Published on August 25, 2008 By Island Dog In Republican

So now we finally have the announcement for Obama’s running mate, Joe Biden.  While I will go into what a mistake that was later, the focus is now on who will McCain pick.  The staunch supporters of Obama are defending the criticism of Biden being picked, saying the VP slot really “doesn’t matter”.  That’s funny considering the vast and obsessive hatred they have over Cheney.  Regardless, I think if McCain picks the right person he will have no problems going into November as long as Obama keeps slipping up.

Now who should McCain pick.  I really don’t have a name in mind but I do have suggestions. 

  • First of all he needs to pick a younger, more conservative woman. 
  • Someone who is not in the Senate, and never was.  A governor (or former) would be a great selection.

So I’d like to start hearing some names put out there as to who you think McCain should pick as his VP running mate.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 29, 2008

Great first decision.

IN that respect, McCain just got an A+.

on Aug 30, 2008

McCain just picked someone with NO experience, 1 year as govenor of ALASKA, so there goes his 'experience' card. Would anyone really want this lady to run the country if McCain dies from old age or whatever?

I don't see how thats an 'A+', but if Hillary supporters are really that bitter that they'll vote for any woman, that maybe it was an 'A+' move. They might get really angry though that McCain is trying to ride off of Clintons wave of hard work.

on Aug 31, 2008

1 year as govenor of ALASKA

2 years.  And executive experience at taht.  None of the other 3 have either., and an obamabot is going to talk about lack of experience?  Here that bot spin!

Seriously, you are beating a dead horse.  Get on with other slurs.  INexperience is going to be the death knell of Obama if he keeps it up.

on Aug 31, 2008

Dr. Guy, you didnt refute anything I said, you just said incorrectly that she's been govener for 2 years, which she hasn't been for 2 years yet. 1 year and a half is more correct, but anyways.

Beating a dead horses? This is my 1st post on this topic, I'm asking if she would really be ready to lead the country. Would anyone take her seriously if she ran for president earlyier in the year? I really doubt it.

So instead of just saying "LOL OBAMABOT (insert easy to remember phrase and say liberal)", I'm asking if there is any reason why McCain picked her besides to go after disgruntled Clinton females.

on Sep 02, 2008

I'll bite: Maybe it's a sound pick because she has more berries in her sack than either of the two on the Dem ticket.

All jokes aside, Obama calls for "change, change, change", then picks Washington old-schooler Biden. Obama is out of Chicago, which has a political system supassed on the corruption meter only by D.C. McCain wants to shake things up and picks a true all-American success story (yes, still in the making, for sure).

Obama has basically no real experience and Biden has all of the experience we really don't need in Washington anymore. I'd award this point to McCain. From what Palin has done in Alaska so far, I would put money on her running the country as long as she is surrounded by people with lots of experience in international affairs (which is what any U.S. president should have on staff in any administration).

on Sep 02, 2008

Dr. Guy, you didnt refute anything I said, you just said incorrectly that she's been govener for 2 years, which she hasn't been for 2 years yet. 1 year and a half is more correct, but anyways.

Over 1 1/2 years, so if I said exactly 2, I would be wrong.  I said 2, and rounded it is 2.  Just like Obama had been senator for less than half a year before he started his run. (143 days to be exact, and half is 183).

I refuted nothing of what you said, since you did not say anything to refute.  Just more talking points.  I corrected your error.  Want to try again now?  Tell us about how no experience (Obama) having his finger on the trigger is somehow so much better than having some experience is for someone in training?

So are we to believe that Obama is now running for VP?  He must be if that is your argument, since Palin is not running for President.

Oh, and tell me how old JFK was when he died of old age? 

on Sep 02, 2008

Dr Guy

Oh, and tell me how old JFK was when he died of old age? 

Real nice.....

on Sep 03, 2008

Dr GuyOh, and tell me how old JFK was when he died of old age? Real nice.....

Maybe you should go to the originator of that throught:

Is that what you looking for in a VERY VERY VERY potential president. your top man is a 72 yr old sick man. and that is the best you can come up with for your in-waiting help?

Or your own comment:

it is likely that he could run into health issues due to his old age.

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