Published on February 25, 2009 By Island Dog In Democrat

If you could stand to watch thIe chosen one’s speech last night, it was quite horrifying, at least to anyone who values prosperity and small government.  I don’t know what was worse, listening to Obama or watching Pelosi stand up with that loony smile every 5 seconds.

In his speech, Obama confirmed what we knew all along, that he is a socialist, and that he is a liar.

Obama promised free college to everyone, free healthcare, free energy, and all the other liberal goodness that almost made Pelosi explode.  Of course with that, come higher taxes.  Now he tried to brush off the higher taxes nonsense, but the fact is the people he is aiming at are small business owners, they are people who invest into things like jobs, and he want to tax them.

He went on to proclaim that government is your only hope, and while saying he doesn’t like “big government”, he is proposing the largest increase ever which will cost an unbelievable amount of money.  The worst part is watching the applause while Obama plots the downfall of our economy, and our wallets.

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on Feb 27, 2009

the main thing I'm saying is the most well to do have profited the most from this country so they should pay the most when it's in trouble especialy when it's the laws they wanted passed to help make them rich , that have caused the trouble in the first place

Regan busted the unions and crushed Russia 1 great thing [Russia ] 1 bad [the unions]

then if paying less and and making more wasn't enough for them they decieded to ship all the factory jobs over sea's

my little town [30,000 people] had a gm plant 3 hyster plants and a G.E. plant

all gone the minute they could move to mexico and china , now we warehouse and serve fast food way to go Regan

speaking of China didn't we just borrow trillions from them the same money you people are complaining about?

well if we didn't send them all our jobs they wouldn't have the money we would and we wouldn't be borrowing it

come on guy's it's common sence , so what it cost more to pay the american worker

at least the money would stay in country

on Feb 27, 2009

The policies of this administration 1) make it harder to teach my kids that they control their des

you truly think we as a people control our own destiny?

I'll agree to a point we do as far as  some things go , like where we'll borrow money , or where we shop , and if your famly has some money maybe where you go to school

but the truth is the world is controled by a hand full of very rich and powerfull people who don't give a shit about you , me or your kid's [sorry to say]

they only care about power and money , it been that way a long time

I once heard if you want to know why something is happening your un-clear about follow the money

well follow the money in Iraq

or tell me why we quit chasing Osama Bin Laden

a special force team was on the news a while back saying they could see Osama back in the tora bora day's and could of had him in a few minutes but were called off and told to stand down

Humm.......sounds odd to me

Or how bout Regan bush and Clinton and the cocaine and gun's deal back in Iran contra times ?

search the videos on the link I'm not sure which video , but it's there

I know you tube but since there recording of actual testimony you might want to watch till you find the part where Regan lie's about Gun's for Hostages and then Goes back later and say's we did but he didn't know

and Oliver north saying we Flew C130's full of Cocaine into Arkasas were at times Bill Clinton then Govener and C.I.A director George Bush Sr. would meet us then we'd off load the coke and load the plane with gun's and send them back

then watch the movie the "great white hope" and pay attention to the part about who supplied the coke to the first crack dealer and who taught him how to make it [C.I.A.]

 then watch farther when they try and find the agent and surprize he's dead...gun shot to the back of the head...........Oh yeah and it was called suicide........right!!!

So that's 3 corupt Presidents peddling shit to our kids and lying

and Olvire North must of Known way more because even after saying those things he was given a better job instead of retiered

also follow the money there

lying ...let's see Clinton said"I smoked but I didn't inhale"

so either he's stupid [everybody inhales if they take it or they just say no and don't take it] or a lier

I'll bet lier

Bush jr said he never did

even though there's testimony from school mates plus police records

simply a lier [no suprize there]

Obama said he did and he inhaled

at least he's honest on that subject something the last 2 [that we know off] never were

look I'm just saying follow the money and then the fact's

don't believe these people none of them poiticions all lie including Obama I'm sure

just do your self a favor and look into some of this and you'll find more

then you decide

and as far as the rich paying more to fix this country I love

they have more so they should ..hell every body should but to do that we have to get everybody a job

you know if Ben Frankin , Thomas Jefferson and George Washington where to see this country now and how the laws are twisted and abused to serve those they now do , and how our freedoms have been crippled they would be turning in their Graves

on Feb 27, 2009

Foot69 ill give you the benifit of the doubt and think your just sick of politics.


MY fear is that this country is going to socailism so fast people dont realize it. The problem is the media and for the most part the general public cant seem to look at the big picture. If you put all the peices together.... you will see we are now in the very fast lane with no cars ahead of us. Is there someone out ? I am sure there is ...but here is the problem:


Saying and doing will not get them elected. For years now the public has been "groomed" for this kind of gov we are getting now. Look no further than the joke of a school system we have. I mean there is no losing? WTF.... isnt 95% of life about losing?This is just one example.


