Published on October 15, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

The WSJ has a great piece on Obama’s nonsense that 95% of Americans will receive a tax cut.

“One of Barack Obama's most potent campaign claims is that he'll cut taxes for no less than 95% of "working families." He's even promising to cut taxes enough that the government's tax share of GDP will be no more than 18.2% -- which is lower than it is today.

It's a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a middle-class tax cutter while disguising that he's also proposing one of the largest tax increases ever on the other 5%. But how does he conjure this miracle, especially since more than a third of all Americans already pay no income taxes at all? There are several sleights of hand, but the most creative is to redefine the meaning of "tax cut."

Read the full article.

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on Oct 28, 2008

apparently you didnt even bother to watch many (if any at all) of his videos. ever since his own bid for the white house was crushed, colbert has been rooting for McCain (at least on every single show ive seen). and would that "ridicule method of mind control" include cracking jokes about McCain's brother calling 911 to comlpain about traffic? or making fun of ACORN because of their name? Colbet cracks jokes & does stupid things to illistrate his points. for instance, on 1 of his shows, he makes fun of McCain for bringing up his time as a POW so much

Correct, I only watched one video (the one on the front page) before I saw it was worthless and wrote this, upon watching more I can see that half his stuff is pure comedy in bad taste that does not interest me, and the other half is his politics... which again, work by ridicule (due to the comedy part) and again is not in good taste...

I thought were having a political discussion here, not recommending comedy. If you want something funny to watch I recommend two and a half men or married with children. Much funnier than him.

its not that absurd, think about it. wouldnt you defend the person who gave you a voice? would you jail the person who is responsible for your ability to make a difference in the world? I would hate to be that person if so.

Acorn doesn't give people a voice. They knock on your door and ask you to register and vote like they wish you to. You can, quite easily, and freely, register yourself (that is what I did), it costs nothing and allows you to vote. All ACORN does is let a criminal handle your sensitive information instead of a law abiding government worker...

is that so bad? personally i could use a better house, better pay would b good too. it makes sense that people who hear about ACORN's stated purpose but havent heard about some of the worse things ACORN has done to defend them.

Only if you think money magically poofs into existance. those things sound good on paper... but they all either mean "more money for you" or "more money for the city to fund citywide projects"... both which can not be helped by an organization...

The only thing an organization like that CAN do is persue wealth reditribution... aka take more money from say... other schools, and give it to the schools of memebers of the organization. (ofcourse, when that happens the other schools lower their property taxes so that they don't have "more money" anymore... and everyone gets worse education).

But yes, if you are stupid or just unaware of basic ecnomic principles (like "there is no such thing as a free meal, someone has to pay for it even if it is not you") than it DOES seem like an organization to defend. The thing is why are you defending the defending of such an organization. If someone wants to defend ACORN because they are stupid or ignorant, then I should think it a good thing to explain to people why that is a bad idea. Defending the defending is a bad thing.

well how else would you rehabilitate them?

Through jobs that don't require security clearance.

on Oct 28, 2008


Correct, I only watched one video (the one on the front page) before I saw it was worthless and wrote this, upon watching more I can see that half his stuff is pure comedy in bad taste that does not interest me, and the other half is his politics... which again, work by ridicule (due to the comedy part) and again is not in good taste...
I thought were having a political discussion here, not recommending comedy. If you want something funny to watch I recommend two and a half men or married with children. Much funnier than him.

dont you think your being a bit quick to judge? thats like reading 1 chapter of a book & saying the rest sucks. Maybe that wasnt the best show hes done, honestly he must have done something right to get those awards. & to be nominated for others. personally i dont think most of his comedy is all that bad, but to each his own i guess.


Acorn doesn't give people a voice. They knock on your door and ask you to register and vote like they wish you to. You can, quite easily, and freely, register yourself (that is what I did), it costs nothing and allows you to vote. All ACORN does is let a criminal handle your sensitive information instead of a law abiding government worker...

that depends on who you ask. the homeless might not be able to register on their own for 1 reason or another. (not being able to go to the library, being to busy trying to survive, just finding a job, etc). ACORN did hire law abiding government workers, & then they saw an opportunity to help out the community by allowing certain inmates the chance to become part of society again. if it were me, i would like the chance to recover from a mistake i made. & its not like ACORN went & got the worst of the worst.


