Pitching his message to Oregon's environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to "lead by example" on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK," Obama said.

Obama is an idiot.  So now he will tell us how to set our thermostats and what cars to drive, just to appease other countries?  He is clearly the best choice for anyone who wants a complete nanny state, and who cares what "others" think about you.

He really makes me want to put my A/C on 70, and go out and buy the biggest SUV I can.


Comments (Page 3)
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on May 22, 2008

The ignorance of all of these posts except The_Politico's is astonishing.

If you read through the entire post, the only person who has made insults and non-intelligent remarks is that person.  However, that is typical from the left.


Well, I am not going to provide/aruge each specific scientific evidence, but it is already recognized by major international organizations such as U.N if you ask me.

LOL, the U.N.  They have no credibility for anything.


We are already suffering from global warming (New Orleans, for instance.) and all three major candidates in this election made global warming as one of major issues here.

New Orleans?  You really should take a look at history and see how many hurricanes have hit the Gulf.  Not only that, lets not forget the fact that New Orleans is under sea level. 

The things people believe....



on May 22, 2008
Well, I am not going to provide/aruge each specific scientific evidence, but it is already recognized by major international organizations such as U.N if you ask me.

LOL, the UN. You mean the same one that continues to steal money while asking for more? The UN is not a scientific community, it's a political one. And anything that spells "USA is wrong" is accepted as proof even if it was Cobra Commander the one giving the information.

We are already suffering from global warming (New Orleans, for instance.) and all three major candidates in this election made global warming as one of major issues here.

And politics has nothing to do with these candidates? And here I thought Obama, Hillary and McCain were simply trying to get votes.

One thing I dislike is that if we really work on something about global warming, ALL of nations need to do same thing. It is not fair to U.S to put regulations itself while China and India make even more pollutions. :/

That is the main reason most people are not going for the global warming thing head first. How ironic that not only it is claimed that Global Warming is man made, but that the US is mostly responsible. I tire of being the good guy and always getting kicked in the growings because we are nice.
on May 23, 2008
I've proven it to anyone who is intelligent and moral.

Liar. You have never offered even a shred of evidence. And I know you wont now, just some more childish taunts and lies.
on May 23, 2008
The global warming is not illusion. It is proven, and it is coming to you whether you accept or deny the fact. :/

Great! And I have a bridge in brooklyn to sell you! Like PT Barnum said. One born every minute.
on May 24, 2008
*Brinks on some of comments.

Calm down guys.

I am not going to say that all people who drive SUVs should be burned in hell.

I just want to point out that the temperature record clearly shows that the current rise of the temperature is not a normal at all. We just put polar bears as threatened species because the ice on the north is melting. Do you really need more evidence for rising temperature?

On top of that, IPCC already declared that the cause of the global warming is most likely due to people' activities, and the majority of scientists agree that it is true. I don't know what other organization have more authority than IPCC on this subject, other than U.N itself which created IPCC a long time ago.

To people who dislike/distrust the U.N, I highly recommend you guys to search for what are the things U.N does. The 'political' part (which criticizes U.S.A) of the U.N is just 'part' of the U.N. The U.N does really a wide range of works, including quite a large volume of scientific researches which is not related to 'political' part of the U.N.

For New Orleans case, granted. I admit that this is still less than a theory which is not fully supported by proofs. But indeed we have more intense hurricanes each year, and the numbers are already published as evidence. I never said hurricanes did not exist before the global warming. (Come on, do not try to intendedly misinterpret my writing like that. You can do better than that. )
on May 24, 2008
And anything that spells "USA is wrong" is accepted as proof even if it was Cobra Commander the one giving the information

What actions/behaviours do you please Bush was unfairly condemned for?

If you're referring to the General Assembly, of course the third world speakers don't have many good things to say about America. While half of their populations are struggling to survive the western world are complaining about having to pay more to fill up their beautiful luxurious cars.
on May 24, 2008
I was just curious how many, out of all of you here arguing on this topic (more of the global warming topic than the obama sucks topic), actually have taken a wide curriculum of science at an accredited university, or at least just plain understand the various principles behind science. I just implore anyone who doesn't truly understand science past "science is what the lab guys do to figure stuff out" to please stop having scientific debate. It's not constructive and for the most part many of the points are born from ignorance, not necessarily stupidity. I don't know who you people are, and most likely the majority of you will happen to hold advanced degrees in whatever the topic of choice is, but if any of you aren't 100% on exactly what science is and how it works, go read something somewhere and hopefully that can clarify things. If not ..I guess that just sucks.
on May 24, 2008
I just want to point out that the temperature record clearly shows that the current rise of the temperature is not a normal at all.

