The June edition of the Stardock Magazine will be hitting your inboxes shortly.
Use this thread to discuss.
Discord chats:
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Never heard of Discord, it forces you to install a different browser?
There's a Windows desktop app that, IMHO, works better than the browser interface.
Tom, Xiandi says she uses Discord. It's like a chat for gamers.
If you're using IE, probably. Firefox it works fine..
Agree with PubliusNV tho - the app /is/ a lot more convenient..
Ahhhh, OK, thanks Jim. Of no use to me then.
I still am not receiving these magazines. December 2016 was the last one that made it here. Could someone at Stardock please take a look at this please? ;(
Contact support please.
Well, unless you want to talk to Xiandi. She says she uses it a lot, instead of Skype.
Brad, can you please read my PM It's important.
There is also a separate desktop application and mobile apps as well.
Looking at my email preferences, what is "Tachyon"? IIRC, this was the network (RT, MP) technology SD was working on for, ostensibly Ashes - so is the Tachyon newsletter for competitive gaming, engine/tech updates or something else? I'm apparently subscribed, but don't really recall ever getting anything Tachyon-related, unless I'm misremembering what Tachyon is..
Wicked first article. Great read. Being a PC developer myself, I am concerned about the current platform shift trend from Desktop to Mobile. Personally, I have no interest in smart phones, tablets, or even laptops. The types of software and games that interest me, just do not translate to tiny touch screens. The times, they are-a-changin'.
You should see how concerned we are on the hardware side. Those video cards you had to put a fan on and liquid cool? We're designing them for cell phones to run off battery for 2 hours. Do you code an AI? We are developing dedicated AI hardware now, also to go in your cell phone. The guys in automotive, they are designing AI hardware to self-dtive your car. It fails, you die (and we get sued).