Is one side more receptive than the other?
Published on April 3, 2008 By Island Dog In Internet

Piracy, whether it be of games, movies, software, or music is a pretty hot topic these days.  On one side you have people against piracy who usually claim copyright should be protected and what people are doing is just plain stealing.  On the other side there are people who think attempts to squash piracy are against someones "freedom" and argue that piracy doesn't affect the bottom line in business.

I have been looking through a bunch of websites that one could say the readers are more "supportive" of piracy and I noticed that what seems like a majority of these people seem to also be vocal in U.S. politics.  It also seems many of these people lean more to the left of the political spectrum, although I can't find any data to officially back that up with.  However, I think it's an interesting question to ask.  Does ones political affiliation and beliefs lessen or strengthen their stance on piracy?

Now before people get all bent out of shape, let me say I'm not accusing someone of advocating piracy because they are more liberal or conservative, but I do have my personal theory that one side is more receptive of the practice than another.  It's common to hear that people who are younger are typically more receptive to piracy than someone much older, but you never here much about their political, or even religious, preferences.

My belief is people who are more liberal, meaning fairly far left, will be more likely to accept the practice of piracy.  Why do I think that?  Well first of all, far left thinking is that capitalism is bad, and anyone who makes a profit is somehow "evil".  This also goes back to the reality that liberalism is more in favor of entitlement, and that someone who makes money somehow "owes" it back to society.  This creates an attitude of basically "I don't care" and that stealing someones copyrighted material doesn't mean anything because they are retaliating against the "greedy" industry.

What is your opinion?  Do you think an individuals political leaning affects their stance on piracy, or do you think it has no connection at all?

Comments (Page 7)
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on Apr 06, 2008
But...I think that can all wait till Georgy Bush saves the choking on a pretzel.

What do you want to bet he was really stinking ass drunk, and we will never know for certain. Sounds just like him though.
on Apr 07, 2008

but there is a Socialist mindset propagated by the left's political stance that encourages a "we all should be equal and no one should have more than anyone else" that extends to copyrighted materials.

The American founding fathers believed that too, which is why copyrights are not demanded but merely permitted by the constitution and must be a) temporary (which governments can circumvent by extending them again and again) and useful for society.

Copyrights and patents, in the US, are NOT laws designed to protect rights of authors and inventors, but mechanisms to add works and inventions to the public domain.


I wonder if Animal farm is still required reading in school?

on Apr 07, 2008
But...I think that can all wait till Georgy Bush saves the choking on a pretzel.

Well, for the most part I agree with your statements. They are the worst. But the last one is where we part company.

Bush is not great, but not terrible either. And Choking on a pretzel will not solve anything. Why do I believe this? I am a conservative. And you are a liberal.
on Apr 07, 2008
And another fing...I believes tha proceeds o' corp'rate/religus greed should orta be used ta build luxury resorts by tha sea fer retired, retiring and semi-retired pirates wot still needs a briny breeze in thar faces.
on Apr 07, 2008
And another fing...I believes tha proceeds o' corp'rate/religus greed should orta be used ta build luxury resorts by tha sea fer retired, retiring and semi-retired pirates wot still needs a briny breeze in thar faces.

Wit yung wenches to bring us ale!
on Apr 07, 2008
Blast these double barrel shots.
on Apr 07, 2008
and Choking on a pretzel will not solve anything. Why do I believe this? I am a conservative. And you are a liberal.

First of all it would get rid of his stupid ass. He insults the presidency every time he opens his mouths. He's a terrorist and is destroying this economy every day he refuses to admit he is wrong by continuing this futile invasion of Iraq....we have no business being was lie from the beginning and nothing has changed. The outcome of this invasion...and mark my words...will be absolutely can't take democracy to a country when you ignore your own countries democracy...of which he is making a mockery of and its people.

And again Dr Guy...for about the third time...label yourself...but attempt don't label me. I'm by no means a liberal or anything else for that matter...I don't join clubs and I'm not a follower...I think for myself. But if it suits your need to label someone...think what you want...just keep it to yourself.
on Apr 07, 2008

He's a terrorist

Oh goodness....

on Apr 07, 2008

He's a terrorist

Oh goodness....

on Apr 07, 2008
I posted a reply but can't find it...oh well...I said I believe as WebGizmos does. I like being left of center but...what's right is right. Taking without paying is theft plain and simple...ask any politician.
on Apr 07, 2008
Taking without paying is theft plain and simple...ask any politician.

They would know since most are thieves. Matter of fact, all of the politicians I've met are.
on Apr 07, 2008
Matter of fact, all of the politicians I've met are.

Don't worry CarGuy...the politicians you haven't met are the same way.......  
on Apr 07, 2008
Oh goodness....

Whats the matter ID? You don't think Mr. I'mGonnaSaveTheWorld could be viewed as a terrorist just because he's an American president? You need to think outside of this country and really really look at what he's doing. As far as I'm concerned he's no better than the ones he's claiming to rid the world of...which in itself is just the most unobtainable and ridiculous idea ever. And I think its safe to say there are far more people that would agree with that than not.
on Apr 07, 2008

Whats the matter ID? You don't think Mr. I'mGonnaSaveTheWorld could be viewed as a terrorist just because he's an American president? You need to think outside of this country and really really look at what he's doing. As far as I'm concerned he's no better than the ones he's claiming to rid the world of...which in itself is just the most unobtainable and ridiculous idea ever. And I think its safe to say there are far more people that would agree with that than not.

I think most people may think he's a bit of a putz....not the sharpest knife in the drawer...but calling him a 'terrorist' is about the greatest giggle since people called Frogboy a Nazi.

Well, 'giggle' is wrong....'sadly naive and ill-informed' is better.  I live 'outside this country' and see him quite clearly.

Either way, it's taking this thread well and truly off-topic.  The issue/question is can piracy be seen as more prevalent/accepted within one political stance than another?

What say we stay reasonably close to there, OK?....

on Apr 07, 2008
I find that the people I know who pirate software are Liberal rather than Conservative.

I, however, am Conservative, and though I do not pirate (except occasional abandonware, but I can justify that for greater justice, as opposed to stealing stuff that still sells), I cannot find any rationale to. If you can afford a computer, you can afford software. I don't care that Photoshop costs $100+. Use GIMP.
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