Published on December 14, 2005 By Island Dog In Politics
Just think. If liberals had their way this wouldn't happen.

on Dec 14, 2005
I see the democrats on tv today already complaining about the election. What a bunch of losers.
on Dec 14, 2005
I think those Democrats who still oppose the war should fly to Iraq and tell the Iraqis.
on Dec 14, 2005

I see the democrats on tv today already complaining about the election. What a bunch of losers.

Why are they complaining?

on Dec 14, 2005
Why are they complaining?

Because they hate Bush, and have no ideas or plans of their own.
on Dec 14, 2005
You guys have those pics all wrong. Just look at the one pic of everyone jumping with their hands in the air. That is clearly a pic of Iraqis being held at gun point by US military forces and eing told to jump around and crack a smill for the camera. And the linked pic is of people complaining that now thei fingers are black and the stain will not come off after being forced to vote for someone they don't like. Plus their books are allbroken and dirty and old and want new ones but will never get them This is nothing but a fake.

(Please keep in mind that my mind has been taken over by the C.O.L. This is, in no way, my opinion)
on Dec 14, 2005

Because they hate Bush, and have no ideas or plans of their own.

I should have said what are the complaining about.  The why is kind of obvious.

on Dec 14, 2005
I simply cannot grasp why anybody would prefer a world in which hundreds of thousands of Iraqis die and Saddam rules just because war is "wrong".

Why is war "wrong"? Because it gets people killed? So do many of the alternatives. Why is war wronger than these alternatives?
on Dec 14, 2005
There should be concern that democracy in Iraq will mean sectarianism will trump the common good for the nation, which could exacerbate the situation. Then the Sunnis will know for sure that the only way they can get what they want is through bullets, not ballots.

That is not the concern of liberals. It's their modus operandi anyway. Look in the US. They seek voting blocks of minorities and hope they can get enough guilty, self-hating whites to join their program and win elections. The liberals do want Republicans to fail so they can win in '06 and '08. That's not a legitimate concern.

I simply cannot grasp why anybody would prefer a world in which hundreds of thousands of Iraqis die and Saddam rules just because war is "wrong".

I fear Iraqi elections because of the anti-American sentiment in that country, and in that part of the world. If anti-Americans win elections, it legitimizes their anti-Americanism. Then we are stuck saying "Well, it's the will of the people." However, Saddam had to go, if only for punitive reasons. It wasn't up to him to decide the how the conditions of the 1991 cease-fire were to be honored. Plus, the Kurds have helped us honorably over the years. It's time they got something out of it. I'm less keen on the Shiites. They're nuts! They're a group that needs to be watched closely.

Why is war "wrong"? Because it gets people killed? So do many of the alternatives. Why is war wronger than these alternatives?

It not. Force usually works. That's why many resort to it. We implicitly recognize that, and that's why police forces and militaries exist. War is "wrong" to some people because it stands in the way of their political goals.
on Dec 14, 2005
I fear that a pacifism that condemns millions of people to death will eventually ruin the world.