Published on October 15, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

The WSJ has a great piece on Obama’s nonsense that 95% of Americans will receive a tax cut.

“One of Barack Obama's most potent campaign claims is that he'll cut taxes for no less than 95% of "working families." He's even promising to cut taxes enough that the government's tax share of GDP will be no more than 18.2% -- which is lower than it is today.

It's a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a middle-class tax cutter while disguising that he's also proposing one of the largest tax increases ever on the other 5%. But how does he conjure this miracle, especially since more than a third of all Americans already pay no income taxes at all? There are several sleights of hand, but the most creative is to redefine the meaning of "tax cut."

Read the full article.

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on Oct 16, 2008

personally, i support Obama, but im not a die hard liberal who refuses 2 believe that i could b wrong, so im wondering, what is it about Obamas background that is so bad? I mean, after seing McCains flip sides on so many topics & issues during his own campaign, surprising/scaring/insulting so many of his supporters by picking Sarah Palin, allowing her 2 break his promise of running a clean campaign, & whats especially bad, neither he nor Obama have done a damn thing 2 help the economy during this latest crisis, despite the fact that he says that he can fix things, or that Obama cant. R they not still senators? is there some reason they cant write a bill or 2 that might help? so after all that, what is so bad about Obamas background?

on Oct 16, 2008

What is so bad about Obama's background?

Well, if going to a church for 20 years listening to the preachings of a Pastor who thinks the US should be dammed, working, not only as an attorney, and giving money to ACORN and people affiliated to ACORN, having meetings in the livingroom of Ayers while denying to know anything about his background (informationa that was all over the news at the time) and having connections with Rezco including the purchase of his home (to name a few) does not bother you in the least, then I can see why you are asking this question. But if you are actually OK with all of this, makes me wonder about the rest of this country who is in favor of Obama.

on Oct 16, 2008

Bush puts a couple of oil companies into the ground for bad management and he is evil, but Obama can be friends (at one point) with an admitted terrorist, a hateful Pastor, a criminal and an agency known for voter fraud election after election and still he is more famous than that chinese guy from American idol.

on Oct 16, 2008

well honestly i did not kno about ACORN, however as bad as his pastor is/was, atleast he didnt lead a witch hunt in south africa, which is something that whats-his-name (the guy that palin gives credit for helping her early political carrer) admitted to. As for the terrorist, Obama was way too young 2 care about him whenn the bombings took place, & as for as "palling around with..." goes the only connection ive heard about was a breif meeting & something about him giving Obama help during his early political career. & bush is evil cause he lied 2 get the US into an unnecessary war thats costing us billions a month & is partially responsible for the current ecenomic crisis. plus the whole "enhanced interrogtion" thing

on Oct 16, 2008

oh & i would appreciate it if u were to give me some links about ACORN & whatever trouble they were involved in

on Oct 16, 2008

I happen to believe that almost everything about Obama is an illusion.  But I'm not going to suddenly accuse the American people of being stupid.  I've never believed that and I'm not going to adopt that opinion if Obama happens to win.  Collectively, we will vote with what we believe to be the best interests of the country in mind.  That doesn't mean we won't be wrong, just that even groups of smart people make bad decisions sometimes.  There will certainly be a significant percentage of 'less informed' voters but they will come from both parties & probably neutralize each other (barring the margin of victory being less than the number of fraudulent votes, brought to you courtesy of ACORN ).

on Oct 16, 2008

Obama was way too young 2 care about him whenn the bombings took place, & as for as "palling around with..." goes the only connection ive heard about was a breif meeting & something about him giving Obama help during his early political career.

Most skinheads weren't alive when Hitler was, I guess they are just a bunch of young rascals. They couldn't possibly be influenced in any way.