Now for the part I dont like. The rich should not PAY MORE because they have more. They already DO pay more than a person making say...20K a year. Your penalizing being sussefull....I made a joke the other day at another fourm but Cali leagiling pot, and someone said that they could become rich if they opened their own shop and sold it. I fired back and said no you wont because at the rate that the politicans are going.... it wont pay and you wont become rich.


Also, the sensless spending the gov is on too.... I mean.... if the gov for ONCE would spend wisely... I make give a little on the whole tax thing. The problem is, they are not. I am concidered "middle class/low middle class"but damn it I can live withen my means. I dont take on debt, nor should I have to pay for morons that have.


On top of that, the gov ran health care...boy o boy. I am sorry but I have my own medical at work. I dont want the gov garbage. I pay 30 something a week for premium FAMILY covrage... now if they take that away from me and place the gov garbage on me... how much more in taxes will this take from me? Im betting more than 30 bucks.


I work hard for what I have. No one has a right to have MY money that i worked so hard for. I dont mind giving a helping hand here and there... but the way its goning its " well you have more than me so I am going to take 50% of what you have and give to me, even if i didnt earn it" which is BS. Work ...make a life for yourself. what is mine is MINE...not yours

on Feb 27, 2009

qualifying a statement with "by some" expands its scope to the point of absurdity because if even one person did, in fact,

Typical denier blinded by Obamas holy light, it's OK for the left to do it not the right. One just had to turn on the TV during the campaign to see it all in it's glory.

mighty white of you.

Can't say the same for you, sorry.

more like demonstrating a lack of objectivity and your willingness to sacrifice rationality in the cause of partisan politics

Blah, blah, blah Translation: Do as we say not as we did or we'll cry about it   When have you be Objective in any of your posts? I'll be one of the first to say the Republicans screwed the pooch. You and your fellow Obama true believers see no fault on the left what so ever.

pssst, dude you hypocrisy smells, take a shower.

on Feb 27, 2009

foot69 it appears (from your written words) you have little grasp of basic economics. Let me ask you this. Do you buy gas, groceries, hell anything for the highest price you can find?

I'll bet the answer is No. But you expect business to pay that high salary to those GM and GE workers in your town, while paying the highest corporate tax in the free world? Do you really wonder why companies move overseas? Do you think it's on a whim or for better weather or something? It's to lower their taxes and labor costs, then sell the product, not in the country it's made -people there can't afford it, back in the US to folks living better than the rest of the world all while bitching they don't earn enough.

90% of businesses in the US are small businesses and hire the greatest portion of workers in the nation. These businesses fall under your presidents definition of "rich". They are too small or service orientated to move away, so they have to do one of the following when your president raises their taxes:

1. Raise the price of their product or service - This might make them less competitive with similar businesses that can absorb costs.

2. Let some workers go- This is exactly what is happening. Cheaper to pay one person overtime than two people a regular wage.

3. Cut corners on materials and services - A possible short term gain, but a huge risk and recipe for failure. 

4. Go out of business. Then that's one less of the 5% that pay 60% of the taxes.

So who is really going to pay for the "rich's" tax increase, you and me that's who. In higher prices or lost jobs. Of course if your perception of "rich" is the Paris Hilton types (I have no love for these folks myself) think of how many people they employ in the course of their day to day lives. Many more than you or I will employ in our entire life time. These type of rich folks will likely keep money in the US, but have no issues flying abroad for months or longer and hiring locals there to do their nails, drive their cars, clean their pools, etc.. It's still jobs taken from US workers.

Obama's description of "rich" makes no determination between the person working hard for the money or someone that has come into money. The later's money is working for them and can do it just as easily from a foreign bank as on in the US. As for the working "rich" you see McDonald's, for example, as a huge company when in reality each store is owned and operated by a business man/woman. They are the ones taking the risk and paying the taxes and employees. They are the ones that will be hurt first with new corporate taxes (then you and I).

I'll bet your GM and GE plant got big tax breaks from the city/state to open plants there in your town. If they didn't they would have moved on to somewhere that would. It is all about money, and your expecting businesses to folk it over. Think your doctor charges a lot now? Wait until he is giving Obama and others with their hand out 60%+ of what he makes. Then check out your bill. Get out of your bubble in which you believe nothing imposed on others will affect you. FDR tried it and it didn't work.