How do you know? At best, you are looking at a few years out of 100 years. OUt of the billions the earth has been around? Simply put, you dont know, and making a statement of fact like that is clearly closeminded. The temperature has not risen in the last 10 years, and actually declined last year. Are we to extrapolate from that one year that we are headed for an ice age? Apparently from the "scientific" method in use by the global warming crowd we must. Yet that is akin to taking the temperature of an individual at one moment in time and saying that all humans must have that temperature to be normal.
on May 24, 2008
I was just curious how many, out of all of you here arguing on this topic (more of the global warming topic than the obama sucks topic), actually have taken a wide curriculum of science at an accredited university, or at least just plain understand the various principles behind science. I just implore anyone who doesn't truly understand science past "science is what the lab guys do to figure stuff out" to please stop having scientific debate. It's not constructive and for the most part many of the points are born from ignorance, not necessarily stupidity. I don't know who you people are, and most likely the majority of you will happen to hold advanced degrees in whatever the topic of choice is, but if any of you aren't 100% on exactly what science is and how it works, go read something somewhere and hopefully that can clarify things. If not ..I guess that just sucks.

What an elitist, bigoted and completely stupid arguement. I don't have to have a PhD to be able to think for myself.
on May 24, 2008
I just want to point out that the temperature record clearly shows that the current rise of the temperature is not a normal at all. We just put polar bears as threatened species because the ice on the north is melting. Do you really need more evidence for rising temperature?

What it clearly shows is that the global temp rose 1C in the last 100 years, but then lowered .75C in the last year. So whatever warming occured in the last century was mostly corrected in the last year.
on May 24, 2008

Island Dog
The nerve of that man. How dare he suggest NOT destroying the planet? SUV's and my thermostat are not "destroying" the planet.I know the average conservative is an unintelligent fool who values their own comfort over the lives of their grandchildren but your statement is exceptionally egregious. Once again, I see you have nothing intelligent to say.  What else do I expect from a liar who can't prove their own allegations.

Actually, your SUVs and thermostats are killing the planet. You know how much gas an SUV guzzles? Too much! It is a waste, no wonder there are now UN sanctions being placed on the car companies unless they comply with green regulations. If we dont start trying to save the environment, we can kiss any future our children might have good bye.

on May 24, 2008
I was just curious how many, out of all of you here arguing on this topic (more of the global warming topic than the obama sucks topic), actually have taken a wide curriculum of science at an accredited university, or at least just plain understand the various principles behind science. I just implore anyone who doesn't truly understand science past "science is what the lab guys do to figure stuff out" to please stop having scientific debate. It's not constructive and for the most part many of the points are born from ignorance, not necessarily stupidity. I don't know who you people are, and most likely the majority of you will happen to hold advanced degrees in whatever the topic of choice is, but if any of you aren't 100% on exactly what science is and how it works, go read something somewhere and hopefully that can clarify things. If not ..I guess that just sucks.

What an asshat. As someone who did in fact major in sciences and engineering I can say that any person who is capable of doing their own research and reading on the subject from a broad spectrum of perspectives, as many here have done, is capable of having an intelligent and considered opinion about it.

People like yourself on the other hand prefer to simply take an elitest attitude toward those who may have examined the same data (or, more likely, even more data) and draw a differing conclusion. Most truly thinking people do not bow down at the alter of the Gore but prefer to do their own thinking.

on May 24, 2008
For those who buy in to the man-made global warming idea, how do you explain the corresponding temperature changes on other planets in our solar system? Do we have people there driving around in SUVs of which I am not aware?

Geologic and fossil evidence indicates clearly that the planet has gone through periods of warming and cooling in the past and is likely to do so in the future. Get over it and find something truly worthwhile upon which to spend your energy and dollars.
on May 24, 2008
How do you know? At best, you are looking at a few years out of 100 years. OUt of the billions the earth has been around? Simply put, you dont know, and making a statement of fact like that is clearly closeminded. The temperature has not risen in the last 10 years, and actually declined last year. Are we to extrapolate from that one year that we are headed for an ice age? Apparently from the "scientific" method in use by the global warming crowd we must. Yet that is akin to taking the temperature of an individual at one moment in time and saying that all humans must have that temperature to be normal.

We are not looking in just a few years. In fact, at least more than a thousand of years. And we are clearly seeing definite temperature rise. The average temperature can be rise or fall in each year as you said, but in general, it is increasing.


A short term observation.

on May 24, 2008
For those who buy in to the man-made global warming idea, how do you explain the corresponding temperature changes on other planets in our solar system? Do we have people there driving around in SUVs of which I am not aware?Geologic and fossil evidence indicates clearly that the planet has gone through periods of warming and cooling in the past and is likely to do so in the future. Get over it and find something truly worthwhile upon which to spend your energy and dollars.

I don't quite do not understand what are you saying about. You mean all of planets' temperature is increasing at same time?

For instance, I am not surprised the such extreme temperature change in Mars, Mercury and Plute, since they have little/no atmosphere. You know, they are different planets and I wonder how these could be counter example for the Earth case.

We all know there is warming period and cooling period (a.k.a Ice age.) And even thousand years of scale, we have a little warming period and little ice age. The problem is, the current rise of temperature is just beyond those previous changes.
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