Published on September 19, 2005 By Island Dog In Politics
Amtrak, Nagin Argue Over Rescue Train

Officials at Amtrak say they offered to run a special train out of New Orleans that could have evacuated hundreds of residents hours before Hurricane Katrina struck - but city officials turned the offer down.

"We offered the city the opportunity to take evacuees out of harm's way," Amtrak spokesman Cliff Black told the Washington Post on Sunday. "The city declined."

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on Sep 19, 2005

Amtrak, Nagin Argue Over Rescue Train

Officials at Amtrak say they offered to run a special train out of New Orleans that could have evacuated hundreds of residents hours before Hurricane Katrina struck - but city officials turned the offer down.

"We offered the city the opportunity to take evacuees out of harm's way," Amtrak spokesman Cliff Black told the Washington Post on Sunday. "The city declined."

I want "someone from the left" to explain to me why this clown isn't in prison already!
on Sep 19, 2005
#1 by drmiler
Monday, September 19, 2005

Amtrak, Nagin Argue Over Rescue Train

it was because "first class accomdations, free booze and meals were not offered to the cities poor, an obvious RACIST ploy. HA!!
on Sep 19, 2005
Because it's Bush's fault. They know nothing else.
on Sep 19, 2005
#1 by drmiler
Monday, September 19, 2005

Amtrak, Nagin Argue Over Rescue Train

it was because "first class accomdations, free booze and meals were not offered to the cities poor, an obvious RACIST ploy. HA!!

on Sep 20, 2005
Where's the liberal outrage? Col, why aren't you writing about this?
on Sep 20, 2005
I'm a bit liberal, and I'm fucking pissed off at him. he's an idiot, and his recent actions have shown that, IMO, he doesn't need to be mayor.
Now he's getting his knickers in a twist about the military...says that they're playing at being mayor and that he's left out in the cold. Well, waaaah. What a baby.
on Sep 20, 2005
So, he's rushing people back in, even though the experts (of which he is most definitely NOT) keep telling him that it's not safe and there's no infrastructure to support them. No grocery stores (first is due to open later this week), few other stores, and no medical support.

Expectations that it'll be weeks yet before the water is potable again, so what are people going to do? Ship in bottle spring water by the boat load?

If there's another hurricane or tropical storm hitting there (and Rita is projected to make landfall just west of there), it's going to get even worse.

Can we say "The levees are breaking!! The levees are breaking!!" Of course, that would be all Bush's fault 'cause he's not out there rebuilding them perfectly (and upgrading them at the same time) in the 2 weeks since the levees were initially repaired.

*removes tongue from the hole it poked in cheek*
on Sep 20, 2005
You can not blame the Mayor for not rebuilding the levees which would have reduced much of the damage nor the lack of Federal response. The Mayor did not do what needed to be done to evacuate the city when everyone knew the storm was comming. The failure is on the head of Bush, the LA Governor and the Mayor of New Orleans. In no way does Bush have clean hands! That is NOT Bush Bashing it is telling it like it is!
on Sep 20, 2005
If there's another hurricane or tropical storm hitting there (and Rita is projected to make landfall just west of there), it's going to get even worse.

Last night he was declaring another evacuation by Wed because of Rita. Rush them in and then tell them to get right back out....idiot!
on Sep 20, 2005
I do believe Nagin is a huge waste of space and he could have saved a lot of lives if he had properly prepared New Orleans. I don't think you can say the feds didn't fail though. Katrina exposed failures from mayor to governor right on up the chain.
on Sep 20, 2005
You can not blame the Mayor for not rebuilding the levees which would have reduced much of the damage nor the lack of Federal response. The Mayor did not do what needed to be done to evacuate the city when everyone knew the storm was comming. The failure is on the head of Bush, the LA Governor and the Mayor of New Orleans. In no way does Bush have clean hands! That is NOT Bush Bashing it is telling it like it is!

This really has nothing to do about Bush col, but leave it to you to turn it into a Bush bash. This is about how Nagin didn't evacuate people. Did you read the article about the corruption of the local governments regarding the money to repair the infrastructure? Probably not because it doesn't blame Bush.
on Sep 20, 2005
I think this exemplifies the fact that the Col isn't here as an individual blogging. I don't know if his efforts are part of some political organization or just his own agenda, but he can't post anything without making it about Bush. If he were compelled to comment on a blog about the Roman Empire, or Disney movies, he'd find someway of working Bush in.

Expect more of this the closer we get to 2006/2008. I figure the viral, faux-personal opinion propaganda shown to be effective in the last election will be exponentially more visible.
on Sep 20, 2005
You can not blame the Mayor for not rebuilding the levees

No, but he could very well wait until those levees are properly repaired (instead of just jury-rigged) before letting people back in. Oh, also, what about the other infrastructure that got destroyed? It's still not in place and won't be for several weeks.

The Mayor did not do what needed to be done to evacuate the city when everyone knew the storm was comming.

Exactly. He's also not doing what he needs to do by making sure that everyone stays out until the city has basic cleaning (detox the streets and clean water and working sewers at the very least).

The failure is on the head of Bush, the LA Governor and the Mayor of New Orleans. In no way does Bush have clean hands! That is NOT Bush Bashing it is telling it like it is!

You know something, COL? This is the FIRST time that I've got to say that I agree w/ you. Bush doesn't have clean hands in this. However, having said that, all the blame for this fiasco does not rest on his shoulders. The majority should be leveled at the incompenent and corrupt politicians in the state (executive and legislature) as well as the local politicians (mayor and others in the city administration) that allowed the money that WAS provided to be wasted on other things.
on Sep 20, 2005
He did what every ineffectual liberal does when they need a little boost - call Katie Couric. She practically sucked his dick on Today so he could "get his story out."

What a puke. Bush accepted responsibility for what went wrong at the Federal level. Nagin accepted responsibility for nothing, which is exactly what NO got from him.

on Sep 20, 2005
You can not blame the Mayor for not rebuilding the levees which would have reduced much of the damage nor the lack of Federal response. The Mayor did not do what needed to be done to evacuate the city when everyone knew the storm was comming. The failure is on the head of Bush, the LA Governor and the Mayor of New Orleans. In no way does Bush have clean hands! That is NOT Bush Bashing it is telling it like it is!

Lying waste of human flesh, feces face! Yes, he can be blamed for that. With the millions of dollars that city makes, there is plenty for levee and flood walls. In fact, if you weren't an illiterate puke you would have maybe noticed that both of those are on the "New Orleans Comprehensive Emergency Plan"...listed under "future projects". In other words, yes the city knew they had a responsibility to act but they didn't give a crap.

So stuff that in your crack pipe you little wimpy bit of maggot slime!
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