Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

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on Feb 02, 2007

sorry thats really big but...

That's my new theme in built i'm working on to improve more details.

Oh and i have 4 bootskins(make today) 3 logonxp(make today) and 2 objects(make yesterday) in moderation lol
on Feb 02, 2007
I'm going to get back to skinning.. Been doing too much web dev.

EDIT: Ok, I lied. I was working on a logon but it got lost in my little HD accident. I'll be redoing it when my I get my new HD on monday.
on Feb 02, 2007
I still see some great works coming.  Is anybody getting a Valentines Day theme ready?

on Feb 03, 2007
We can safely assume that my "Skin" skin will never happen from me.  I suck.  Oh well.  At least I am better looking that both skinhit and Po' Smedley.
on Feb 03, 2007
i dont know Zu....have you seen Po's photo of him walking down the street?
on Feb 11, 2007
We can safely assume that my "Skin" skin will never happen from me.

Is this something like what you had in mind? Please, forgive the crudeness of it, but I don't have a freaking clue what I'm doing. I just thought the idea was neat, and have contemplated a few times myself.

I had to do the thing with the stitches on the taskbar, cause there was no way to stretch or tile the skin without losing the 'texture' of it. If I get it done, I think I'll call it 'Hannibal'.

I'm running dual monitors which is why it looks this way.
on Feb 12, 2007
Bump 2
on Feb 12, 2007

That's what I was thinking of, but yours is much "prettier" than what I had in mind.  In my mind there was hair and moles and freckles.

Thinking about it, no one wants a realistic skin skin.  "Airbrushed" is probably a better sell.

I also imagined differently "hued" subskins. 

Great work as usual Po'
on Feb 12, 2007
I've gotten tons of feedback at DA on the preview. Mostly wanting more blood, stitches, and the odd request for gaping wounds (ewww). I'm torn between keeping it simple and doing 2 versions, the second for the 'freaks'. Moles and hair and such had occurred to me, but in a more 'cannibalistic' kinda way, using bones and such for this and that.

The hard part is keeping a realistic look without it being too disgusting, if you know what I mean. Also, I am using 'real' skin textures, so it creates problems with stretching (distortion) and tiling (seams), but I think I can work a majority of that out.

Buttons...hmmmm...torn between tattoo's and simulated body piercings/studs. What do you think?
One guy at DA told me it was 'too clean/slick'. I dunno. I want it to look like skin , but not so much detail it would be too freakish to use or look at. Thinking of adding a 'tattoo needle buzz' for some sounds.
on Feb 12, 2007
Agree that this preview is clean and slick.  But again, that's probably a better choice for most users.  I like the concept of a "freak" version.

Some stainles steel looking piercings would make interesting min/max/close buttons and a ring for the corner grab would look sweet.

Good luck, I look forward to seeing what you end up doing. {Is this a current project, or a back burner kinda thing?]
on Feb 12, 2007
It's current. I had thought about it before, but was thinking it was either too obvious or too much trouble...and was waiting to see if a more 'experienced' skinner would try it. Like I said, I don't have a clue when it comes to making a skin.
on Feb 20, 2007
Here is the application I've been working on to learn WPF. It's a very early version, so there is still a lot of UI bugs visible (among others problems ). 

Note (for Stardock ): While the logons shown here are LogonStudioVista logons, if I ever release it, it won't support logonvista files (unless you write a filesupport dll like I did).
on Feb 20, 2007
Wow!  Very cool Julien!
on Feb 20, 2007
on Feb 21, 2007
#66 - Po' thats really quite cool - I hope you keep with it. Its different
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