Is one side more receptive than the other?
Published on April 3, 2008 By Island Dog In Internet

Piracy, whether it be of games, movies, software, or music is a pretty hot topic these days.  On one side you have people against piracy who usually claim copyright should be protected and what people are doing is just plain stealing.  On the other side there are people who think attempts to squash piracy are against someones "freedom" and argue that piracy doesn't affect the bottom line in business.

I have been looking through a bunch of websites that one could say the readers are more "supportive" of piracy and I noticed that what seems like a majority of these people seem to also be vocal in U.S. politics.  It also seems many of these people lean more to the left of the political spectrum, although I can't find any data to officially back that up with.  However, I think it's an interesting question to ask.  Does ones political affiliation and beliefs lessen or strengthen their stance on piracy?

Now before people get all bent out of shape, let me say I'm not accusing someone of advocating piracy because they are more liberal or conservative, but I do have my personal theory that one side is more receptive of the practice than another.  It's common to hear that people who are younger are typically more receptive to piracy than someone much older, but you never here much about their political, or even religious, preferences.

My belief is people who are more liberal, meaning fairly far left, will be more likely to accept the practice of piracy.  Why do I think that?  Well first of all, far left thinking is that capitalism is bad, and anyone who makes a profit is somehow "evil".  This also goes back to the reality that liberalism is more in favor of entitlement, and that someone who makes money somehow "owes" it back to society.  This creates an attitude of basically "I don't care" and that stealing someones copyrighted material doesn't mean anything because they are retaliating against the "greedy" industry.

What is your opinion?  Do you think an individuals political leaning affects their stance on piracy, or do you think it has no connection at all?

Comments (Page 8)
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on Apr 07, 2008
I don't care that Photoshop costs $100+. Use GIMP.

Thats a bit ignorant. Some people have a little thing called personal preference. In many cases GIMP doesn't quite cut it, and no i'm not saying that people should download/pirate photoshop because they prefer it.(which is a hell of a lot more than $100.) That wasn't exactly the best example to use...
on Apr 07, 2008

I think most people may think he's a bit of a putz....not the sharpest knife in the drawer...but calling him a 'terrorist' is about the greatest giggle since people called Frogboy a Nazi.

I get called Nazi or Fascist so often it just has lost all meaning. 

on Apr 07, 2008
'sadly naive and ill-informed' is better.

Guess that depends on your point of view and what you consider informed. Being "informed" only goes as far as the media or the government wishes to inform you....after that you have to inform yourself...or...think for yourself. I see things for what they are...not what I'm being told to think or believe. And I see Bush as a terrorists....and I'm not asking anyone to agree with that. I see no good coming from what he's doing in Iraq...none whatsoever. These are people that think killing themselves and going to where ever they are going to get a harem of virgins...yeah...they really care about democracy. They don't even care about here in the U.S.

He may have not started out as a terrorists....but he has become one.

the issue/question is can piracy be seen as more prevalent/accepted within one political stance than another?


People are to quick to change political stances to pin them down so that line of thinking is flawed. You might as well insert someones vegetable preference or anything else in there and the results would be the same.

I get called Nazi or Fascist so often it just has lost all meaning.

Thats really sad that you get called those things. I for one have never seen or thought of you that way. I think its great that your achieving your goals and supporting your family doing something you enjoy.

More power to you...but not to much power.
on Apr 08, 2008
And I see Bush as a terrorists....and I'm not asking anyone to agree with that. I see no good coming from what he's doing in Iraq...none whatsoever.

You are right, your views cannot be pigeon holed as liberal. Loony maybe, but then even most liberals are not so loony as to call Bush a Terrorist. Just remember, hate takes as much energy as love, and are not opposites, but instead 2 facets of the same side of the coin.
on Apr 08, 2008
You are right, your views cannot be pigeon holed as liberal. Loony maybe, but then even most liberals are not so loony as to call Bush a Terrorist.

Like I said...I see him for what he is. The only difference between him and the ones blowing themselves up is he sends your kids to do it for him. I bet all those innocent Iraqi's who's children are being blown to bits so this idiot Bush can "liberate" them think he's a saint huh? I bet they feel real liberated!

Just remember, hate takes as much energy as love, and are not opposites, but instead 2 facets of the same side of the coin.

And you think I'm loony? Yeah...I bet the innocent Iraqi's are saying that right now. I can just hear them ..."Yes...flip that coin over...we must stop this hate...George loves us! He has liberated our whole family...all over what used to be the sidewalk albeit...but they are liberated! Thank you George!"

on Apr 08, 2008
See reply 104 . . . .
You want to continue the "Bush is a terrorist" theme? Head over to JoeUser and a new thread.  
on Apr 08, 2008
You want to continue the "Bush is a terrorist" theme? Head over to JoeUser and a new thread.

I'm a member here....not JoeUser. And as long as I'm being referred to as a loony I will reply. Otherwise I'm done here.

on Apr 08, 2008
And I'm a member here....not JoeUser.
If you are a member here . .you are a member there. 
Glad your done though.
on Apr 08, 2008

You need to think outside of this country and really really look at what he's doing.

I really don't care what people "outside" of this country think.  These are people who support people like Saddam, Osama, etc. so what the "world" thinks of Bush really means crap to be honest.  Just remember if people from "the world" had their way, real terrorists and dictators would be running the world.  


You want to continue the "Bush is a terrorist" theme? Head over to JoeUser and a new thread

Well to be fair, this thread was started on JoeUser.  



on Apr 08, 2008
Well to be fair, this thread was started on JoeUser.
on Apr 08, 2008
For my part...I apologize to ID for this getting somewhat off topic...but not for my views. And I still see no relation between piracy and politics.

And I would appreciate anyone having further thoughts about my views....please keep them to yourself since I will not revisit this thread since I've been asked to "take it elsewhere."

Thank you.
on Apr 09, 2008
And I would appreciate anyone having further thoughts about my views.

I have several thought about your views...bweing they're very similar, p'raps we oughta start a "bash Bush" gripe thread t' air 'em without big brother Zubaz waving his big stick at us.

Oh, and just wondering, if liberals have the greater propensity to pirate, would it stand to reason that under a liberal regime and court system, they'd get much lighter sentences than a conservative????
on Apr 09, 2008
without big brother Zubaz waving his big stick at us.
Let's leave my big stick out of this. 
And while I disagree with some of the views here they are allowed (as always) as long as they are not personal attacks.  They just needed their own topic.
Oh, and just wondering, if liberals have the greater propensity to pirate, would it stand to reason that under a liberal regime and court system, they'd get much lighter sentences than a conservative????
If the situation were as you stated . . I doubt there would be very much prosecution at all for anyone.  But there would be less risk to conservatives who pirated less.  
on Apr 09, 2008
Wow, lots or replies for what really was a simple question. I added my thoughts on the original question early on.   

I would like to add something that I feel very strong about. All the connecting the dots, as it were, to lead back to a political preference or slant as to why things happen is really funny for me and a total waste of time. Folks, who are much better able to explain why have tried to point it out.

I am also a believer in the "silent majority" in any society, culture or country, you know the ones that actually keep things going so you all have the time to be "politically correct". One of these days we are going to push back from the table, grab hold you and just slap the "silly" out of you.   

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