Published on September 24, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

It almost seems that the left hates Palin more than they hate Bush.  She seems to be the focus of every left-leaning website and publication out there on a daily basis.  The attacks on her and her family have been nothing short of discusting.  I have even had liberals tell me straight out, "she scares me".  Of course, when I ask for specifics they don't seem to have an answer, much like asking them about Obama's accomplishments.

I do understand how a strong, conservative woman like Palin can be intimidating to liberals, I mean she is tougher than most of them.  However, I'm curious as to what is the basis of all this hate.  Is it just because she's a conservative, or are there real reasons to fear her?

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on Oct 01, 2008

the reason the real hardline relgious people disavow all knowledge and science is because it's counter to thier beliefs

not true!  Like I've said many time....The Bible and Science are NOT mutually exclusive. They fit togehter perfectly.  In fact, there's quite a bit of Science in scripture.  It's in there that Christopher Columbus first learned that the earth was not flat but a sphere.  It was there the astronomers first learned that the earth hangs on nothing.  It's all found right in scripture written thousands of years before these things were even discovered. 

God created man from dust, remember? We should all share our DNA with dust. And woman was created from a man's rib, so she should have precisely the same DNA.

again, this was written thousands of years before Science came up with cloning.  Now the Scientists say even if a body decomposes in the dust the dna is still there in the dirt.  Scripture also says that these same particles will be resurrected when he comes back.   For many this means they will only be specks of DNA in the dirt . 

Amazing ain't it? 




on Oct 01, 2008

My aren't we antagonistic. Ever take a debate class? "Google it" is not a viable source of proof.

Ever take an english class?  You asked where.  I told you.  Then you said no it is not.  And that is debating?  If you had asked for a link, I would have provided it.  But that was not the question and instead you just decided to act dumb.  Ok, so go ahead and act that way.  And do your own googling.

And if you want a link, next time ask for it.

on Oct 01, 2008

It's amazing how you twist facts KFC.  You remind me of a good Baptist preacher, actually, taking one thing and twisting it until it meets your worldview.

I stated that we shared our DNA with dirt - jokingly pointing out the Hebrew creation story states that we come from dust with life breathed into it by God - ad you turned around and pointed out DNA stays in dirt?  Wow.  Except it's an awful tangent that has nothing to do with the comment.

Where did we come from, KFC?  Why doesn't the bible mention the dinosaurs or any beings that came before us?  Do you think these generations of plants and animals existed for six days?  Less, sorry, he spent the first few days creating light and darkness (not that there's a reaction in the Sun that causes this).  All of them from single-celled organisms to dinosaurs to our extinct ancestors (which we wouldn't have nor need if there was a sudden creation from the dust).

Also, don't forget - there was no rain until Noah and the Ark (Gen 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.) which if you at all understand how weather and the atomosphere works, is impossible.

This is quite a sidetracked debate, but now you people with your fallacies have drawn me into a sideline.  This whole discussion right here is a good example, however, of just whats wrong with Sarah Palin.

on Oct 01, 2008

It's amazing how you twist facts KFC. You remind me of a good Baptist preacher, actually, taking one thing and twisting it until it meets your worldview.

well as somebody here already said.....

My aren't we antagonistic.

OH!  That was you!!

Where did we come from, KFC?


Why doesn't the bible mention the dinosaurs or any beings that came before us?

it does.  Not beings but dinos are mentioned. Hmmmm have you ever seen a cat mentioned in scripture?  Or maybe a poodle?  What's with the big deal with the dinos anyhow?   Are you trying to say we don't believe in dinos because we're Christians? 

 There were NO beings before the first being. Adam was the first man created so how could there be beings before him?

which if you at all understand how weather and the atomosphere works, is impossible.

nothing is impossible with God or he wouldn't be God now would he? 

This whole discussion right here is a good example, however, of just whats wrong with Sarah Palin

which is what? 




on Oct 01, 2008


.....evolution..... or it being random chance doesn't change the FACT that an APE did become a human.

Oh my, what a pronouncement of faith!

FACT, you say? If Darwinism evolution produced you by random chance, there ought to be a staggering number of your ancestor's "rough drafts" in fossil form. We should be finding mountains of nature's failed experiments...where are they? Evolution scientists have not been able to come up with the "missing link" between species. The fossil record is so devoid of evidence for macro-evolution that the "proof" has to be supplied by desperate speculation, hopeful predictions, and wacky experiments, empty rhetoric and downright lies---even fraud i.e Ernst Haekel's drawings.