& bush is evil cause he lied 2 get the US into an unnecessary war thats costing us billions a month & is partially responsible for the current ecenomic crisis

Yeah, it's amazing how he forged those UN resolutions, then made Saddam break them. Ol George really trick us huh? And the WMD's were just icing on the cake, seeing how that wasn't even needed to enforce the broken UN resolutions.

plus the whole "enhanced interrogtion" thing

Yeah, it's a gawd awful business keeping geniuses such as yourself from being attacked, that bastard Bush. Maybe we should give those poor fellas locked up in Cuba a new rifle and some of that Obama handout money, give them a big kiss on the ass, and send them back to the battlefield. My eyes are watering up for them now.

on Oct 16, 2008

well ive had some time to read about the ACORN thing, & honestly it sounds like the republicans were using the incedent to hurt Obama & ACORN itself, so far i dont see how what happened in Nevada could b in anyway a negative for Obama. Sure he worked for them in Chicago, nearly 20 yrs ago & as a lawyer in Illinois 5 yrs later. but other than that, idk how ACORN has anything to do w/ the current campaign. & for the record, based on what ive read, ACORN itself was not responsible for the falsification of those forms & in reality flagged them as "suspiscous" or "fradulent" & was not actually going 2 caount them unless they were actually correct & the person in question brought ID to the polls.


on Oct 16, 2008

Nitro Cruiser

Most skinheads weren't alive when Hitler was, I guess they are just a bunch of young rascals. They couldn't possibly be influenced in any way.

the difference between hitler & that terrorist is that hitler has something to b proud of. yes i said it. hitler was a better leader than most ppl that have ever been in a place of power. the sad part is he went insane & nobody shot him b4 he screwed things up more. Hitler brought a nation that was on the brink of anarchy to a power that nearly conquered the world. what did Ayers do? he blew up some buildings & took credit for it. So what? thats nothing special.

Nitro Cruiser

Yeah, it's amazing how he forged those UN resolutions, then made Saddam break them. Ol George really trick us huh? And the WMD's were just icing on the cake, seeing how that wasn't even needed to enforce the broken UN resolutions.

actually i remember Bush saying we were going after said WMDs that i dont recall us ever finding. Either that or it was to catch those pesky terrorist who were hiding in Afghanistan. and as far as enforcing UN resolutions go, how many other nations r part of the UN? quite a few i would imagine. so how come we had to take the lead on enforcement during a time when we should have been focusing all of our military strength on finding & killing Osama bin Laden? & of all ppl to kill, why Saddam? why the only person to keep Iraq from civil war? (which btw happened thx to Bush)

Nitro Cruiser

Yeah, it's a gawd awful business keeping geniuses such as yourself from being attacked, that bastard Bush. Maybe we should give those poor fellas locked up in Cuba a new rifle and some of that Obama handout money, give them a big kiss on the ass, and send them back to the battlefield. My eyes are watering up for them now.


i find it funny how u would so readily lock up ordinary civilians who may or may not have anything to do w/ attacking the US, but find it in ur heart to shed a tear for 60+ yr old soldiers who led a successful revolution against a corrupt government. aside from that, werent some of those resolutions against human rights violations? which occur quite often during "enhanced interrogations"?

on Oct 16, 2008

oh & i would appreciate it if u were to give me some links about ACORN & whatever trouble they were involved in

Google is your friend:

BTW:  L33t speak is not a sign of intelligence on Blogs.

on Oct 16, 2008

thx for the link & i apologize for the way i type, im just used to it

on Oct 16, 2008

 BTW:  L33t speak is not a sign of intelligence on Blogs.


on Oct 17, 2008

the difference between hitler & that terrorist is that hitler has something to b proud of. yes i said it. hitler was a better leader than most ppl that have ever been in a place of power. the sad part is he went insane & nobody shot him b4 he screwed things up more. Hitler brought a nation that was on the brink of anarchy to a power that nearly conquered the world. what did Ayers do? he blew up some buildings & took credit for it. So what? thats nothing special.

