Previously I asked what your favorite wallpaper of 2009 was, so today lets move on to what your favorite WindowBlinds skin was.  I don’t think there is any way I could narrow down to just one as I personally had lots of favorites this year.  We had a great selection of both Master and community skins come through the pipes last year, along with many updates of older skins to be compatible with Windows 7.

So which was your favorite of ‘09?

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on Jan 06, 2010

I liked Tinted, but I'm biased.

on Jan 06, 2010

I'd say, Naked NoirE...Tinted, and Steampunk.

*sheeesh! Forgot flex color (i-umami) Blackops and MI6...a truly superb skin!

on Jan 06, 2010

Never an easy question to answer, just when you think you see a WindowoBlind that you could use day in and day out another one shows up.  The talent and skills demostrated by the skinners in the community is just plain outstanding.

After doing a suite for Tinted, it is still on my XP computer.  All my favorite WindowBlindss show up as Suites, imagine that.

on Jan 06, 2010

Well there are a lot to choose from indeed - but mine is Corporate by Danillo0c



on Jan 06, 2010
If I had to pick it would be between VOX and SUBSECRET.
on Jan 06, 2010
Vox by vStyler is the best of the year. Flex by i-Umami is a close second.
on Jan 06, 2010

I'm not embarrassed to say that this one is mine: Magnetek

on Jan 06, 2010

Well if I had to choose just one it would have to be

on Jan 06, 2010

My top 5 from last year:

1. Ombra

2. The Xtracror

3. Tinted

4. Magnetek

5. Morph


on Jan 06, 2010
1.VOX ...vStyler 2.Magnetek...2of3 3.subsecret...MikeB 4.Alpha OS II...adni18 5.Tinted...mirsguy Tough to pick just one!
on Jan 06, 2010
Laguna by essorant
on Jan 06, 2010

....... I can't pick one as I havn't seen them all.

on Jan 06, 2010


Honorable mentions:


11. RPM

12. Tracer

13. Polaris

14. One Tribe

on Jan 06, 2010

There are so many great ones to choose from that its hard to pick just one but here my picks...

For my XP work machine its Naked Noir.

For my Win 7 machine it's Flex Color.


Edit: Fixed...damn copy and paste...Doc misspelt it first.

on Jan 06, 2010

Damn line breaks....  

Doc and CarGuy......Naked Noire  Noir

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