The v0.92 update for Ashes of the Singularity is now available. Check out the latest updates:
- New Map
- Bis - 4 player map, also available in ranked 1v1 matchmaking
- Map Editor Access: add -modding as a command line option before running the game to display the Map Editor button in the bottom left of the main menu.
- Attack-move behavior change (units should stop and fight if enemy within a certain radius)
- AI Improvements
- Added new “surprise attack” PHC AI personality type
- Adjusted PHC AI early expansion tactics
- Adjusted AI structure targeting priorities
- tweak Substrate AI early build order options
- Balance
- storage techs now start at 25 Quanta each
- have hp tech upgrade also increase shields to maintain some parity between substrate and phc
- Adjust healer steering
- have artemis steering match its weapon better
- Seton - fixed bad rads in SE corner
- fringe - made initial expansions symmetrical
- Drone Bay metal cost reduced from 720 metal to 360 metal
- Drone Bay radioactive cost reduced from 120 to 90
- Drone By time to build reduced from 120 to 90
- Repair Bay metal cost reduced from 600 to 140
- Repair Bay time reduced from 90 seconds to 70 seconds
- changed Orion Cascade to target radar contacts
- more aggressive healers/energizers
- Prometheus Quad pulse cannon no longer goes through armor.
- Archer HP reduced from 120 to 90
- Archer metal cost increased from 60 to 64
- Archer logistics cost reduced from 2 to 1
- Martyr
- HP increased from 50 to 100
- Shields decreased from 160 to 100
- squad increased from 3 to 4
- Now move closer for the attack
- weapon damage increased from 2 to 4
- Reaper
- Reaper squad sized decreased from 3 to 2 (fewer Capacitor targets)
- HP decreased from 30 to 20
- Shields increased from 120 to 180
- Energy increased from 50 to 60
- weapon cooldown reduced from 3.2 to 2.8
- Squad size increased from 2 to 3
- metal cost reduced from 130 to 90
- Dominator shields decreased from 700 to 600
- Punisher shields decreased from 800 to 700
- Creep shields decreased from 60 to 40
- Capacitor metal cost reduced from 110 to 52
- Capacitor radioactive cost increased from 20 to 26
- PHC Nullifier brought into line with the Substrate version
- Savager crazy weapon improved
- make savagers upgraded weapon better than its normal weapon
- Substrate units now regain energy in enemy territory (at a reduced rate) instead of not at all
- Regenerator regenerates slower
- have seed weapons have small AOE and be able to target drones as a lowest priority target (this may be enough to mitigate drone swarm cheese attacks)
- Energy Regulator HP reduced from 4000 to 1000
- Quantum Archive time reduced from 240 seconds to 180 seconds
- Gateway time reduced from 240 seconds to 50 seconds
- Drone relay time reduced from 240 seconds to 177 seconds
- PHC scout build time increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds
- Savager hover height reduced from 27/50 to 6/11 (hugs ground) so that its main cannon is able to hit other units, buildings more reliably.
