Every day I visit tons of website, forums, and social networks for all types of topics, most of which are technology based in some sort of form.  This election cycle has really brought out the best of the liberal “group think” mentality regarding Obama.  On just about every social network Obama is praised as “the one” and any hint of disagreement with his policies or ideals is immediately responded with accusations of racism, or just plain insults.  Anybody who wants to claim that liberals are tolerant to others, please give me a shout because I can quickly debunk that.  Even here on our network of sites, there have been insults tossed at the slightest hint of either supporting McCain, or being against Obama.  I’m certainly not saying conservatives don’t dish out their fair share, but the mentality of liberals has once again bordered on the insane and hateful.

It’s tough being a proud conservative, as I will say what I think regardless of what the group and mob mentality is.  The real shame is so many people, especially bloggers in the tech area, are afraid to do the same.  I have received so many private notes and comments in support of standing up for conservatism, it’s almost crazy.  The best comparison I can make is how conservative actors in Hollywood are often ridiculed or turned down for roles because of their conservative beliefs, and the same mentality is going on right now in the blogosphere.  Conservative bloggers, some of which can be considered A-list are having to remain silent about their thoughts on Obama and McCain, simply because they are afraid of retribution from their employers or just not being able to pickup work from other sites.  It’s a shame, and it’s more telling about liberals than it is anything.

I am a conservative, I don’t like Obama, and I will never let anyone intimidate me because of that. 

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 26, 2008

I think some of the intolerance comes from having to live for the past eight years under George Bush's policies.  I remember during the last election that liberals were pretty much accused of being (excuse my choice of words here), "pussies."  John Kerry was portrayed as a wimp.  Numerous times I have been told by conservatives that Republicans are the Daddy Party, and Democrats are the Mommy Party, and what with terrorism being as rampant as it is now, we really need the Daddy Party to protect us.  Well, with Obama, the Mommy Party has morphed into the Big Momma Party.  (As a white girl who has a soft spot for bad boys, they've told me many times, "don't mess with the sista's....you will lose.")


What you are seeing, my friend, is liberals learning from their mistakes.  For years conservatives have accused liberals of being weak, and for the past eight years it's been drilled into our heads that this is a tough world, with tough times, which is no environment for the weak.  So, liberals are demonstrating that they can be tough, which means being less tolerant.


That being said, I would like to point out that I am neither conservative nor liberal...I'm lunatic fringe.  I will admit it....I voted for Ron Paul in the primaries.  

on Oct 26, 2008

I am a conservative, I don’t like Obama, and I will never let anyone intimidate me because of that.

Odd. You didn't say "I like McCain.", or "I don't like liberals or democrats."

The question before the American voters isn't "like" or "dislike". It is who would be a better President, and were the President to become incapacitated, which candidate is prepared/better suited to assume the Presidency?

on Oct 26, 2008

Well Island Dog, I have to agree with you on this whole heartedly.  I think that most conservatives don't put themselves out to get noticed. 

I think some of the intolerance comes from having to live for the past eight years under George Bush's policies.

That intolerance has been present in Hollywood long before the Bush years.  The fact that they are liberal comes with the territory.  It's in Hollywood’s nature to be liberal.  (I have family in that mess, so i am telling from exp.) 

Daddy Party and Democrats are the Mommy Party, and what with terrorism being as rampant as it is now, we really need the Daddy Party to protect us

This is because in the past, the Republican Party has fared better with foreign policy than our Democrat counterparts.  But this was during the cold war and now with the rise of terrorism we have entered into a new era of what we define what our enemy is.  The Democrat party has to prove that the world has changed and a new form for leadership is necessary and the Republican Party has to prove that it still good enough. 

The question before the American voters isn't "like" or "dislike". It is who would be a better President, and were the President to become incapacitated, which candidate is prepared/better suited to assume the Presidency?

I disagree with this statement, though it is valid.  I think the true question before the American people is who will perform better with our current economical state.  And I don't think that that question is based on the person but rather on the party.  Do we want a conservative outlook to fix the economics or a liberal outlook?


on Oct 26, 2008

I am a conservative, I don’t like Obama, and I will never let anyone intimidate me because of that. 

I'm TheD2JBug , I can't stand Palin and the GOP hyprocacy. And I won't let anyone intimidate me because of some sort of 'conservative' internet persecution complex

You know , Island Dog , there's this great thing about the Internet. ( and freedom of speech by extension ) is all you need is a website , a blog , a Youtube account , an Internet fourm , you can say whatever you want. And also by extension , can the rest of us . Its funny how that is.

on Oct 26, 2008

I disagree with this statement, though it is valid. I think the true question before the American people is who will perform better with our current economical state. And I don't think that that question is based on the person but rather on the party. Do we want a conservative outlook to fix the economics or a liberal outlook?

If it were just Economics, I'd choose Michael Bloomberg or Warren Buffet. What are McCain's credentials (or intellectual ability vs. Obama)?

It isn't, though. There's nothing "wrong" with conservative economics nor with conservatives. I don't know why they should be generally shy or not, and I seriously doubt whether conservatives are more prone to being stereotyped in Hollywood, or anywhere else.

Personally (and here's some anathema for you) I think what we're going to need is an FDR type program and the democrats can do it.

What's going to get us out of the mess is not an ideology. I've had a gutfull of GWB/Neocon ideology and that's that. I feel about McCain/Palin the same way I felt before Bush 2.0 got elected: Wrong man for the wrong job.

