There is an interesting discussion going on here Link about the "possibility" of Apple using Intel chips.

Now with technical reasons behind, if Apple were to announce today that OSX was available for PC's, would you make the "switch"?

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 27, 2005
you must live a very sheltered life.

What does sheltered have to do with decent. I live a decent life. I am far from sheltered.
on May 27, 2005
I think the better way to have phrased that was "relax, it was a joke..."
on May 27, 2005
I think the better way to have phrased that was "relax, it was a joke...

Absolutely. Thankyou!
on May 27, 2005
I think the better way to have phrased that was "relax, it was a joke..."

I disagree, but that's okay.

The joke was directed at myself anyway, so I'm not sure why anyone would get bent out of shape over it. I think some people just look for stuff to be offended by. It must suck to go through life with that attitude.

(I hope I didn't offend anyone by using the word suck.)

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on May 27, 2005
(I hope I didn't offend anyone by using the word suck.)

As long as you don't throw in 'Troll' I got no complaint.

FYI - I understood it.
on May 27, 2005
To go with the topic - I don't know - never used any other OS. It would have to be cheap enough to be considered a throw away in case I didn't like it.
on May 28, 2005
Hm, I would definitely dual-boot for a while, and not knowing how easy dual-booting is..

Can't be that difficult though. So, yeah, I'd at least try it for a while..
on May 28, 2005

I think I'll just stick with what I know best!

Yeah, if only I can figure out how porn will help me with my OS.

I think I'll just stick with what I know best!

In my case, Yeah, if only I can figure out how porn will help me with my OS.

For the sake of a little clarity....

I read it the right way the first time.  There's certainly no reason to have this 'issue' turning up all over the forums.

I think people should step back a little and smell the roses... 

on May 28, 2005
on May 28, 2005
I think I'll just stick with what I know best!

Yeah, if only I can figure out how porn will help me with my OS.

I think I'll just stick with what I know best!

In my case, Yeah, if only I can figure out how porn will help me with my OS.

For the sake of a little clarity....

Thanks, Jafo. I wouldn't think further clarification would be necessary, considering I used the words I, me and my (no less than three times referencing myself), but if your further explanation helps, I'm all for it.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on May 28, 2005
I took it that "since he used her quote" he was implying that what "she" knew best was porn.....but after reading further it seems to be that he wasent meaning to "imply" anything.... this is a great case for the necessity to be clear in your "meanings" when making a post. It is very easy for things to be mistaken...

Peace all
on May 28, 2005
Again, I would assume that three references to myself would make that clear, but I guess reading comprehension is not everyone's forte`.

The quote was simply there to show to which post I was responding. Why would I reference myself three times if I was implying that what she knew best was porn? That makes absolutely no sense.

While I regret that some may have misinterpreted my comments, I make no apology for that, because I don't believe that was my fault. I think we all have to make the assumption that most people here are adults and have basic skills of comprehension. Otherwise, this would be a very boring place.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on May 29, 2005
Yes most would expect comprehension when reading or posting .. like i said .. to quote anothers words then interject a new meaning in to what those words could be meaning, hence altering the context of the quoted words. Your references towards your self do not actually, exclude the reader from thinking that the reference to porn was directed at CL's quoted remarks. You neglected to contract a statement excluding the quoted author from the reference ...

the proper way to post would be...

I think I'll just stick with what I know best!

Same here CL,but in my case,if only I can figure out how porn will help me with my OS.

notice how the "Same here CL,but in my case," changes the ending remark from implying her "forte" was porn and instead "explicitly" directs the porn reference towards yourself...

"that is if you really want to split hairs "

Comprehension should also be a part of Making a post as well
on May 29, 2005
And a simple..."Is that comment directed at me?" would have been just as easy to do, and it would have avoided this whole fiasco.
on May 29, 2005
exactly giz, the whole thing was a simple mistake on both parts ...and could have been handled better..
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