on Feb 27, 2009

I continue to find all of this so interesting. Politics as usual. Why anyone would want to be President is beyond me. Thank god there are those that hold the ideals of the US before themselves. They honestly believe that they can make a difference. It is so easy to be critical. Especially if that person is from a different political party. People become so defensive. Most whom have a different political viewpoint tune out the message. They make up their minds that whatever is said is a poor attempt to correct a problem that impacts all of us. So if you go back and read some of the criticisms its easy to see how difficult it will be to have a positive impact on any type of change. The only way we can come out of this situation will be to put political differences aside and work together to solve the problem. To think that anyone is in a position today with the correct answers is foolish. People that are so critical and mean spirited need to take a good look at themselves. Answer the question, what is it about people with different beliefs make me so angry and critical? Obama is an American. He is putting what he believes will be part of a solution to begin to fix all of the major issues facing Americans today. There is no history to look back to. There are no benchmarks to measure success. Our reality is something has to be done. Those that claim that the governoment is too involved. Those that call it socialism, I ask, what is the solution? If you have one, why are you not presenting it? I believe that it would be most welcome to those that are tying to make a positive change. Why can't we work together for the common good. To have an open mind, to learn and listen to act in a way that will be positive for all instead of cutting someone down is a way out of this mess. But then if you don't have someone to cut down,you would have to take a look at yourself. Why not try it?    

on Feb 28, 2009

One just had to turn on the TV during the campaign to see it all in it's glory.

presumably yours was on at some point after 9/9/08 when obama claimed electing mccain would be like putting lipstick on a pig. he was widely criticized for that by mccain's campaign, no?   i don't recall anyone responding to that criticism as being racially motivated or anything else other than desperate and deliberate distortion. 

sorta like your allegation in reply #8. 



on Feb 28, 2009

Looking on the bright side.  From this point on, sci-fi movies where the earth is about to be destroyed as well as most other movies set in the future,  will now have actors from other minorities and ethnic groups playing The President.  Heck, we might even see an Asian President or an Inuit President.   How 'bout a Moari Commander in Chief or a Tibetan Leader of the Free World. 

The make believe possiblities are endless.

on Feb 28, 2009

look folk's our country is broken , economy , schools , infra-structure , banking and investing

can we all agree on that ?

ok now since we've taken and taken and not invested in any repair or up grades here we are

you reinvest in a buissness to keep it up to date and viable right

we all love our country from the very rich to the poor , because for the rich let's say because it laws and freedoms allowed them to get rich

the poor because it has gave them the freedoms to make a better living than most of the world [our poor are still better of than say poor in Nigeria]

plus we have the freedom to vote in or out the politicions we feel are screwing us

can we all agree on that?

ok now just like I feel about military services , which is all should serve either right after high school if not going to collage , or right after collage , this should be do because of duty to this country we love , BECAUSE it gives us these freedoms

well the same with paying for this mess or to fix the country , we love our country and want it to stay viable right ?

then we as a people need to fix it and we shouldn't have to be forced but since most don't want to give we have to be......right?

now the rich have profited the most and will be hurt the least by giving to this cause

I'm not saying the poorer shouldn't help but if say you needed help would you go to the poorest famliy member you have or the richest ? who would it hurt the least to help you ?

now every time some thing get's [law] passed lately or when there's bad new about the economy the stock market tumbles and they have asked for help

simplest definition of stock market is it's gambling

you buy a stock betting it will go up , but it could go down...right?

and if it goes down you lose your ass...right?

we'll now they want help [bank's are on stock market] becaused they gambled and lost

well let's be fair

if say I go to vegas and lose my house , car and all my money you bale me out ??

after all a gamble is a gamble

well no you wouldn't and baling out the bank's and their investors was wrong to [Bush did this] and only serves to make and different set of rules for the rich than the poor have and they see this

now what would of been the out come if say the TARP money was given to the people who owed the bank's with the stipulation they pay their loans

well instead of helping JUST the rich bankers it would of helped the loans havers and the bank's because they would of got their money just after the people the way it went the bank's got paid now and will get paid again when they either sell the homes again or the home owner now finds a way to pay [I relize TARP is meant to be paid back but do you think they will since they ,well 3 of them any way took 80 million in bonuses just a month before asking for this help come on they should of been fired

you know if Joe's siding company is gonna fail because Joe needs a new truck , Joe don't take the money or profit he has and go to  Mexico on vaction does he ?

no he buy's the truck and tell's the wife and kids sorry

well these 3 bank's did just that they took all this money then held their hand out a month later , and you can't say they didn't know , they got rooms full of accountants keeping trac of this shit

so yes I say the rich cause this no one is worth those kinda bonues , the only way anyone would be worth that kinda money is if they are pulling Gold bars out of their ASS

and the poor do look at this and see the owner profit millions and they get shit , yet without them to do the work the owner would profit nothing , so if you wander why people don't work as hard now day's or don't give a shit about their job or quality that's why

I don't know all I'm saying is we all live here and we all want our country to live on

and we all love our freedoms

so we all should pitch in to help fix it and yes if you have more you should pitch in more so after it's fixed you can go back to making more again

if we don't get our shit together and do this , this country will colapse and then the rich will be poor and the poor will be destitude and some country will come in and mow us down

I don't know If I hit the lottery tomorrow for 200 million I'd pay my taxes then I'd convert it all to gold and put a safe in my basement , because the dollar could fail at any time and why put it in a bank ? so the bank could invest it and make money .....or worst so the bank could fail and I lose it

on Feb 28, 2009

sorta like your allegation in reply #8.

