Published on December 8, 2005 By Island Dog In Politics
Why is it liberals tell me that mentioning Christmas in public might offend someone so I shouldn't do?

Why is it when islamists kill innocent people in the name of their religion they say we should tolerate their beliefs?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 11, 2005

However, if the holiday song choices for his child are too limited in the public school system, then it might be good to look into a private school.

Why should I double pay?  I am already paying for Public Schools.  How about you refund my tax money going to the schools, and I will put them in private ones.  Deal?

on Dec 11, 2005

That's what local school boards are for. You can attend school board meetings and make your opionion known. You can also vote for members of the board that share your beliefs.

Number 1, sure, and get arrested! And Number 2, not everywhere.  Better research that a little better.

on Dec 11, 2005
Number 2, not everywhere. Better research that a little better.

Research it yourself. I'm talking from my personal experience of places where I've lived.

Get arrested? It's illegal to attend school board meetings? I'm sure we could all find some instances where people have gotten out of hand and been arrested, but you could find the same thing in all other areas too.
on Dec 11, 2005
Yes, you're right that is about the same as someone coming to your door and forbidding you to celebrate Christmas. Maybe you should send you child to a private school then. Then they will even be able to sing such classics as Oh Holy Night, Away In A Manger, and other Christmas songs.

There is absolutely no reason a child shouldn't be able to sing a Christmas song in public school. We did it when I was in school and it didn't endorse a religion nor did it "offend" anybody. Why should I have to change schools for my child because a few, and I mean a very few people, get offended by Christmas. Liberal tolerance at it's best.
on Dec 11, 2005
Number 2, not everywhere. Better research that a little better.

Research it yourself. I'm talking from my personal experience of places where I've lived.

Get arrested? It's illegal to attend school board meetings? I'm sure we could all find some instances where people have gotten out of hand and been arrested, but you could find the same thing in all other areas too.

Well then your experiences are a little limited. In some school districts the meetings are "closed", which means you're not allowed in. If you do enter you could be arrested. Same with number some districts board members are "not" elected. They are appointed. Which would mean you have no say in who represents you. So he's right. Before you make such a generalization, you should do a little more research.
on Dec 11, 2005

Research it yourself. I'm talking from my personal experience of places where I've lived.

I dont have to. Elected School boards are not in every locality of Virginia, so you lose - again.

on Dec 11, 2005

Get arrested? It's illegal to attend school board meetings?

YOu did not say attend.  Try again, or do you need it in another language?

on Dec 11, 2005
That's what local school boards are for. You can attend school board meetings and make your opionion known. You can also vote for members of the board that share your beliefs.

YOu did not say attend. Try again, or do you need it in another language?

Ummm....looks like I did in fact say attend. You don't have to try another language, english does well...but it's hard to understand your talking out of your ass all the time. It gets a little muffled along the way.
on Dec 11, 2005
I dont have to. Elected School boards are not in every locality of Virginia, so you lose - again.

I didn't lose anything. I clearly stated that I was referring to places where I've lived. I don't know how you backwards people in VA do anything, nor do I care. My statement was to Island Dog and not to your bumpkin virginia ass anyways.
on Dec 11, 2005
Well then your experiences are a little limited. In some school districts the meetings are "closed", which means you're not allowed in. If you do enter you could be arrested. Same with number some districts board members are "not" elected. They are appointed. Which would mean you have no say in who represents you. So he's right. Before you make such a generalization, you should do a little more research.

I didn't make a generalization. I was addressing someone directly. If that's not the case where he lives, he's free to let me know. I wasn't addressing you. I never said that in ever school district in this country things are as I stated. I didn't even say in most.
on Dec 11, 2005
Ummm....looks like I did in fact say attend. You don't have to try another language, english does well...but it's hard to understand your talking out of your ass all the time. It gets a little muffled along the way.

Yea, after the fact! LOL! You are a lousy spinner!
on Dec 11, 2005
I clearly stated that I was referring to places where I've lived.

Which means squat! Wrong again!
on Dec 11, 2005
didn't make a generalization. I was addressing someone directly. If that's not the case where he lives, he's free to let me know. I wasn't addressing you. I never said that in ever school district in this country things are as I stated. I didn't even say in most.

on Dec 11, 2005
We do have some influence in how public schools are run. That's what local school boards are for. You can attend school board meetings and make your opionion known. You can also vote for members of the board that share your beliefs.

That's my is that "after the fact"?

Which means squat! Wrong again!

Wrong? You are so childish.
on Dec 11, 2005
Wrong? You are so childish.

Wrong! You're childish! Naa Naa N Naa Naaaa

(I just thought I'd beat him to it. )
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