I think many people feel as I do (about GWB, etc.). If you just try to remain calm for a bit, look at how and what it took for this nation to get out of the Depression and with that foundation we stood off the Nazis and won the Cold War....even made it to the Moon.

You don't have to agree with me, but I don't see where my thinking is wrong.

This is because in the past, the Republican Party has fared better with foreign policy than our Democrat counterparts.

I'm afraid I really don't know where you live, but here on Earth compare JFK, Bill Clinton and George Bush (either) with respect to regard the world holds. Why is it that across the world, Obama is favored  4:1 over McCain ?

on Oct 26, 2008

Why is it that across the world, Obama is favored 4:1 over McCain ?

Perhaps 'the world' thinks it can manipulate Obama?

on Oct 26, 2008

Perhaps 'the world' thinks it can manipulate Obama?

Yeah, that's why Al Qaeda endorces McCain.


on Oct 26, 2008

I think some of the intolerance comes from having to live for the past eight years under George Bush's policies.

Intolerance from liberals started long ago, it's not another thing you can blame Bush for.

Odd. You didn't say "I like McCain.", or "I don't like liberals or democrats."

I have made it very clear I don't like McCain that much either.  I voted for McCain today because he is the best choice at this point in time. 

I'm afraid I really don't know where you live, but here on Earth compare JFK, Bill Clinton and George Bush (either) with respect to regard the world holds. Why is it that across the world, Obama is favored  4:1 over McCain ?

Once again, what the hell do I care what the "world" thinks?  The "world" is full of lunatics, just look at how many of "the world" think that Bush was behind Sept. 11th.  The "world" is full of people who want America to become less powerful, and just another 3rd world country.  We don't care what they think!

Yeah, that's why Al Qaeda endorces McCain.

Heh, if you would like to compare endorsements and support from terrorists, dictators, and plain ole thugs, I think Obama would win in a landslide.

on Oct 26, 2008

Well cheer up there ID maybe one of these days you'll find your ideal right wing consevative who will head up the effort to rid our noble government of these thug terrorist liberals, just don't be surprised if turns out to be another Joe McCarthy.  It's always amazed me how Americans so easily forget what a lack of moderate attitudes means and how unlimited government power (Patriot Act) invariably turns out harmful to our country.

on Oct 26, 2008

Well, as a Canadian the American election really doesnt affect me one way or the other , but, with two wars  and an economy thats in the toilet the last thing that I would want would be a liberal government. DOnt get me wrong, I have nothing against OBama or McCain but when push comes to shove looking at the economic situation of the USA and their military endeavours, I would only say that I dont want an unexperienced commander in chief.  I hope the American people realize that Canada is also part of the effort in Afghanistan and Obama wants to negotiate free trade with us?  I think not. HOw much oil did the Americans want to lose?  How much medeicine and at the same time Obama has stated that he would like to increase taxes on businesses making over 250,000.00 a year. I wonder how many liberals that Obama will be able to find employment for after this happens. Because if you believe an employer is going to take an increase in taxes without cutting employees that iant gonna happen.  Already at this point there are companies ffrom the US looking around in Canada...not a good sign, people!  Anyways as I stated previosly it doesnt affect me one way or another and I am sure the American people will make hte proper decision for themselves...

on Oct 26, 2008

Why is it that across the world, Obama is favored 4:1 over McCain ?

Perhaps 'the world' thinks it can manipulate Obama?

Yeah, Hankers....there all just sittin' there planning.

on Oct 26, 2008

We don't care what they think!

That is exactly wrong.

on Oct 26, 2008

What I'd like to know is if they're winning as they claim, why are they so angry? It is true that Bush's last 4 years were awful, but an Obama administration would be a disaster for our country. the Democrats aren't even trying to hide what they intend to do to us. From Obama's income redistribution and insane taxation, to Barney Franks call to gut our military in a time of war, to Joe Biden's gaurantee of an international crisis within the first six months.  If the Democrats do win, its grow up time for them. They will be in charge of everything and they will not be able to blame anyone but themselves.


on Oct 26, 2008

Well cheer up there ID maybe one of these days you'll find your ideal right wing consevative who will head up the effort to rid our noble government of these thug terrorist liberals, just don't be surprised if turns out to be another Joe McCarthy. It's always amazed how Americans so easily forget what a lack of moderate attitudes means and how unlimited government power (Patriot Act) invariably turns out harmful to our country.

Well, BDBF and I agree on something. Bush and the Neocons hve done more to harm American democracy than any other "team" on record. Cheney is perhaps the single most dangerous man who's ever sat in the Vice-Presidency.

How could the sheep in Congress let them destroy Habeas Corpus? For fear of being called unpatriotic by the Bushoid superpatriots. Well, guess what turned out in the end? No WMD's,  no Al Qaida under every stone. Not everyone not supporting us was against us. No "Mission Accomplished". Few friends in the world. An economy in collapse with the hugest deficit ever. Oh yeah, and a "War time President". Who did he make war on, us or them?

Yup. We need more of that.

on Oct 26, 2008

Wow, the Dailykos talking points are all over this thread today.

How could the sheep in Congress let them destroy Habeas Corpus?

Habeas Corpus was only "destroyed" for foreign terrorists which have no rights under our Constitution anyways. 

If you are so concerned about the economy and deficit, then why in the world would you support 0bama?

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