Why don't you cry about it?

on Feb 28, 2009

Why don't you cry about it?

while i'm saddened by your pathetic willingness to embellish reality in defense of a lame like jindal--whose on-air persona manages to make the shamwow guy seem profound --as well as your cynical determination to exploit for that same purpose something so despicable as racism, no tears here.

the rnc, on the other hand, is in for a lotta weeping and gnashing of teeth if jindal's their star player.


on Feb 28, 2009


Why don't you cry about it?while i'm saddened by your pathetic willingness to embellish reality in defense of a lame like jindal--whose on-air persona manages to make the shamwow guy seem profound --as well as your cynical determination to exploit for that same purpose something so despicable as racism, no tears here.the rnc, on the other hand, is in for a lotta weeping and gnashing of teeth if jindal's their star player. 

I must confess, for the first 30 seconds or so of Jindal's reply I thought I was watching an SNL bit.  Really, I thought it was one of the players from SNL in bad makeup doing a tanned version of Mr. Rogers and going a bit over-the-top.  When it finally hit me that this guy was for real I got nauseous and a little frightened.

on Feb 28, 2009

but the truth is because Saddam tried to kill Bushes Daddy and his buddy's haliburton could make lot's of money

I have been in Iraq and local civil servants were good enough to show me a former secret police headquarter to me. (I have pictures, if you are interested.) They explained to me why the Kurdish Peshmerga and the Coalition fought Saddam.

What reason do I have to believe that _you_ know more than the Iraqis about why the invasion happened?


on Mar 01, 2009

Leauki: my credit to you and my hat is off if you servered in Iraq , if you were a contract employee then you probly worked for haliburton either directly or indirectly so I would think that would make you slightly skewed tword them

and you must of missed in my post where I said if you want a reason to go to Iraq try because he gased his own people [ the kurd's] 

but the truth still is we went because of his Daddy [of course this can't be proved] and for money and of course that money went to Bushes cohorts [halburtion ect..] this part can be proved and we didn't go till they were ready and knew it would be profitable in all wars the under lying motive has been money or controll of people , places leading to money

again if you want to find truth in this world .......just follow the money and then trace back as to how and why it got there

and I agree we should of been in Iraq but for the reasons of the people he was killing in mass numbers

just as we should be in africa stopping the genocide going on there , but that would put us in more money trouble ,

I a perfect world the U.N.[uterly neutral] should of stopped Saddam and should be stopping the shit in africa with a little help from us and all other country's

hell that's why we started the damn thing in the first place

and I notice no one has said much about my last post I love republicans at least their smart enough to shut up when the truth or close to the truth [never studied economic's I'm a electronic's tech now a electricion who's dis abled] is said

and did you people ever think maybe Obama is trying to help the poor and middle class so they can help out in this time of trouble ?

 I mean come on if the rich can't do it then if you get the 95% of the others on their feet and working so they got money then they to could help all be it to a lesser extent per person since they make less but 95% paying 5% more each would blow away the 5% paying 10% more when you add it up

as I've said we all gotta help if we want this country to recover and be what it's suppose to be

and I do blame some rich for the trouble

like those who out of greed sent factory's to Mexico and China so they could raise profit then they ship the same product back here and want the people who lost their jobs to buy said product with out a job and money

yes I blame the rich but mainly the super rich

on Mar 01, 2009

as I've said we all gotta help if we want this country to recover and be what it's suppose to be


And we accomplish that by achieving on an individual level.  Not by some of us achieving and then carrying those who WILL not.  Note, I didn't say "CAN not."  


The very first thing one must do to be successful is learn basic communication skills.  Jethro Bodine was hilarious with his "6th grade education."  "What a bumbling fool," we'd giggle.  But Jethro Bodine was a fucking rocket scientist compared to most kids today who can't be bothered with things like dictionaries.


Some are too lazy to even use the spellchecker that's available on the computer they're typing on - not that said spellchecker would catch the difference between "your" and "you're" (and yes, there is a big difference).  


And if you call them out on it, they get all derisive and defensive, and they say "What?  Is this English class now?"  No, not English class.  But it IS a lesson.  And the lesson is, if you want people to think that your brain can produce a thought worth listening to, you probably ought to be able to demonstrate slightly better spelling skills than Jethro Bodine.  If you want to claim it doesn't matter, well you hear that?  It's someone giggling.

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