Published on June 14, 2005 By Island Dog In Politics
I know what you are thinking. What is I.D. doing to help the democrats? I just think it's time we help democrats become a relevant party again. The democratic party is in complete disarry, and if they lose another major election, the party is finished. So I think it's my duty to help them once again become a powerful political party. And also, I know they will never listen or do any of this, so there is no need to worry.

Acknowledge your losses.

There isn't anything much more pathetic than when democrats can't admit they lost. Yes, you did lose two Presidential election, and don't forget the mid-term elections also. When this statement is raised the typical response from democrats is, "the election was rigged" or "Bush was appointed". Bush won both elections and you lost. Just acknowledge that. There is nothing wrong with admitting your party has lost, and keeps losing. It's time to face the facts, and rebuild the party.

Realize you are the one's "out of touch".

We hear this a lot. Republicans are "out of touch" with America. Really funny when the losing party says this. Democrats are still perplexed at the "moral values" loss from the last election. I don't think the liberal democrats who run the party and it's now base of supporters can get any further out of touch unless they openly support communism and socialism. Take a close look at your positions on things such as religion, abortion, and terrorism, and really think if you are in step with mainstream America.

Stop worrying about what "the world" thinks of you.

This is especially true for the more liberal types. They worry more about what Europe and muslims thinks of them than their fellow Americans. The world has never liked us. Interesting since a great part of the world tries to copy our culture. Just remember that the euros don't care about you, and they offer you nothing.

Terrorists are the bad guys.

This is one of the most important things to change. Terrorists are the bad guys, stop defending them. Most Americans know that terrorists are trying to kill them. They have attacked the U.S. on it's own soil several times, and will probably again. They do not deserve protection from our Constitution. They do not deserve lawyers. They do not deserve our sympathy. Simple as that. The left's relentless defense of any person the U.S. takes into custody is not helping your party.

It's ok to love your country.

I really don't want to say the left hates their country, but you guys make it hard sometimes. The constant bashing of the U.S. is just too much sometimes. The constant hoping for bad things to happen to the U.S. does not get votes. The anti-military and anti-U.S. rhetoric that comes from the major players in Congress is keeping you "out of touch".

It's ok to be an optimist, and to have ideas.

Complaining doesn't work. Complaining doesn't get votes. Having ideas and solutions does. Democrats seem to have no real ideas for America. It's just the usual blame Bush, blame Repubilcans for everything. You don't give voters much of a choice. Vote for the party with ideas (even though you might not agree), or vote for the party with no ideas. Start presenting real solutions for America. Stop wasting your time on things like socialized health care, and pandering to minorities. Take each problem, make a real idea for change, and present it to the American people without complaints about anybody.

This is just a few changes the democrats could make that could help them win again. Please add your own.

on Jun 14, 2005
on Jun 14, 2005
This is just a few changes the democrats could make that could help them win again. Please add your own.

Kill all republicans? nope then we will have a libertarian president. heh heh
on Jun 14, 2005
Honestly? Just agree that we're actually on the same side. We should both agree that a representative democracy of some kind is a good thing, and that some level of government regulation and support is necessary. All we really need to argue about is exactly where to set the thresholds. Let the extremists and fringes of both parties go fish.

I mean, I'm tired of the opposition faction ranting about how half the country is my sworn enemy. I'd be more than happy to work with an opposition faction that was interested in working with me.

I want to hear the good liberal ideas that haven't occurred to me. I want to debate, and compromise, and reach an agreement on the complex and difficult issues that face all Americans. I want to build a Better Tomorrow with people who agree with me that Today is pretty damn good, too--even if we don't always agree on how to improve it, and even if we have to negotiate our priority conflicts.

But it seems like all I ever get is bigoted ranting, pandering to extremists, conspiracy theories, and the self-righteous smugness you only see in spoiled children who can't understand why they don't always get their own way.
on Jun 14, 2005
I have been calling for some good ideas from the left about anything, I am an american and will vote for what is best for my country, no matter who proposes it.
on Jun 14, 2005
I have been calling for some good ideas from the left about anything, I am an american and will vote for what is best for my country, no matter who proposes it.

The problem is the left has no real ideas, and the ideas they do have nobody wants.