Whenever I install or update a PC with a new OS, I have a list of software that must be installed within the first hour or so.  Why?  Well because there are a few applications out there that are an almost necessity when working with Windows. 

One of those is Multiplicity.

If you have more than one PC on your desktop, you just won’t go back to your old setup after using Multiplicity.  If this is your first time hearing about MP, then MP is an application that allows you to control multiple computers with just a single keyboard and mouse.  It’s just like having multiple monitors, but each is still has the power of it’s own PC.  That means you can work with applications or games on one monitor, and control others without having to worry about slowdowns.

Examples of the benefits of using Multiplicity:

  • Play a game on one PC, and seamlessly work with Photoshop on another.
  • Have one PC dedicated to e-mail, another to social networks, and another for general use.  Control all with just one keyboard/mouse.
  • Keep desktop clutter to a minimum, no need for extra hardware.

I think it’s safe to say everyone here at Stardock lives by Multiplicity, especially since many need multiple machines to test and code on.

As you see in the image below, Mike (Zoomba) has a very nice PC collection which he controls all via one keyboard/mouse.  He is running several different OS’s on these machines, and that isn’t a problem with MP.

I don’t have as many machines as Mike does, but it’s quality, not quantity, right?  I have Windows Vista as my main desktop, and my laptop is running Windows 7.  I also have a Netbook running Windows XP that isn’t seen in the image, and all these are controlled by the one keyboard/mouse set making everything more efficient.

Multiplicity starts at just $29 for the standard version, and $49 for the Pro version which supports up to six PC’s and features file copying.  A trial is available, and you can find more info at www.multiplicity.net.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 06, 2009

Now how on earth did you know I was thinking about this Island Dog?  Now that I have two computer with their own monitors sitting either side of a 37in LCD TV this sounds like what I need.

So this takes the place of a KVM switch, I am right about that?

I guess I need to click on the link and learn more.

EDIT:  Okay, need someone to explain '.... and a TCP/IP network between machines is required.', just what are we talking about here? 

on May 06, 2009

As long as both machines are on the same network, you're covered TCP/IP wise.

And KVM wise, there is no "switch" aspect.  As your mouse cursor moves to the edge of one screen, control is handed over to the next screen.  It's as seamless as just sliding the mouse from one monitor to another.  The keyboard commands are tied to wherever the mouse is. 

I swear by Multiplicity Pro. 


on May 06, 2009

What's the compatibility like between crossing OS'es such as from Mac, Linux, and Windows?

on May 06, 2009

Keep climbling CAD$ (0.8577 now!), soon enough i'll need this app possibly more than any other games!

Besides, there's some very important stuff on the XP system wired to an off-switched CRT which i've been staring at for months. Makes a few USB sticks worthless and yet, i've got drawers of Floppies & CDs that could use efficient mobility in a truer sense of the word.

on May 06, 2009

What's the compatibility like between crossing OS'es such as from Mac, Linux, and Windows?
At the moment, none.

Being able to copy and paste files (using MP Pro) changes everything.  So very awesome.

on May 06, 2009
I like it a lot! My son likes to sit beside me and use my laptop to browse Google for car images to color. I like it because every so often, without him understanding what is happening, I will whip my cursor over to his screen and take over....he freaks!! He thinks someone is hacking in!!   
on May 06, 2009

There is an open source program that does exactly the same thing:


Get it instead and use the money you would have spent on multiplicity to buy a copy of demigod for a friend

on May 06, 2009

Very cool. Now all we need is a way to boot both OS's in dual boot, display each with a twin monitor setup and control both with MP.

(drools at the thought.... )

on May 06, 2009

There is an open source program that does exactly the same thing:

Actually, I used to use synergy. but now I don't...here's why...



1)  Free

2)  Works with OS X, etc.



1)  It hasn't had any updates in three years.  It's abandonware and there's no sign of any of its bugs ever being fixed.

2)  It doesn't support copy and paste like Multiplicity Pro.


I used to swear by Synergy and now I swear by Multiplicity Pro. 

on May 07, 2009
Away from all the eyecandy ones, Multiplicity is the most useful program by Stardock ever (even before DX and RightClick). Can't live without it also. Even If You have only a Desktop Computer and a Laptop, it saves so much time and it is ergonomical also. I have my laptop on a stand at home controlling it from the keyboard and mouse of the desktop. No need to have those extra for the laptop. Same goes for my NetBook, nice to have the full blown keyboard there.
on May 07, 2009

How many times have you MP users set your laptop down next to a friend or family member's PC and then banged your cursor against teh side of the screen (multiple times) expecting it to just work?  I've done it more times than I am able to keep track of!

on May 07, 2009

Hehe yes, been there, done that. OFTEN.

on May 07, 2009

I use and reccomend Multiplicity to people regularly...

Now, if only Stardock would make a new, better, version of Ultramon!!!

on May 07, 2009

Now, if only Stardock would make a new, better, version of Ultramon!!!

Ohhhh, that would be cool.

on May 07, 2009

Now, if only Stardock would make a new, better, version of Ultramon!!!
OK, I'm listening.

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