- Artemis speed reduced from 90 to 85
- Centaur speed reduced from 85 to 82
- Sky cleanser squad size increased from 1 to 3
- Artemis logistics increased from 3 to 6
- Hades logistics increased from 10 to 12
- Dominator logistics increased from 3 to 4
- Punisher logistics increased from 3 to 10
- Drone Hive logistics increased from 3 to 4
- Destructor logistics increased from 3 to 4
- Savager anti-air polaron beam damage increased from 50 to 200
- Amplify quanta cost reduced from 75 to 50
- Orbital strike quanta cost reduced from 500 to 400
- Detonate quanta cost set to 400
- Drone Swarm cost increased from 100 to 125
- T3 logistics increased from 30 to 50
- T3 units HP increased
- T3 shields buffered
Art & Graphics
- hook up looping Amplify effect so it keeps playing (since the gameplay effect is permanent)
- hook up looping Boost effect so it keeps playing (since the gameplay effect is permanent)
- Improved UI for selected Armies
- icons and unit count for each unit type in army displayed w/ tooltips
- a count for all in-construction reinforcements
- Enabling Custom Lobby list of in-progress multiplayer games... for really real this time
- UI can scale up to 200% for resolutions that support it
- Color tweaks to the Main Menu
- Recolored building and unit icons to make more sense:
- Red = Combat
- Blue = Heal/Support
- Green = Metal/Radioactive Resources
- Yellow = Construction, Quanta, and Misc
- New loading screen
- Clarified tooltip for “Instant Heal” Dreadnought level up option
- unit construction tooltips to also say how much metal/rads per second, in addition to total
- Selection ring color for Allies is now blue
- Move Steam notification to top-left where it is less obtrusive
- New Turinium icons
- Victory and Loss screens have a more impactful initial sound
- updated Punisher Plasma sound
- updating Carving Turret Weapon sound
- updated DeathBlossom sound
- default volume adjusted on Speech Notifications
- updated Retributor Plasma Cannon sound
- lowered volume of CentaurMissiles
- increase Priority of Orbital Strike 3D sound
- volume balance music track
- Vsync now defaults to off - in DX12 it can lead to some camera jitter on certain GPUs
- don't shade the skybox if we aren't drawing it at least
- Ini will save video card device id, if it changes, ini will reset
Stability Fixes
- Crash that could happen when an orbital was used
- Fixed crash that could happen when shift-selecting units as they died
- Disable GameView prntscreen, since it crashes DX12
- GAME HANG - Return to Lobby When Host Victory Screen Visible
- Crash - Press ESC during Benchmark Load Screen
- fixed crash when engineers died while player was dragging a building
- crash bug fix (unitmotion)
Bug fixes
- Multiplayer
- fixed occasional explosions on construction complete
- Save now enabled for new host after host migration
- Keeping active matches from being queried from Tachyon unnecessarily when entering a matchmade game
- Ignore unreliable updates for buildings and units that are in the process of dying
- Gameplay
- fix mauler targeting priority
- Drengi map updated for better path finding
- fix bug where AI player would not use orbitals or upgrades even though they had enough quanta
- Graphics
- Fixed issue where alt-tabbing out of the game could break mouse input (most prevalent for 4k users)
- Fixed a few other 4k & alt-tab issues
- Partial fix for mipping and material mask problems on Falcon
- fixed Team color and Material Masks shifting on PHC Capital Ship Factory
- Fixing team color and material masks for "Data Store" / Radioactives Storage
- Remade LOD02 to include the larger cannon of the Brute (corrected LOD issues)
- Fixed alignment of PHC Sensor and ground decal
- Fixed rotation of Substrate Assembly ground decal
- fixed some LOD poping inthe Apollo (some is still there but must be shading resolution on the LOD model)
- remove Hades engine flames when under consruction or dying
- Re-rendered Artemis LOD textures, minor improvements (shading at the LOD2 level is causing the main popping)
- fixed normal direction on the Nano Refinery (reset transforms on the FBX)
- Changning how we track GPU percent boundness
- Re-encoded main menu backgrounds loop as VP8, variable bit-rate (4000) to improve playback quality
- re-organize statefrontend a little to see if we can get a smoother playback for movies.
- Fixed glare artifacting on some of the bigger effects
- fixed clipping issue with the Player Icons
- Misc
- Audio layers will auto pause based on initial settings. This should address game audio playing during "pauses" caused by menu's etc.
- MGPU tooltip crossfire typo
- Also fixed bug where building weapon modules list was not always unhidden in the context panel when a building was selected after certain other selected objects
Stats/Metaverse Pages
- Summary - Show time on “Fastest Win” card rather than score.
- Summary - Remove duplicate cards
- Summary - Cards should say Structures / Dreadnaughts Destroyed
- General - List items that are links aren't always obvious - need underline on hover
- Benchmark - CPU string overflows space
- Ladders - Sometimes ladders on "Myself" do not scroll up. Scrolling down then up works around the issue.
- Benchmark - Include preset level in detailed benchmark result view
- General - Clicking on another player's profile box should take me to their summary
- Match HIstory - When viewing detailed match history make “Length” say “Game Length” and move to left
- Ladders - Don't show arrow on highlight (no subview available)
- Match History - Don't show arrow on highlight in Bechmark (no subview)
- Summary - Disable and dim left / right arrow when at first / last card
- Summary - Handle name spacing issues on cards
- General - Make profile / rank window in top right floating in header. Now it looks to be attached to metaverse pages.