The wallpapers and Dreams (animated wallpaper) galleries have categories so you can view certain types of wallpapers that you are looking for. These categories haven't been updated in a long time, and it was certainly due for a refresh for a more modern and updated gallery. Some gallery categories were not ever really used or relevant, so we removed some and added quite a few to each section for an expanded range of wallpaper choices.
With the added integration of some WinCustomize galleries in DeskScapes, it will also reflect a better experience for in-app users as well.
Here are the new and updated categories available in these galleries today...
- Anime
- Beach/Tropical
- City
- Landscapes
- Movies/TV
- Nature
- Seascapes
- Space
- Vehicles
- Winter
Dreams (DeskScape Wallpapers)
- Anime
- Aquariums
- Beach/Tropical
- Gaming
- Landscapes
- Movies/TV
- Nature
- OS
- Seascapes
- Technology
- Vehicles
- Waterfalls
- Winter
We've populated the new galleries with items, but if you have some wallpapers that need to be changed over, you can edit your skins to a new category. Of course, please let us know if you need any help with that.