LOL, to praise Hitler, now I know you are crazy. I guess you can say the same for Bush. He was a great leader, but then went insane with Liberal thoughts.

actually i remember Bush saying we were going after said WMDs that i dont recall us ever finding. Either that or it was to catch those pesky terrorist who were hiding in Afghanistan. and as far as enforcing UN resolutions go, how many other nations r part of the UN? quite a few i would imagine. so how come we had to take the lead on enforcement during a time when we should have been focusing all of our military strength on finding & killing Osama bin Laden? & of all ppl to kill, why Saddam? why the only person to keep Iraq from civil war? (which btw happened thx to Bush)

I guess you forgot Saddam was shooting at American planes. But then I don't usually expect other UN nations to come to our aid since most country would love nothing less than to see us crumble like the Roman Empire. I'm sure today's situation is like a sweet desert to most those countries.

i find it funny how u would so readily lock up ordinary civilians who may or may not have anything to do w/ attacking the US, but find it in ur heart to shed a tear for 60+ yr old soldiers who led a successful revolution against a corrupt government. aside from that, werent some of those resolutions against human rights violations? which occur quite often during "enhanced interrogations"?

I find it funny how you would so readily release someone who was caught in the battle field because you don't think they are a real threat.

on Oct 17, 2008

well ive had some time to read about the ACORN thing, & honestly it sounds like the republicans were using the incedent to hurt Obama & ACORN itself, so far i dont see how what happened in Nevada could b in anyway a negative for Obama. Sure he worked for them in Chicago, nearly 20 yrs ago & as a lawyer in Illinois 5 yrs later. but other than that, idk how ACORN has anything to do w/ the current campaign. & for the record, based on what ive read, ACORN itself was not responsible for the falsification of those forms & in reality flagged them as "suspiscous" or "fradulent" & was not actually going 2 caount them unless they were actually correct & the person in question brought ID to the polls.

LOL, I love it when people find ways to excuse the wrong doings of some people (such as ACORN and their voter fraud issues every election year) while condemming others for stupid little things (like Joe the Plumber and his $1,200 in back taxes). Bare in mind I am not accusing you of talking about Joe but I used him as an example. I am always facinated with comments to point to the wrong doings of one side while hypocritically ignoring the same wrong doings being done on the other side.

on Oct 17, 2008


LOL, to praise Hitler, now I know you are crazy. I guess you can say the same for Bush. He was a great leader, but then went insane with Liberal thoughts.

how am I crazy? hitler steam rolled over France, poland, belgium,denmark, africa, had the USSR begging for help & if it werent for an ill-advised change of tactics, would have crushed the UK. and no you cant say the same for Bush cause he was never a good leader, all his speeches were crap, he did far more damage to the economy than most other presidents we've had, & was kind enough to ignore Osama long enough for 9-11


I guess you forgot Saddam was shooting at American planes. But then I don't usually expect other UN nations to come to our aid since most country would love nothing less than to see us crumble like the Roman Empire. I'm sure today's situation is like a sweet desert to most those countries.

well which planes were u talking about? the ones that were bombing iraq? or the ones bombing his army? please refresh my memory, since you seem to have all the answers. as for the other countries, well there was this thing they invented a few hundred years ago, i think it was called.....alliances....ya thats it. last time i checked, we were part of 1 such alliance, im fairly certain thats NATO. there may b others, but gosh golly im just not sure. anyway in most alliances, the members protect one another, usually with military or political force, now last time i checked, there werent too many NATO members part of the latest strikeforce sent after Saddam.

Charles CS

I find it funny how you would so readily release someone who was caught in the battle field because you don't think they are a real threat.

yaaa somehow i doubt that every single prisoner there was "caught in the battle field" bsides, we still have officers who were in the iraqi army working for us now, why werent they sent to guantanamo? were they not fighting against us? im not saying that they should all b released, im saying that Bush has willfuly violated the constitution AND human rights. & prisoners can be interrogated in many different ways, most of which arent violations of the constitution.



LOL, I love it when people find ways to excuse the wrong doings of some people (such as ACORN and their voter fraud issues every election year) while condemming others for stupid little things (like Joe the Plumber and his $1,200 in back taxes). Bare in mind I am not accusing you of talking about Joe but I used him as an example. I am always facinated with comments to point to the wrong doings of one side while hypocritically ignoring the same wrong doings being done on the other side.

actually that is pretty funny. FYI there wasnt any prove in the latest scandal that ACORN itself was responsible for voter fraud, but theres plenty of prove pointing to those ACORN employed. & while im not a fan of the groups housing & economic works & rly dont care much about anything else they do, it is kinda annoying to see politicians use any excuse they can to bash their opponents. that goes for both sides.

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