Published on January 9, 2006 By Island Dog In Politics
As usual another biased poll that somehow favors democrats was released. Democrats quickly jumped on this, but as we usually find out, polls are biased towards republicans.


Strongly Republican .......................... 13
Moderately Republican ..................... 27
Definitely Independent/neither........... 8
Moderately Democrat........................ 32
Strongly Democrat ............................ 20
Refused/not sure............................. -
Total Republican ............................ 40
Total Democrat ............................... 52

on Jan 09, 2006
Coincidence? I think not.
Just goes to show that you can't trust a poll as far as you can toss the pollster.

I want to believe that pollsters are really unbiased and try to get a true random sample of America. I also want to believe that polls are an accurate reflection of the the beliefs and desires of Americana.

Whether intentional or not, it's a shame that polling is so skewed and that a truly unbiased sample is not available. The only way to have a zero margin of error is to poll every last person. Even the Census Bureau can't do that.
on Jan 10, 2006
I see they ignore this.
on Jan 11, 2006
on Jan 11, 2006

IN a country long long ago, but not far away, the media took poll numbers as God given, and the public should as well.

Then the internet came along and started dissecting the numbers behind the numbers, and the reputable pollsters like Celinda Lake and Ed Goas(sp) started weighting pollls to more accurately reflect true public opinion.

And the Media has never been the same since.  Wonder why Col Klink did not post this poll.  Or did he?

on Jan 11, 2006
Wonder why Col Klink did not post this poll. Or did he?

No, because BUSH was not mentioned, not once. That is a dead giveaway. Plus BUSH has to be in all caps.