The idea that Macro-Evolution is the only explanation for the human race and its natural environment is disessembling and dishonest. The idea of one species growing into a completely different one is incoherent and been proven false and virtually impossible by modern genetics becasue of the way our DNA barrier works in cells. As I said, it takes an act of faith to believe in it.


on Oct 01, 2008

KFC Kickin For Christ

 There were NO beings before the first being. Adam was the first man created so how could there be beings before him?

What are these, then?  Prototypes?

(I understand that Wiki is not generally the most viable source, but here it's a decent way for me to get all the information on so many proto-humans out quickly.  If you want to know more, there's always the references at the bottom of each page.)

In any case, each of these distinct species of proto-humans is different through morphology/timeline from us.  If we were created in God's image, did it take him a while to find a mirror or something?

Dinosaurs: My point with them is that there are generations of them - not a SINGLE day, as the bible would indicate, since man was created on day seven and the beasts of the earth on day six.  Since we've found skeletons of dinosaurs of different groups at all stages of life, from eggs to young to old age, this is a factual impossibility, sir.  By accounting for biblical creation as stated in Genesis, you are completly throwing all science to the side, science you can go to a museum in your nearest big town and touch with your owwn hand (assuming the guards don't toss you out - point being it's THERE, visually, for people to touch, not written down in a book, but exhumed from the very crust of the earth you walk on each day.)

on Oct 01, 2008


@lulapilgrim - either you are ignorant (not an insult, a state of lack of knowledge) about evolution, biology, and science... or you are intentionally spreading those lies. Buecase you obviously ARE repeating the creationism FUD. There is very little truth in any of your statements on the above subject.

Atheists and secularist humanists often employ the false but useful concept that those having religious faith are ignorant or lacking in knowledge in science.  Like the false myth of separation of chruch from state, you want separation of church from science. It won't happen. Why? Becasue there are 2 orders of we derive from natural reason and the other from divine faith. Theology is the highest's reasoning and terminological exactness is the highest intellectual order. There is no inherent conflict between science and the Christian religion. Get used to it. Not only does true science not contradict religios faith, but religious faith can shed new light on our knowledge, since the source of all knowledge is God.

You unfortunately are operating on a bold face lie which is ......that anything that has to do with the existence or nature of God is unscientific. 



on Oct 01, 2008

I'd like to add that there is some scientific good to be found by looking into the possible existance of god - where Science and faith have the disconnect is that Science seeks to prove through facts, and religion through faith regardless of facts.

And now for a bit of copy-paste:

"It is commonly claimed by critics of evolution that there are no transitional fossils... Such claims may be based on a misunderstanding of the nature of what represents a transitional feature. A common, though fallacious creationist argument is that no fossils are found with partially functional features. Vestigial organs are common in whales for example. Also, there is evidence that a complex feature with one function can adapt to a wholly different function through evolution in a process known as exaptation. The precursor to, for example, a wing, might originally have only been used for gliding, trapping flying prey, and/or mating display. Nowadays, wings may still have all of these functions, while also being used for active flight. Due to the special circumstances required for preservation of remains, only a very small percentage of all life-forms that ever have existed can be expected to be represented in discoveries. Thus, the transition itself can only be illustrated and corroborated by transitional fossils, but it will never be "caught in the act" as it were. Creationists often argue against this, claiming it is merely a convenient way to explain the lack of 'snapshot' fossils that show crucial steps between species. Their anti-evolution arguments continue to be undermined as progressing research and discoveries fill in gaps, and in modern thinking evolution is pictured as a bush of lines of development, not the simplistic ladder of progress imagined by creationists.  Ever heard of this one? Or any of the proto-humans above?  Transitional fossils are there, we have them in physical form, and to state that there are no examples of transition from one life form to another is either an example of a lack of understanding, or an outright lie.

Or how about a transitional animal that still lives: The platypus! A draft version of the platypus genome sequence was published in Nature on 8 May 2008, revealing both reptilian and mammalian elements, as well as two genes found previously only in birds, amphibians and fish. It retains certain reptilian traits no longer found in modern mammals and also possesses derived traits of a highly specialized aquatic animal.

A transitional fossil for apes -> humans?


on Oct 01, 2008

Dinosaurs: My point with them is that there are generations of them - not a SINGLE day, as the bible would indicate, since man was created on day seven and the beasts of the earth on day six. Since we've found skeletons of dinosaurs of different groups at all stages of life, from eggs to young to old age, this is a factual impossibility, sir. By accounting for biblical creation as stated in Genesis, you are completly throwing all science to the side, science you can go to a museum in your nearest big town and touch with your owwn hand (assuming the guards don't toss you out - point being it's THERE, visually, for people to touch, not written down in a book, but exhumed from the very crust of the earth you walk on each day.)

