Published on September 24, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

It almost seems that the left hates Palin more than they hate Bush.  She seems to be the focus of every left-leaning website and publication out there on a daily basis.  The attacks on her and her family have been nothing short of discusting.  I have even had liberals tell me straight out, "she scares me".  Of course, when I ask for specifics they don't seem to have an answer, much like asking them about Obama's accomplishments.

I do understand how a strong, conservative woman like Palin can be intimidating to liberals, I mean she is tougher than most of them.  However, I'm curious as to what is the basis of all this hate.  Is it just because she's a conservative, or are there real reasons to fear her?

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on Oct 03, 2008

There are no fossils I can find of my ancestors five generations back.

True.... nor me of mine.

Two things....

Fossils don['t form when plants, animals or humans die and rot away. To have any chance of being preserved as a fossil a plant, animal or human must be buried rapidly under a heavy load of sediment which also must harden relatively rapidly to exclude oxygen and bacteria. Otherwise, scavengers or forces of erosion and decay destroy the specimen.

The absence of phylogeny (development by ET) in the fossils has now been established beyond reasonable doubt. The field evidence is fully consistent with the enormous Flood of world wide proportions and Darwin's gradualistic Evolution Theory is confounded by this evidence. 

Creationists believe that most of the fossils were formed during the year long Flood recorded in Genesis 6-9. The order in the fossil record is due to the order of burial during the Flood and the local catastrophes that followed. Hense, there are no fossils being formed since the ones formed as a result of Noah's Flood.  

Every one of those human fossils are our ancestors which date back to Adam and Eve.

on Oct 03, 2008
leauki posts:

1. Evolution is _NOT_ about random chance.

2. There is _NO_ such thing as "macro-evolution" in Darwin's theory.

3. There is _NO_ border between species (and it is therefor logically impossible for evolution to stop before it crosses that border).

You have been told these things again and again. And I don't care if you tell me that you don't believe in them. Darwinists do and their world view contains those three principles. So if you want to disprove or discredit their world view you better address those points instead of lying about them.


1. NOT about random chance.

2. NO macro-evolution.

3. NO border between species.

Get that into your head.

Obviously you won't take my word for the definition of macro-evolution or Darwin's Evolution I googled Darwin's theory of evolution....and this is part of the first selection....  

You are here: Science >> Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

Darwin's Theory of Evolution - The Premise
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers -- all related. Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with modification". That is, complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival -- a process known as "natural selection." These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism (not just a variation of the original, but an entirely different creature).

Creationists believe all human life is related and has descended from a common ancestor...those being Adam and Eve. Humans are not related biologically or any other way, shpae or form to birds, bananas, fish or flowers or apes for that matter.

From these discussions,  I understand better now why Darwinists claim they are related to bananas and evolved from ape-like pre-humans which themselves had "evolved" from a simple cell billions of years earlier, but I and my family were created by God.

Since no one, ever since Evolution Theory came into play as a worldview, has ever seen Darwin's Evolution take place and cannot come up with proof of the missing links, I am unwilling to disbelieve the Torah account of Creation in Genesis or the teachings of the Catholic Chruch on this matter.

There is absolutely no proof that you are related to bananas or descended from ape-like sub-human, pre-human or proto-humans, but you are free to exercise your fancy. Good day.



3. There is NO definitive border between two species. Not only is there no mechanism for changes to stop before a new species is created, but there isn't even a border between species that could possibly trigger or even define a goal for such a mechanism.

on Oct 03, 2008

3. There is NO definitive border between two species. Not only is there no mechanism for changes to stop before a new species is created, but there isn't even a border between species that could possibly trigger or even define a goal for such a mechanism.

Ya, that's what the nuts who try to breed cats with dogs and inject ape sperm with a human egg say. The DNA says no way and God gave us our DNA. Get that into your head.

on Oct 03, 2008


Since no one, ever since Evolution Theory came into play as a worldview, has ever seen Darwin's Evolution take place and cannot come up with proof of the missing links, I am unwilling to disbelieve the Torah account of Creation in Genesis or the teachings of the Catholic Chruch on this matter.

