Published on August 25, 2008 By Island Dog In Republican

So now we finally have the announcement for Obama’s running mate, Joe Biden.  While I will go into what a mistake that was later, the focus is now on who will McCain pick.  The staunch supporters of Obama are defending the criticism of Biden being picked, saying the VP slot really “doesn’t matter”.  That’s funny considering the vast and obsessive hatred they have over Cheney.  Regardless, I think if McCain picks the right person he will have no problems going into November as long as Obama keeps slipping up.

Now who should McCain pick.  I really don’t have a name in mind but I do have suggestions. 

  • First of all he needs to pick a younger, more conservative woman. 
  • Someone who is not in the Senate, and never was.  A governor (or former) would be a great selection.

So I’d like to start hearing some names put out there as to who you think McCain should pick as his VP running mate.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 26, 2008

he has a ton of choice....I think he's looking at all options....personally I would go with Fred Thompson.

Thompson would appeal to the base.  But one has to wonder about his commitment to the campaign trail.

on Aug 26, 2008

Fred Thompson

Gosh, we'd really be leaping off a cliff... I wasn't amused by Thompson or the hypocrisy of his far right supporters, but after watching him mope around in South Carolina, it became apparent that he wasn't cut out for the job. He was also the only candidate who tried to speak as Ron Paul was provoking open laughter... like Napoleon once said, if you enemy is destroying himself, don't interrupt.

on Aug 26, 2008

Thompson was my favorite candidate, but McCain needs someone younger.


on Aug 26, 2008

IMO, if McCain "plays it safe" and picks someone that the Republican base pushes on him (like Romney), it will make the Dem's charge of "McSame" more believable and he will fall to the overall aproval ratings of a generic Republican.

McCain must avoid at all costs making this election about Dems vs Reps or he wiill loose big.  He has done well so far because he has made the election about Obama the person vs McCain the person.  A pick like Romney (and to a lessar degree Thompson) would bring it back to D's vs R's.

If the base can't abide a pick like Lieberman then he should go outside the lines and pick someone from the private sector.  Maybe Carly Fiorina would do, though I imagine she has some baggage from her HP days as well.

on Aug 26, 2008
Maybe Carly Fiorina would do, though I imagine she has some baggage from her HP days as well.
I agree Carly has baggage, but I do like your idea.
on Aug 26, 2008

I read a blog today that said he should pick Lynn Cheney.  How's that for thinking outside of the box?

on Aug 26, 2008
I read a blog today that said he should pick Lynn Cheney. How's that for thinking outside of the box?
Now that would be Bush III!
on Aug 26, 2008

It would be a hoot if he named Dick Cheney though.   No reason why he couldn't...

He would of course loose the election, but it would be a blast to watch

on Aug 28, 2008

The best choice would be- hands down- COLIN POWELL.

on Aug 28, 2008

McCain should choose Condoleeza Rice or at least attempt to. Both parties are struggling to acquire a good foreign affairs campaign platform and Condoleeza Rice is the face of it. Plus, it doesnt hurt that she is both african american and a woman, both of which the Democrats tried to sway the vote with.

on Aug 28, 2008

The best choice would be- hands down- COLIN POWELL.

Great idea except for the way the Bush Administration and the Republican Party stabbed him in the face during his tenure as Chief of State.

They were total douches to him, and I hope he doesn't forget it.

They don't deserve him in the slightest.

on Aug 28, 2008

I vote for Thomas Sowell.  He would add some kick but economic streingth to the ticket. 


But out of the posible ones I like Romney, but hey, McCain wasn't my fifth choice.


on Aug 29, 2008

Neither Rice or Powell would accept if asked, so I haven't even entertained the possibility.

on Aug 29, 2008

Palin it is.

on Aug 29, 2008

yep!  There's no way Obama will win this now.

Great first decision. 


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