Where is the media "outrage" and coverage of this? Oh I forgot, it's different when a democrat is involved.

Two U.S. House Republicans Thursday called for Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to prove that a lobbying firm that represents Puerto Rico commonwealthers did not pay for a trip to Vieques, PR in 2001.

The issue is significant because the future of Representative Tom DeLay (R-TX) as House Majority Leader is being widely questioned due to claims that a lobbyist had paid for some of his travel. House Rules prohibit House members from traveling at lobbyists’ expense.

The questions about Pelosi’s trip by Reps. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) and Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) were raised after it was revealed that records showed lobbying firm Smith, Dawson, and Andrews paid for travel by Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) and her husband on the same trip taken by Pelosi and four other House Democrats. Tubbs Jones is a member of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, commonly known as the Ethics Committee, which considers such violations of House rules.


on Apr 24, 2005
There won't be any outrage from the other side. They're to ignorant for that.
on Apr 24, 2005
No outrage, do not expect any either, the elite media will just bury any bad news about the liberal left on page 54, next to the obituary. typical.
on Apr 25, 2005
But there is no liberal agenda, right?