Since no one, ever since the dawn of time, has ever seen or proven a God created the species and cannot come up with such proof, I am unwilling to believe the Torah account of Creation in Genesis or the teachings of the Catholic Church on this (or any other!) matter.

on Oct 03, 2008

I believe it was Michael McDonald who wrote, "What a fool believes, he sees."

Ouch.   I prefer to believe what I minded, that I am.  This creationism bullshit perfectly illustrates that quote, though.

That's not what the word "species" means in biology, but that's OK because Creationists only use scientific terms; they do not understand them.

Oh, that is lovely.


on Oct 03, 2008

So,,,,Genetics has no proof for Evolution can't explain it let alone give evidence of it...and that's why over all these years Evolution Theory keeps postulating evidence of it and failing to find it, and then moves on to other postulates. This IS NOT SCIENCE...and a whole age of sceintific endeavor was wasted searching for a phantom. It's time to stop and recognize what is....natural science fail to supply empirical evidence for Evolution Theory....they must be taken on faith alone.

Lula -

With all respect, this is irrational and a lie.  It exposes your lack of understanding of the nature of science.  Genome analysis and the simple observations of embryology are powerful evidence of the theory of evolution through natural selection, to mention only two.  Nothing about evolution, however, precludes a God or other divine being by some other name and there is no 'evidence' that religion and evolution theory are mutually exclusive.  This issue has been beaten to death so many times, I won't revisit it at length here or in future replies.  It certainly has nothing to do with the topic of this article anyway.

on Oct 03, 2008


If you aren't busy Friday night, Lula, I suggest you go to the local theatre and purchase a ticket to see Religulous.

Yawn...why waste money supporting the secular and atheist humanist Hollywood crowd? He's hustling atheists and naysayers. I never watch him on TV why go to one of his movies especially one that hatefully mocks Judaism and Christianity and Islam , maybe?

Would you please take note of how much he mocks Islam and Muslim beliefs and practices and give us a report?    


I was thinking more along the lines of Fireproof.

Bill Maher thinks he's funny mocking Christians. ...
He's probably the most vicious anti-Christian out there. So why would Lula want to see that movie?

Maher put this movie out trying to aggravate Christians. I bet it's a box office flop.  

Yes, the one I want to see.




on Oct 03, 2008

That's really, really uncool.


If you saw the debate, then you know what's wrong with Palin.

hey Bud, you really really need to take off those very dirty sunglasses when you watch TV next time.  You're way off on this one this time.

I believe it was Michael McDonald who wrote, "What a fool believes, he sees."

  exactly right D. 






on Oct 03, 2008

Since no one, ever since the dawn of time, has ever seen or proven a God created the species and cannot come up with such proof,


Look in the're proof positive as am I and all living things that God created us. Nature itself reveals God quite apart from experimental science or technology.

From the Book of Wisdom, "All men are vain, in whom there is not the knowledge of God; and who by these good things that are seen, could not understand him that is, neither by attending to the works have acknowledged who was the workman...For by the greatness of the beauty and of the creature, the creator of them may be seen, so as to be known thereby."


on Oct 03, 2008

I believe it was Michael McDonald who wrote, "What a fool believes, he sees."

exactly right D.

OT, I know, but didn't he sing at BO's Invesco coronation?  Kind of ironic.

on Oct 03, 2008

I wonder how lula explains ALMOST aspeciated creations (the process of evolving from one into two species) like mules (a horse and donkey hybrid, always sterile) or like lions and tigers (tigons and ligers, depending on the gender of each parent, where Male tigons are sterile while the females are generally fertile)

on Oct 04, 2008

With all respect, this is irrational and a lie. It exposes your lack of understanding of the nature of science. Genome analysis and the simple observations of embryology are powerful evidence of the theory of evolution through natural selection, to mention only two. Nothing about evolution, however, precludes a God or other divine being by some other name and there is no 'evidence' that religion and evolution theory are mutually exclusive. This issue has been beaten to death so many times, I won't revisit it at length here or in future replies. It certainly has nothing to do with the topic of this article anyway.

