Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

Comments (Page 25)
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on Jun 13, 2007
Yep Nice!
Cost per cigarette...
on Jun 14, 2007
very Nice SirSmiley
on Jun 15, 2007
Ok, the nature of this thread is to show what I'm working on, in actuality, this is done. I'm waiting on permission...(Hopefully, I'll get it). So here it is, the preview prety much says it all. And since I can never get these fargin images to show up, here's the link WWW Link
on Jun 15, 2007


There you go, messiah1 .....

on Jun 15, 2007
Your Fett Xion skin look awesome messiah
on Jun 15, 2007
Thanks Jafo.
on Jun 15, 2007
Thanks basj.
on Jun 15, 2007
Indeed a very nice skin! even the preview is awesome hehe
on Jun 15, 2007
even the preview is awesome hehe

Gotta catch the eye...
on Jun 20, 2007
Here we go again..  

on Jun 20, 2007
Free or premium there John?
on Jun 20, 2007
All two shot very nice John!
Love the lighting edges.

Work on this widgets.
Cool slow scroll animated weather and meters too.

on Jun 20, 2007
Free or premium

It will be a Master skin.. probably named.. Geneva.. Im diggin the city names.   I also have my next free skin started, it will be a complete..from scratch..reworking of my VXP skin for Per Pixel.

Good job Mr Baggins I like that glass look you got going there..original.   
on Jun 20, 2007
Hey John looking amazing as always..
on Jun 20, 2007
Here we go again

Very nice my friend...very nice indeed.
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