Only if you think money magically poofs into existance. those things sound good on paper... but they all either mean "more money for you" or "more money for the city to fund citywide projects"... both which can not be helped by an organization...
The only thing an organization like that CAN do is persue wealth reditribution... aka take more money from say... other schools, and give it to the schools of memebers of the organization. (ofcourse, when that happens the other schools lower their property taxes so that they don't have "more money" anymore... and everyone gets worse education).
But yes, if you are stupid or just unaware of basic ecnomic principles (like "there is no such thing as a free meal, someone has to pay for it even if it is not you") than it DOES seem like an organization to defend. The thing is why are you defending the defending of such an organization. If someone wants to defend ACORN because they are stupid or ignorant, then I should think it a good thing to explain to people why that is a bad idea. Defending the defending is a bad thing.

actually, if they play their cards right, they could do that very easily(fund raisers, charity drives, or asking people with a lot of money for donations a.k.a. bankers & politicans). redistribution of wealth does not mean taking money from those that need to pay for others in need, its more like taking from the rich to give to the poor. so if they were actually good at that, they would take those loans from bankers & give them to said schools. & that is why some people defend them, they get the big $$ from the people who can usually afford to spend that much & they atleast claim to put it to houseing or some other good use. you might be surprised as to how many people in this country are stupid. I saw an interview with a McCain supporter not long ago & she actually believes that Obama will go all "muslim terrorist" on us if elected. & there is always Ben Stein, last interveiw i saw with him he showed people how little he understands about evolution & i was quite surprised about it at the time.


Through jobs that don't require security clearance.

do you know how hard it is to get clearance? wouldnt it be easier to just have a guard go around with them & make sure they dont do anything else illegal?

on Oct 28, 2008

thats funny, ive never heard, read, or even seen any evidence of ACORN registering only liberals. & how is helping citizens excercise their right to vote undermine the country? isnt the right to vote part of the basis of our country?

I'd have no problem with ACORN if they were a non-partisan public service organization working to register all potential voters and increase participation in the electoral process, but that's not what they are doing.   Just like the banks which were savaged for the practice of 'redlining' years ago (the outlawing of which led, ultimately, to the mortgage meltdown), ACORN is not sending any of the homeless people & aimless teens it hires to the suburbs to be sure all those middle class folks have registered - they are focusing their efforts entirely in geographic areas where the probability of Democrat votes (Ask not what your country can do for you, demand it!) is highest, in other words 'redlining.'  They are a Democrat-voter recruiting firm, despite their denials, and I don't think I've ever seen or heard anything about them working to increase voter registration & turnout for local elections in off-years.

on Oct 28, 2008

I'd have no problem with ACORN if they were a non-partisan public service organization working to register all potential voters and increase participation in the electoral process, but that's not what they are doing.   Just like the banks which were savaged for the practice of 'redlining' years ago (the outlawing of which led, ultimately, to the mortgage meltdown), ACORN is not sending any of the homeless people & aimless teens it hires to the suburbs to be sure all those middle class folks have registered - they are focusing their efforts entirely in geographic areas where the probability of Democrat votes (Ask not what your country can do for you, demand it!) is highest, in other words 'redlining.'  They are a Democrat-voter recruiting firm, despite their denials, and I don't think I've ever seen or heard anything about them working to increase voter registration & turnout for local elections in off-years.

if you feel so strongly that way, please, provoide some evidence, & of course they wouldnt be so concerned in the years between the elections, theres far less drive & interest than during the campaign. most people have other concerns.

on Oct 28, 2008

he doesn't need to provide the evidence. The criminal prosecuters of several states are doing a good enough job of that.

on Oct 28, 2008

how about some links then? its not too much to ask is it?

on Oct 28, 2008

Since it appears you're bored, perhaps this will give you something to do.

on Oct 29, 2008
Frankly, I wish both candidates end the talk on tax cuts inasmuch as the current debt-ridden economy will preclude any. If anything taxes will rise to cover all these bailouts.
on Oct 29, 2008

It speaks more of yours to judge someone you dont even know. especially if you happen to call yourself Christian. (not saying you do, but there is that possibility) and for the record, i have nothing to do with ACORN, im just standing up for them because they are recieving a lot more flak than they should.

They say Mussolini made the trains run on time.

