Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

Comments (Page 6)
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on Feb 21, 2007
#66 - Po' thats really quite cool - I hope you keep with it. Its different

Thanks. I have gotten great feedback on it here and at DA, along with tons of suggestions for it. This will probably be my first complete skin because it has generated so much positive feedback and I'm pretty obsessed with it right now. My only problems are time and figuring out all the little things that go into it. But I'm working hard at it.
on Feb 21, 2007
But I'm working hard at it.

Looking forward to it
Some stainless steel looking piercings would make interesting min/max/close buttons and a ring for the corner grab would look sweet.

& gold with:

I also imagined differently "hued" subskins.

Love the sleek look

It's My Secret

on Mar 20, 2007
Free Image Hosting at

A new widget Work in progress.

All part can be drag where you want.
on Mar 20, 2007
Very cool looking, Quentin.

on Mar 20, 2007
on Mar 20, 2007
Start menu nearly done.  

on Mar 20, 2007
I'm in a two steps from finish of my main project SD Desktop. This gadget can do any things you need to control your desktop and it could be be uploaded to the DX Themes Gallery. But DX Pro license not allow us do make a stand alone desktops   . So it will be just a MEGA GADGET.   

Hmm... May be I'm a stupid but I can't post screen shot. Sorry.
on Mar 20, 2007
Vad, upload your image to a image host and then link it here.  photobucket is what I.R. uses.
on Mar 20, 2007
Good Thread, we need a whole WIP section I think to where people can follow the projects of individual projects..

anyhoo.. Heres my current project, A new Premium WB I started a couple fo days ago..

Disclaimer: Subject to look completely different when complete.   

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on Mar 20, 2007
Vadim your are anything but stupid.(if I could code like that ,I would be a skinneratin' god   )
on Mar 20, 2007
Lookin really really sharp I.R. that ones gonna drop some jaws upon release.

I'll have tha champagne ready for u.   
on Mar 20, 2007
You a look mahvelous John...reminds me of the movie 2001.  
on Mar 20, 2007
Theres your title...Odyssey.  
on Mar 20, 2007
Big Thanks Zubaz! I'll use this next time.
on Mar 20, 2007
So weird, i JUST went and googled Odyssey WB     

Anyway, the start panel I posted will be animated, just hard to show.. seeing its not done
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