Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

Comments (Page 27)
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on Jun 26, 2007
And this one is only the media player skin.

on Jun 26, 2007
Hey kkonne que chido te esta quedando y que bueno es verte por aqui otra vez
on Jun 26, 2007
reply #383
New Xion skin

Are you fordgt on xion site pictoratus?
on Jun 26, 2007
I'd love to see some more wb content on the site, June was a slow month, something like only 11-12 new skins uploaded to the site for June 2007

... "Where oh where have all the wb skinners gone... where oh where can they be?"

- Alot of the regular submitters from years gone by no longer submit content, I'd love to see some of their new work in the wb gallery (just in case any of you masters are reading this, hint-hint)


on Jun 26, 2007
Are you fordgt on xion site pictoratus?

No, I am pictoratus there as well

After doing a search there, I see why you asked. Looks like FordGT beat me to it on the CreativeZen skin. Oh well, another day.. another skin. (hey I can use that at the Skinners Motto thread)   
on Jun 27, 2007

Here's little preview. I'm still working on it, but that dumb bug is gone, apperently. I'm still betatesting it.

Yes, it's an screensaver.
on Jun 27, 2007
That screensaver looks nice XX!
on Jun 27, 2007
yes it   
on Jun 27, 2007
Thanks guys!

That screensaver does make some unusual shapes. I didn't expect that aspect.

I'm thinking about naming it "Ice crystal" or something. Think up any better name?
on Jun 29, 2007
- Alot of the regular submitters from years gone by no longer submit content, I'd love to see some of their new work in the wb gallery (just in case any of you masters are reading this, hint-hint)

I second that. Some have even gone totally quiet since SD has hired them.

on Jun 30, 2007
I finished both Ice Crystal and are still tweaking Node Battle.

Both now are customizable, but due to bug in software I'm using, it won't work properly, IE show dialog for you guys to alter settings.
on Jul 05, 2007
A little wall (keep trying )

on Jul 05, 2007
Currently working on some Xion skins, as well as a few web page/wallpapers for myself. I may upload the webWalls, definitely will upload the Xion skins.

Also working on corresponding CursorXP skins and regular cursors.
on Jul 05, 2007

I don't know what my next one is
Thallos Winamp classic I think. Got a few days next week I can work on one.
on Jul 05, 2007
this is all ive had time for.....

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