Published on February 25, 2009 By Island Dog In Democrat

If you could stand to watch thIe chosen one’s speech last night, it was quite horrifying, at least to anyone who values prosperity and small government.  I don’t know what was worse, listening to Obama or watching Pelosi stand up with that loony smile every 5 seconds.

In his speech, Obama confirmed what we knew all along, that he is a socialist, and that he is a liar.

Obama promised free college to everyone, free healthcare, free energy, and all the other liberal goodness that almost made Pelosi explode.  Of course with that, come higher taxes.  Now he tried to brush off the higher taxes nonsense, but the fact is the people he is aiming at are small business owners, they are people who invest into things like jobs, and he want to tax them.

He went on to proclaim that government is your only hope, and while saying he doesn’t like “big government”, he is proposing the largest increase ever which will cost an unbelievable amount of money.  The worst part is watching the applause while Obama plots the downfall of our economy, and our wallets.

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on Feb 25, 2009

The text of the speech:

I kept shaking my head incredulously.  The fact that people were applauding so much made me ill.

The fact is that I'll actually benefit from a bunch of his proposals  . . I would happily give them up if it would stop them for everyone else.

I hope mid-term elections are all about "change".

on Feb 25, 2009

I think Obama had Pelosi's remote vibrator control in his hand....scary.

on Feb 25, 2009

I think Obama had Pelosi's remote vibrator control in his hand

she shoulda complained bout hers not being nearly as robust as jindal's.  living proof of the inherent danger of combining boehner, a couple car batteries hooked in series, a sybian and lil bobby on mardi gras

on Feb 26, 2009

It will take another Reagan to put the pieces back together again after this fiasco, the sad part? we don't have one.

on Feb 26, 2009

lil bobby on mardi gras

Would that qualify as being a racist or does that only apply to Obama?

on Feb 26, 2009

Would that qualify as being a racist

you're gonna need to be a lil more clear as to which part of "that" you're referring.

on Feb 26, 2009

I'm guessing your all rich republicans by your post

you folks had 8 yr's of letting the rich have their way and where are we

1. all our jobs are now over sea's so the rich could make a few more dollars

2.the economy is in the shitter yet you still feel your right

3. we fought a war in Iraq that was not called for , why? so haliburton could get rich!!

I don't know 5% of the people making all the choices for 100% of the people just isn't right we got lobbyist paying congressmen to vote for big buissness instead of how the people want [like they would know once elected they never ask us again]

you got Rupert Murdock controlling over75% of the news people see [ so we see republican lies instead of the truth]

I don't know that 5% makes 90% of the money[off the poor] so I think they should pay more they take more don't they?

I think free for poorer people is good after all do I deserve less medical care if sick than the rich , just because I'm poor ? should they just let me die?

you complain about the people who can't make their morgages claiming they couldn't afford it in the first place

I'm sure you relizes most of these people just wanted a loan and went to a bank and asked

now the bank say's you can or can't afford this and whether or not you get the loan so

if they gave out bad loans its because of their greedy thoughts of Ohhh we can make more money if we loan more , and of course If these people weren't losing their jobs because of your policy's maybe they could make their payments

No In  my opion you republicans should shut the hell up for the next 4 yrs at least and give this man a chance after all 8 yr's of your crap got us here in the first place

and the rich well  think on this could they be rich with out us poor?

could they survive if all us poor died tomorrow?

now think this if all the rich and powerful died tomorrow would the poor survive?

hell yes because we're use to doing without and in time [a short time I'm sure] some of the poor works would reopen the factory's and probly be happy to make less profit and would probly pay their worker a more fair wage and benifit package leading to a great economy

after all that's where this country started

a bunch of poor farmers ect... tired of the bullshit law's of england

and check history you'll see what we did to get out from under them

the same in time could be true for the rich in the country now [5% of the people]

they could easly be over thrown by the poor [95% of the people]

think about it folk's 5% that has never fought to live verses 95% who fight daily to live

hate to break it to you but you rich would be dead in hour's maybe minutes

so before you go back to buissness as usual keep in mind this man has gave the poor hope they haven't had in over 200 yr's

and a little hope goes a long way .....ask George Washington , Thomas Jefferson , or Abe Lincon

I'm not trying to start a movement[ someone has beat me to it ]or make threats

I'm just saying wake up and smell the coffee

before your wearing it !!!!!

on Feb 26, 2009

Would that qualify as being a racist
you're gonna need to be a lil more clear as to which part of "that" you're referring.

Does it matter? Any criticism of Obama during the campaign was labeled by some as racism. Will that standard be extended to Jindal? (and no, I'm not suggesting your a racist, just demonstrating how easily that can be applied when the shoe is on the other foot)

on Feb 26, 2009

I'm guessing your all rich republicans by your post

Then that would be your first incorrect assumption.

you folks had 8 yr's of letting the rich have their way and where are we

I can't speak for you or anyone else, but I was doing well until the Democrats gained control of Congress in 2006.