First off, what does this have to do with Palin?  Second of all I've been here so much on JU you might want to go back and do research on my site or maybe check the science or religion forums or a similar subject regarding this area. 

Man was created on day six, not seven.

Who told you that dinos only lived one day?  The bible doesn't indicate this as you say.  Science and the bible are in agreement here.  Something catastrophic happened that made these dinos extinct.  What could that be?  From a Christian POV biblically speaking it would be the flood which is put in quite a bit of detail in the scriptures. 

You have no idea about the condition of the bones in the dino's beds to be making such an assumption.  The way they are put together is guesswork.   What is found generally is a bunch of bones from various amounts of dinos in one bed and to put them together as you see in the Museum is a whole bunch of guesswork. 

Here's a video link on the Christian POV about the bible and Dinos.

There are many scientists who believe in the biblical account of creation and have no problem with the dinos.  No Science is being trashed or thrown away.  Let me assure you of this. 

on Oct 01, 2008

Firstly, a concession: You are correct and I have forgotten my sunday school - god rested on day seven, man was day six, land animals five and ocean animals four.

Secondly, I'm going to have a listen to this vid - I hate to come into a debate unaware of a position.

on Oct 01, 2008

what's wrong with palin?

nothin at all...for those of you who have no problem with elected officials pressuring librarians to remove books they find objectional from public library shelves as a test of said librarians' political loyalty to such officials,

admittedly she caved back in the 1990s, but she's gotta be a quicker study than a lotta those currently sitting behind a desk in the oval office so she musta learned somethin between then and now.

clearly she's gonna have a difficult time workin her way outta cheney's long, wide shadow so the public is gonna need to cut her a lil slack.  face it, in just two areas--circumventing the constitution and exploiting the power of his office--that dick set the bar well outta reach of any but the most ruthless, cynical neo-totalitarians, crypto-monarchists or all their bastard children combined.  

it'll certainly work to her benefit tho.  

after all, he's already done most of the hard work.  

on Oct 01, 2008

nothin at all...for those of you who have no problem with elected officials pressuring librarians to remove books they find objectional from public library shelves as a test of said librarians' political loyalty to such officials

Personally I think it has nothing to do with those things. However she isn't even competant or self confident in an interview. Imagine how that plays out under real pressure or stressful situations. She is clueless about what is really going in the economy and clueless in most foreign policy matters. The pipeline deal she made is going to fail and cost the Alaskan taxpayers more than 500 million because she doesnt even understand the energy industry. She made a deal with a Canadian Company without realizing that neither the US Govt. nor the Canadian Govt. supports it. Once again she is clueless.

on Oct 01, 2008


Looking at how the cells work is a path to knowledge. saying "the cell works this way cause god is making it work that way" is throwing knowledge out the window and accepting it as some sort of an unknown beyond your ken. It is not a path to knowledge, it is a path to NOT knowing (I don't know WHY, it just does because god is doing it).

The fundamental reality is that Christian theology was essential to the rise of science. Christianity depicts God as the Creator of the universe and all that's in it is His personal Creation. The natural world was thus understood to have a rational, lawful, stable structure and Science is an organized effort to explain it. What science discovers is what is already existent by the will of God.

The data that scientists collect about physics, biochemistry, genetics, and neuro science contains ever more compelling evidence that only a Designer God could have made life possible.

The theory of Evolution is wholly inadequate to explain life or the complexities of the human body. To start, life cannot come from non-life. Never has and never will. After that, living organisms are so enormously complex that they could not have been generated by a long, long series of accidents that Darwinism relies on. Genetics have proven conclusively that all variations occur only within each type or kind and never from one type to another. It's the very complex DNA code within each animal and person that erects the wall that cannot be crossed.

on Oct 01, 2008

Christian theology was essential to the rise of science.


wonder what all them 1000s of ancient (like bce egyptian, greek, roman, chinese, etc.) crackpots--including archimedes, hippocrates, heraclitus, plato, the list goes on and on and on--would have to say about that?  

not to mention those more modern scientists for whom christian theology was a serious--if not fatal--impediment?

on Oct 01, 2008

If you aren't busy Friday night, Lula, I suggest you go to the local theatre and purchase a ticket to see Religulous.  Might be a good one for Palin to check out too.  It should make you think hard about religion's role in your life.  I've been looking forward to this one for months now.  Please stop talking about science proving evolution wrong and providing compelling evidence for a creator; that's just wrong!  Something to look into, check out the Hubble Space Telescope images of galaxy clusters.  If God created the universe, is as much attention being paid to every single form of life inhabiting those distant realms, and do human-like life forms happen to be only present on Earth due to God??  Are we that special?  Think about it...

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