Previously I asked what your favorite wallpaper of 2009 was, so today lets move on to what your favorite WindowBlinds skin was.  I don’t think there is any way I could narrow down to just one as I personally had lots of favorites this year.  We had a great selection of both Master and community skins come through the pipes last year, along with many updates of older skins to be compatible with Windows 7.

So which was your favorite of ‘09?

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jan 07, 2010

Who did Vanity? I searched it, can't find it.

on Jan 07, 2010

the 'V' is a dead giveaway      ..gorgeous...been using most the year...subtle & sexy... as yet unreleased...but a huge fave of mine...

also.....Krome for those darker days.....  VXP 2010 for lighter/work days....  Polaris for those smouldering charcoal and orange mood desktops....and Avanti, which is a delightful mood lightener....arty...fresh....beautiful with surf....tropical island...white desert sand walls...

'09 was a great year for some top quality blinds.....many of which have been mentioned in this thread.....I also really enjoy Tiggz....and Dani...would be cool to see more blinds from them....

on Jan 07, 2010

the 'V' is a dead giveaway ..gorgeous...been using most the year...subtle & sexy... as yet unreleased...but a huge fave of mine...

Ah!  Secrets.....   

on Jan 07, 2010


and goes without saying......Vox is a mini masterpiece....

on Jan 08, 2010
Vox, SubSecret, Prowler
on Jan 08, 2010
I like Mechanoid by Vampothika best out of all the skins I saw from last year. Very clean and classic black and white.
on Jan 08, 2010



and goes without saying......Vox is a mini masterpiece....

amp that up, please.

on Jan 08, 2010

Sirus, Subsecret and Ozone.

All by Mike Bryant - no one beside, and no one above!

on Jan 08, 2010

All by Mike Bryant - no one beside, and no one above!

I wholeheartedly agree with you.

on Jan 08, 2010

My top 5 based on use......



Fools Gold




and there's a couple others I'd use if they had a W7 version

on Jan 09, 2010
I am surprised no one has mentioned my favorite from last year: Vintage Tiffany (Boltzfan). Others that stood out for me and that I have used a fair bit were Solid State (2of3), Steampunk (k10w3), Mechanoid (Vampothika) and Carbon Fibre GTV (Mirsguy).
on Jan 09, 2010
Tinted. Best this year, if not ever. Its also free.
on Jan 10, 2010

Love Darkside by Xiandi, and to many more.

(also noir in french is spelled noire)

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