I don't know 5% of the people making all the choices for 100% of the people just isn't right we got lobbyist paying congressmen to vote for big buissness instead of how the people want [like they would know once elected they never ask us again

So do you feel better now that 5% just put your children and grand children in debt in the last few days? IMO people will be looking back at the Bush years as the good old days before long.

we fought a war in Iraq that was not called for , why? so haliburton could get rich!!

Oh what unit were you in? How did your tour go in Iraq? Or are you one of those that use the word "we" while sitting back home and letting others do the job? (My thanks to you for your service if you fall under one or more of the first two questions I asked). I love this short term memory concerning Iraq. Let me refresh you. Iraq could have avoided the war by complying with the UN resolutions set forth (and didn't have the courage to enforce). Saddam thought the US was bluffing and weak, like Europe (if only he could have held out until this weak administration). I guess Saddam is blameless for his actions in your opinion? Don't worry enemies of the us are sleeping much easier these days.

Were is the argument the US attacked Iraq for the oil? That rant was pretty popular with the left in 2003.

You seem to have the lefts talking points down pat. Post it back up in three years verbatim and we'll have a look at them then (I'll be here). I could go down your list, but what would be the purpose? I'm not going to change your mind, nor do I care to. Sit back and see what your folks in government now do for you. Good luck with that.

on Feb 26, 2009

I could go down your list, but what would be the purpose? I'm not going to change your mind, nor do I care to.

I'll do it just for the fun of it.

on Feb 26, 2009

Any criticism of Obama during the campaign was labeled by some as racism.

qualifying a statement with "by some" expands its scope to the point of absurdity because if even one person did, in fact, characterize any criticism of obama as racism your claim cannot be refuted.

effective for framing ridiculous charges? sure works for yours.  

seriously erodes your credibility?  that too.

in any event, it's not accurate by any reasonable standard

Will that standard be extended to Jindal?

if it were true, i'd hope so.  either way, you've done your part to trivialize racism.

I'm not suggesting your a racist

mighty white of you.

just demonstrating how easily that can be applied when the shoe is on the other foot

more like demonstrating a lack of objectivity and your willingness to sacrifice rationality in the cause of partisan poliics

on Feb 26, 2009

Acually I servered from 79-82 , a week after 9/11 I call the reciuter and tried to offer my services , but since I was a single parent it wasn't worth the cost/trouble to them a few years later or a few yr's ago depends on how you look at it after she was grown I offered my service again , but I was to old I'm 47 yr's old so say what you want I have served and will serve if needed as far as why we went , say what you want  , but the truth is because Saddam tried to kill Bushes Daddy and his buddy's haliburton could make lot's of money

if you want to give reasons we should of gone try because he was gasing his people or maybe the thousands he shot and buried in mass graves

the money spent in last few weeks let's see

ones alot will help the poor which in turn could lead to them spending more money which would help pay the bill

let's spend more how bout on wind , water and solar energy ......why ?

because starting now would put our kids and grand kid's ahead in the long run

and how bout the rich or I'll narrow it down to the super rich

they got so damn rich off this country and it's people so yes I feel they ought to pay more.......lot's more!!! hell how much do you need these multi-billionaires have enough money for their grand kids , grandkids will be rich

where will they be if the rest of us can't afford a house ,food ect........


you know I guess I see the rich like king's and there was 2 kinda king's

those who felt they were royal to beservered by the people

and then the good ones who felt there royalty was provied by the people , so there job was to be sure the peole had freedom and all the things they other words they shared the wealth !!

well as it is now we only have the illusion of freedom and bushes home land security laws have made sure of that!!!!

but you'll believe what you want

on Feb 26, 2009

you complain about the people who can't make their morgages claiming they couldn't afford it in the first place

I'm sure you relizes most of these people just wanted a loan and went to a bank and asked

now the bank say's you can or can't afford this and whether or not you get the loan so


And the people just took the banks word for it without using a calculator first. Sounds like your average Obama voter.

on Feb 26, 2009

Wow, I was about to make comments on foot69 post but I realized this person is nothing but a nut case who thinks that 95% or the American population is poor. A guy who thinks if all rich people died that the poor would survive but the rich would not survive without the poor. And these are the people who voted for Obama. God help us.

on Feb 26, 2009

I am solidly middle clas but would like to be among the rich someday.  I plan on doing it by hard work.  I don't want hand-outs now and I don't want to be forced to give them later.

I am a father.  I want to give my kids a better country than I have.  I want them to have a better everything.

The policies of this administration 1) make it harder to teach my kids that they control their destiny; and 2) set a good baseline for improvement.  It's a mixed blessing.

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