Published on August 29, 2010 By Island Dog In Politics

This past weekend, Glenn Beck held the “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln Memorial.  At the same time, Al Sharpton held a counter rally. 

Lets take a look, shall we?


Restoring Honor rally:

Yep, just a bunch of fringe lunatics, right?  Hundreds of thousands of people attended.


Sharpton rally:

Al Sharpton is pictured, Aug. 28.

After going through the metal detectors, and wading through SEIU union thugs, you were privileged to hear speeches using great words such as “teabagger”, “angry white people”,  and tons more far-left rants from the tolerant left.

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on Aug 29, 2010

Your point? This is America, they can say whatever they want - Right or Left, fringe or sane.

Forgive me, but this comes off as typical, and a tad underhanded, bashing of the left wing, while stroking the ego of the right. I'm guessing you can't ever find anything positive to say about the left?

Get over it; it was rallly. I say, good for both of them. I'm not a fan of Beck, or many of the speakers he had, but frankly, I don't care. Real change (that is, change for the better), comes from action and work - not celebrations and back slapping rhetoric.


on Aug 29, 2010


I also don't care for Sharpton. For him and his bunch, I repeat what I said.

on Aug 29, 2010

ID, that Sharpton photo isn't correct. I'm pretty sure his rally was out doors too.


Milonas- I'd say the point is one event was up-lifting, non-political, and positive while another was whiny, partisan political, and hateful. One bashed the other, while one made no mention of the other. You don't have to care for Beck or Palin to appreciate that money raised at the event will benefit the children of fallen warriors, although I'm sure Sharpton will accept donations as well.

Someone recently said, "Would you just as willingly and eagerly point out the hypocrisy on your ideological side?" Does "ditto for the other side" (A.K.A. "I repeat what I said") constitute "willingly and eagerly" in the scheme of things?

on Aug 30, 2010

I have a friend who goes to the Democratic meetings here.  She said they met on Friday to clear up the Muslim rumors about Obama saying that neither he nor his father are Muslims.    

Also, she said they spent some time discussing that the tea parties are funded by the elite rich billionaires and mentioned the Koch Brothers.   I never heard anything about them or the connection with the tea parties.  Do you know anything about this?    





on Aug 30, 2010

Your point? This is America, they can say whatever they want - Right or Left, fringe or sane.

Forgive me, but this comes off as typical, and a tad underhanded, bashing of the left wing, while stroking the ego of the right. I'm guessing you can't ever find anything positive to say about the left?

Get over it; it was rallly. I say, good for both of them. I'm not a fan of Beck, or many of the speakers he had, but frankly, I don't care. Real change (that is, change for the better), comes from action and work - not celebrations and back slapping rhetoric.


Ever hear of a "rant"?  It is a blowing off of steam in a non-violent, but therapeutic way.  It is quite healthy for you actually!

Whether the OP has anything nice to say about the left or not is really immaterial.  He was doing a compare/contrast between 2 rallies and the amount of hate being spewed at each.  At the same time tweaking the Main Stream Media for its refusal or incompetence (that part is open for debate) to do its job.

on Aug 30, 2010

KFC Kickin For Christ
I have a friend who goes to the Democratic meetings here.  She said they met on Friday to clear up the Muslim rumors about Obama saying that neither he nor his father are Muslims.    

Also, she said they spent some time discussing that the tea parties are funded by the elite rich billionaires and mentioned the Koch Brothers.   I never heard anything about them or the connection with the tea parties.  Do you know anything about this? 

Wow!  2 delusions in one meeting!

#1: Obama's Father was a Muslim.  Perhaps as much a Muslim as most cradle Catholics are (born to it but never practicing it).

#2:  I am sure the Tea Party would LOVE some billionaire money, but the truth is the Hunt Brothers are not interested in funding parties, but cornering markets.  As the tea Party has become a money accepting organization, the contributors are a matter of public record, and no, unlike "" they do not have a George Soros.  But that is the way the democrats operate.  Blame others for your own sins.

Tell your friend that there is no crime against being a democrat.  Or being ignorant.  But steadfastly maintaining the latter does make one stupid.

on Aug 30, 2010

Yup the Glenn Beck  thing reminds me of another such event.  The million man march. Not a bunch of fringe lunatics at all:


KFC:  the Koch brothers are - in that case - mostly likely a boogey man.  They're kind of the George Soros of the right:  spend a lot of money funding a lot of stuff, but all in all responsible for very little.  I know one of them have a lot of involvement in the totally out-of-your-mind-batshit-insane-anti-water-fluoridation John Birch movement.  The other helped start the Cato institute and I think that's the connection to the teabags that's being hocked.  No idea if it's true, not even convinced that it matters....



on Aug 30, 2010

As an aside, much like the Million Man March, there seems to be some question as to actual attendance.

Adam Serwer causes trouble on the Plum line



While the official Tea Party estimates of Saturday's rally attendance may range between a gajillion and the fafillion, the company CBS hired to give an estimate placed the turnout at a respectably large 87,000, larger than the official estimates of turnout last year's 9/12 rally but no where near the estimated 1.8 million that attended Obama's inauguration.



I'm going to guess that there's a few more than 87000 people who showed up.  But still, fun because this thing is going to make the news cycle by 10am.  And then the laughs will begin...



on Aug 30, 2010

Yep, just a bunch of fringe lunatics, right?  Hundreds of thousands of people attended.

Even if it's the most estimated (five hundred thousand by NBC, six hundred and fifty thousand by beck) you still only have anywhere between one sixth of one percent of the total population of the United States and one fifth of one percent of the total population of the United States, which in the grand scheme of things, is a negligible blip on the screen. In other words, yes, just a bunch of fringe lunatics. Of course their counterparts on the far left are just as nuts, but I expect that you won't accept anything other than me silently nodding my head up and down in agreement with everything the far right says as a legitimate opinion.

on Aug 30, 2010

Got yyour Sharpton number's handy? LOL

on Aug 30, 2010

No, but considering that the picture appears to be from the inside of a church I think it's safe to assume that the left's fringe is smaller than the right's.

on Aug 30, 2010

I'm surprised the Shapton rally didn't admit or have any of the traitorous trailer trash whites that support Barack Hussein.

on Aug 30, 2010

Even if it's the most estimated (five hundred thousand by NBC, six hundred and fifty thousand by beck) you still only have anywhere between one sixth of one percent of the total population of the United States and one fifth of one percent of the total population of the United States, which in the grand scheme of things, is a negligible blip on the screen. In other words, yes, just a bunch of fringe lunatics.

So using your logic the 1.8 million (Dan's numbers) that went to the inauguration represents approx. one half of one percent "in the Grand Scheme of things" is barely a blip on the screen. In other words, yes, just a bunch of fringe lunatics. Wonderful reasoning skills you have there DB!

I suppose the money raised for the kids of killed servicemen and women just makes you sick to your stomach? How dare those "lunatics", right? What did the inauguration donate... let's see, here it is, this is what "hope" and "change" started with:

Obama Inauguration











That's right 100+ tons of trash. Love those "green supporters".

That's OK I guess the clean up money came from the generosity of the "government". If they can only keep it up they can fix the job problem by hiring garbage pickers.



on Aug 30, 2010

No, but considering that the picture appears to be from the inside of a church I think it's safe to assume that the left's fringe is smaller than the right's.

No, they were just getting back from vacation and had to stuump down in NO.

on Aug 30, 2010

I'm surprised the Shapton rally didn't admit or have any of the traitorous trailer trash whites that support Barack Hussein.

Isn't that guy from the NAACP half white, Ben Jealous (how appropriate), does he count?

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