the best suited for you. They've been designed with that in mind. The TEC Rebels are very aggressive, so if you're a player who likes to go out, doesn't turtle at all, moves very quickly from one target to the next, they would fit you the best.

Read the full interview at

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on Jan 25, 2012



Not much info on the Advent though but I am liking this<3


"The Advent are very culture-based, so their Titans have nice curves, not sharp angles, and they use their psionic abilities to the utmost. So for instance, if you were playing with one of the Advent Titans, you have an opportunity to mind-control enemy ships, or take over enemy planets simply with your psionic power."



Also as a way to expand upon the difference against the factions any idea what some of them are. I think for the most part most are covered but the advent.


TEC REBEL: Defense

ADVENT REBEL: Not really clear but perhaps a more peaceful approach? "However, others amongst the Advent suspect that a corrupting influence from within has diverted the Unity from its proper destiny."
ADVENT LOYALIST: Offense - its implied in the lore section "Loyalists seek to continue their policy of revenge against the Traders, and to assimilate all others to the Unity’s influence."

VASARI LOYALIST: Offense - Perhaps mobility it seems to imply that they are packing up and leaving, perhaps their titan becomes their Homeworld.

on Jan 25, 2012

This is really exciting! Cant wait for the beta to open. Speaking of. Any info on that stardock?

on Jan 25, 2012


Let me repeat: WOW!

Amazing interview. I think Rebellion is really shaping up, and it it good that it is not being rushed. I like the idea of new skyboxes, and I hope the new "kinds" of planets means a few new skins, and perhaps a new type besides the "Occupation victory" planet. Even if the new planet type has little to no gameplay value, it will still be fun. I would guess something a bit larger than an asteroid, but smaller than a planet. I think that would fill a gap in the current roster. Of course, militia would also be moderate.

I am glad they are not removing the Z-axis. It really is nice to be able to send ships over the top of a planet. I haven't experienced the exploits some complain about, but if those were removed, I don't think anyone could complain.

This is certainly a nice surprise. I am quite excited about SoaSE: Rebellion.

on Jan 25, 2012

Looking really good so far, diggin the new 1080 screenshots you guys gave them!


Also yay new titans (well at least I've never seen the advent and vasari ones before, I love how the advent one looks like a bigger and twisted version of their clairvoyance capital ship)


Also is that yet a third new titan battling the TEC one or is that a new capital ship? And how about dem beta invites. I'm over 18 now so I'm of legal age to sign an NDA, hint hint hint. Is sins really 4 years old? Was I really 16 when it came out. God damn

on Jan 25, 2012

This was a very good interview! It provided a lot more concrete answers as to the direction things are going to head in. Very very cool.

on Jan 25, 2012

Good stuff.  I never play Vasari but I will definitely give their loyalists a go (after the TEC rebels, which may be after the Advent rebels, depending on what kind of information comes out about them).

I just hope it's sooner rather than later.

on Jan 25, 2012

[e digicons]:')[/e] When i read this i think i had a seizure...... I think this makes up for all the info they never gave us!!!! I am soooo happy!!!!!!!!!!

on Jan 25, 2012

Great article, lot's of juicy info packed into it.

on Jan 25, 2012

looking good, my pre-order has been in for awhile. 

on Jan 25, 2012

Been preordered since... forever! Great article! Cant wait and DO WANT! Thanks!

on Jan 25, 2012

I wonder how the Titans will play out in real games (online PvP, no AI).  I can see players in safe economy spots rushing out titans and sending them to the front lines.  It could become the new job for eco-slot players.

Also, what is the maximum number of Titans and how much fleet supply will they consume?  One titan per player?  4?  8?  16?

...the Vasari Loyalists play very differently from probably any other faction in Rebellion. They almost go and do this Battlestar Galactica-style thing, where they decided they're going to basically pull up stakes and leave. In doing so, they go and decide to fight a war of attrition. A little teaser: They're not leaving planets behind them.

Could this mean that they're going to get the ability to blow planets up?


on Jan 26, 2012

This was awesome. And I loved the screen shots.


...the Vasari Loyalists play very differently from probably any other faction in Rebellion. They almost go and do this Battlestar Galactica-style thing, where they decided they're going to basically pull up stakes and leave. In doing so, they go and decide to fight a war of attrition. A little teaser: They're not leaving planets behind them.

Could this mean that they're going to get the ability to blow planets up?


I'm guessing yes, there will be a way to blow planets up. It appears only the Vasari Loyalists Titan will be able to, though.

I can't believe it's been four years either. Wow.

I also am excited for Sins 2, which Game Spy thinks will have the fourth race that was chasing the Vasari, and a CAMPAIGN!

on Jan 26, 2012

I'm guessing yes, there will be a way to blow planets up. It appears only the Vasari Loyalists Titan will be able to, though.

In that case, I wonder what happens in the game.  Does that entire gravity well just disappear and do the phase lanes readjust?  (Probably not.)  Or does it end up being an empty well or an asteroid belt with lots of neutral extractors?

on Jan 26, 2012


Quoting sulley1, reply 12I'm guessing yes, there will be a way to blow planets up. It appears only the Vasari Loyalists Titan will be able to, though.

In that case, I wonder what happens in the game.  Does that entire gravity well just disappear and do the phase lanes readjust?  (Probably not.)  Or does it end up being an empty well or an asteroid belt with lots of neutral extractors?

im guessing the latter, or it will become a shattered world of some sort. altho since they are saying: they won't leave planets behind, im guessing it will end in total destruction

on Jan 26, 2012

Also, what is the maximum number of Titans and how much fleet supply will they consume?  One titan per player?  4?  8?  16?

A player can only field one titan at a time and they're very expensive to get out. They require 2 capital ship crew slots and 150 fleet supply.

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