Stardock's CEO Brad Wardell talks about the past, present and future of the RTS genre on IGN.

"New technology drives innovation in game design. So far, PC gamers have gone through roughly 3 major generations of game technology:

  • DOS games
  • Windows games with sprites
  • Windows 32-bit games 3D graphics

Over the past year, we’ve begun to transition to a 4th generation:

  • 64-bit
  • Multi-Core
  • Multi-GPU

What games will do with 4th generation game engines remains to be seen. Today I’m going to talk about how these generations have affected Real-Time Strategy Games."

Read the full article here....

on Apr 07, 2016

i see brad is having fun with comments in rps. how many sites is he replying to stuff in?

on Apr 18, 2016

Brad sure seem to like games with large battles, many fronts and no micromanagement....if that's what Stardock will do with 4th gen then I'm out.

I want micromanagement like in Company of Heroes.