NO, it does not speak about me, and I am not judging.  The facts are out there, you do not have to be clairvoyant to see them.  When you wallow with pigs, expect to get up dirty.  As I told another, I would not serve on the board of any organization that had criminals also on the board.  It speaks to the ethicacy of the organization.  You can choose to ignore it and stick your fingers in your ears and shout la-la-la, but that will not remove the stain or stink.

If anything taxes will rise to cover all these bailouts.

Yes, and better to have it on the democrats - who preach destruction, than on the republicans that only enact it?

You dont throw gas on a fire to put it out - unless you are a politician in Washington.

on Oct 30, 2008

Since it appears you're bored, perhaps this will give you something to do.

well yes i am rly bored, but that link really didnt have much detail about ACORN's legal troubles so another link would be helpful

They say Mussolini made the trains run on time.

NO, it does not speak about me, and I am not judging.  The facts are out there, you do not have to be clairvoyant to see them.

you are not directly saying anything about me, but you are implying in a way that can be easily construde as judgemental. and yes it does, as it implys that you are a judgmental person. and im not sure what mussolini has to do with this discussion, but it is pretty late for me so mayb im just tired >.<


Frankly, I wish both candidates end the talk on tax cuts inasmuch as the current debt-ridden economy will preclude any. If anything taxes will rise to cover all these bailouts.

i wish both candidates would just stop talking, ive already lost interest in McCain because all he ever does is attack Obama now (and im starting to hear a lot of anti-McCain ads now too >.>), i dont want to vote against somebody, i want to vote for somebody.

on Oct 30, 2008

 i dont want to vote againstsomebody, i want to vote for somebody.

That is the sad truth.. I am MORE against obama's wealth redistribution and criminal history then I am against McCain... but I'd trust most average joes I know more then either of them.

on Oct 30, 2008

you are not directly saying anything about me, but you are implying in a way that can be easily construde as judgemental. and yes it does, as it implys that you are a judgmental person. and im not sure what mussolini has to do with this discussion, but it is pretty late for me so mayb im just tired >.<

No, only one with a guilty conscious would "construe" anything.  And The statement about Mussolini is a popular one (and the reason that many Italians give for why he came to power and stayed there until the war).  It goes to the cliche "birds of a feather".  Obama associates with Acorn because he believes in their ends, and by associateion he condones their means.  Illegal and unethical as they are.  He is as dirty as they are, not legally, but ethically.

on Oct 30, 2008

i dont want to vote against somebody, i want to vote for somebody.

That is the wish of many, but seldom fulfilled

on Oct 30, 2008

No, only one with a guilty conscious would "construe" anything.  And The statement about Mussolini is a popular one (and the reason that many Italians give for why he came to power and stayed there until the war).  It goes to the cliche "birds of a feather".  Obama associates with Acorn because he believes in their ends, and by associateion he condones their means.  Illegal and unethical as they are.  He is as dirty as they are, not legally, but ethically.

and who honestly doesnt feel guilty about something? not many i would believe. thx for the explanation about mussolini, but im not sure as to how it has to do with "birds of a feather". so mussolini managed to do something right as the leader of italy, big woop he screwed up plenty elsewhere. but the whole "guilty by association" thing is far more of a bronze-age concept. according to that logic, all germans living today are guilty of the holocaust, because they are in some way associated to hitler & his party that they voted into office. some where proud members of the Nazis party for years, but had nothing to do with the concentration camps. by that logic, people hired by ACORN in Maine 2 days before, are partially responsible for what happened in Nevada. & just because Obama wants the average joe to have better housing, better pay, & all that other good stuff, doesnt mean he wants to crash the economy or break the law. to go back to the germany reference, most, if not, all germans wanted their country to be powerful agian, most wanted to be proud of their nation, & so they elected the Nazi party because they promised exactly that. now does that mean that evry single germany who voted for them condones the holocaust, WWII, & the utter destruction of Europe? i dont think so.

on Oct 30, 2008

so mussolini managed to do something right as the leader of italy, big woop he screwed up plenty elsewhere.

It just goes to the point that even evil men can do something right.  It does not excuse their overall behavior.  Same with Acorn.  They may have started with good intentions, now they are just another criminal organization.  And to associate with them the way Obama has says a lot for his lack of ethics and morals.  And how "4 legs good, 2 legs better" fits Obama's campaign.

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