And they want to elect this idiots wife?

Ex-president Bill Clinton is arguing that tighter immigration laws are hurting America, saying the new restrictions aren't worth it even if they stop the "one out of a zillion [foreigners] who might have a bomb."

"I'm very worried that one of the consequences of our tightness on immigration and visas as a result of 9/11 and terror, has led to a drop in many places of the number of foreign students coming to the United States to study and be graduate students," Clinton told an audience at the University of Minnesota on Saturday.

He said the U.S. needed foreign students because "we are nowhere near graduating enough scientists and engineers to maintain, given the size of our economy, a leadership role in the global economy."

Clinton said the terror trade-off wasn't worth it.


on Nov 10, 2005
on Nov 10, 2005
"They" tried to elect Kerry.  One can never underestimate how low "they" will go.
on Nov 10, 2005
Shouldn't someone explain to him that immigration doesn't mean moving from Arkansas to New York. ;~D
on Nov 10, 2005

Shouldn't someone explain to him that immigration doesn't mean moving from Arkansas to New York. ;~D

on Nov 10, 2005
And they want his wife to be President.
on Nov 10, 2005
Tighten security on legal immigration and visas while terrorists cross over from Mexico. Not much sense there.
on Nov 10, 2005
Tighten security on legal immigration and visas while terrorists cross over from Mexico. Not much sense there.

What else do you expect from a Clinton?