You're going to make me hug you...even if we disagree over politics.


Believing in something when the evidence says otherwise is not faith, it's delusion.  You can choose not to believe in gravity (Or the Devil's Magnet as you might call it) but that doesn't change the reality of it.


on Oct 04, 2008

You need to get out more

you may or may not have noticed how infrequently i've been around over the past 10-12 months.  almost all of that has been "out" time; not by choice, but circumstance.  pretty ironic advice from someone who may hold some sorta record for hangin "in".

stop spouting talking points

haven't heard or read those two words--"talking points"--in a long while.  ever wonder what it was like to be one of them demented old guys, came of age during the roaring 20s and could still occasionally be heard some 80 years later yellin stuff like "23 skidoo"?  

now ya know.

this has already been demonstrated to be a lie

gettin gullible as well as senile i see.

Well, I can see your irrational hate is still going strong

it's got nothin to do with hatred.  it's anger and it's entirely rational considering how shamelessly cheney abused his office, our consitution and the one or two people who considered themselves his friends.  maybe you'll luck out and he'll move into your neighborhood next year.

I guess it will not matter who wins next month. The lunatic idiots will still be foaming at the mouth.

jeez i wasn't gonna ask what that stuff know, all around your mouth?  i'm truly relieved to learn it's nothin but good ole foam, and not what it appeared to be at first glance.

on Oct 04, 2008

You can choose not to believe in gravity (Or the Devil's Magnet as you might call it) but that doesn't change the reality of it.

  Oh Zoo, that is priceless!!  Glad to see I'm not the only one tired of Lula's lack of understanding of evolutionary theory.  There is science, and then there are those transparent replies that indicate extreme religious bias and a desperate attempt to circle back to the Bible.

The field evidence is fully consistent with the enormous Flood of world wide proportions and Darwin's gradualistic Evolution Theory is confounded by this evidence.

Wow, I guess I missed the boat on that evidence...  Hmm, all those dinosaurs must have missed it too

on Oct 04, 2008

Don't be silly, it is not the devil's magnet.. it is "Intelligent Falling"

Burtin, the funny thing is that not all religious people are like that. There are plenty who say gravity and evolution are there because god willed it so. But then you have people saying that the sun revolves around the earth and that "scientific proof shows evolution works in line with biblican reasoning".

Although I would say it appears most of christians are choosing to wallow in ignorace. And I don't even see why.

According to christianity, God guided the hebrews by speaking to a few select men, and creating the tablets with the 10 commandments, and the hebrews wrote their history as it was passed down through oral tradition, then jesus was born, and he took disciples who, after his death, told people their RECOLLECTIONS of what he tought them of morality and love of god. And later recounts of those recollection were compiled along with the torah, more history, and the additions of priests into what is now known as the bible... So the only thing that the bible claims came directly from God, is the 10 commandments. And maybe some quotes of jesus.

And yet they deny simple observable truths based on the ignorant rambling of our ancestors... At least in Islam mohamad says that the koran is the word of god in its entirety and mustn't be changed and translated; so a muslim can point at it and say "the prophet said to take this entire book literally". But Jesus did not write the bible. So to insist the sun revolves around the earth, and god made us from mud rather then by directing evolution is sheer lunacy.

Then again, the average "beleiver" knows very little about their so called faith. Several of us have pointed out we know ancient hebrew and have read the original untranslated (as well as the translated) scripts. I somehow doubt those creationists did the same.

Than again, they have so far ignored every significant proof or argument to repeat the same lies.

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