Published on August 18, 2008 By Island Dog In Personal Computing

Well it looks like Tropical Storm/Hurricane Fay is headed our way.  It probably should be here sometime early tomorrow, but I don’t expect it to be too bad.  They obviously closed down school tomorrow, which is funny since today was the first day of school.  I just need to bring in some chairs and plants from outside and that is about all I’m going to do.

Went to get the store to get some gas and some food, and they were both crazy with stupid people running around like an asteroid was about to hit. 

The first squalls are starting to move in, so to anyone else in Florida, keep safe and keep your head down.  Please use this thread to check-in and let everyone know how you are doing.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 18, 2008
Don't forget to stock up on liqor ID... aghh.. water.. Stock up on water!

Bracing for it too my friend..   good luck !   
on Aug 18, 2008
I'm both......and gas for the generator.
on Aug 18, 2008

on Aug 18, 2008
I am in the carribean and we got a taste of it yesterday. What we experienced was kinda mild. I hope you experience the same.
on Aug 18, 2008
Batten down the hatches!!!
on Aug 18, 2008
Luck to you all.
on Aug 18, 2008
Hey dog you live in florida? I am in cooper city (western broward county).
on Aug 18, 2008
Luck to you all.

Luck, We don't need no luck, we're in a rickety mobile home sitting awkwardly, leaning on some uneven breeze blocks.

on Aug 18, 2008
Went to get the store to get some gas and some food, and they were both crazy with stupid people running around like an asteroid was about to hit.

That kind of thing happens every people don't learn or something. I spent 4 years in North Carolina (95-99) We got a couple of doozy's then, Fran and Bertha. We were locked in our barracks with no power for about 3 days. I remember using Hubba-Bubba to seal up the seams in my windows where water was coming in.    Also building a little damn out of towels in front of my door and wringing them out about every 30 minutes so my room wouldn't flood. Aaahhh good times...  

Anyway, stay safe Floridians and anyone else in the path. Keep us posted.
on Aug 18, 2008
Went to get the store to get some gas and some food, and they were both crazy with stupid people running around like an asteroid was about to hit.

That kind of thing happens every people don't learn or something.

So what you're saying is that if brains were dynamite, some people wouldn't blow their hats off (even) in a hurricane.

Also, all the best of luck to all in Kay's path - I've been through some cyclonic weather here in Oz and know the extent of Mother Nature's wrath, so here's hoping for nil to zero injuries and property damage for all.

on Aug 18, 2008
Man we never get any of the good weather in NY.
on Aug 18, 2008
Man we never get any of the good weather in NY.

Be careful what you wish for.
on Aug 18, 2008
Be careful what you wish for.

I'd love it!

Now don't get me wrong. I don't wish for the death of people or the destruction of property. But once you take those things out of the equation I find big storms to be one of those dark things you can find beauty in.
on Aug 19, 2008
I find big storms to be one of those dark things you can find beauty in.

Agreed... once death and destruction is set aside   
on Aug 19, 2008
dont worry ID., you will only see trees falling down and way too many rain, maybe one or two flying cows.., but nothing to worry
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