
Today at 3pm EST we will have our next dev livestream!  The topic for today will be the next upcoming patch and as always we will be taking your questions.

Come on over to our Stardock Twitch channel and join us for our live broadcast!

If you can’t make the stream, please feel free to drop your questions in the comments below and we’ll try to get them answered on-air.

After the live broadcast today, we’ll post the replay on our YouTube channel so you can catch up on the latest episodes.


Update: Stream is on YouTube

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 22, 2014

Is there any possibility of a fortify command, or something like it? In GalCiv 2, it was one of my most wanted features (that I never got). With fortify, there would be no conditions that would cause the ship to wake up and ask for orders. There are times when what my enemy ships are doing has no relevance to what I want my ships to be doing.

Without a fortify command, I had to leave my ships idle (which opened a risk of accidental orders). It also meant that I couldn't use commands like sentry or guard because I already had many idle ships. It was time consuming to cycle through all the idle ships that I couldn't fortify, and those who were given sentry or guard and just woke up.

In GalCiv 3, I think this is even more important to have, as you no longer have the option to ignore idle ships. If you have idle ships, you can't end the turn. I don't like the idea of having to manually pass the turn for every idle ship every turn.

on Aug 22, 2014

Currently ships in the fleet info panel are colored blue. Is it possible that they could be color code according to their health?

For example: Green when slightly damaged, yellow when moderately damaged, red when severely damaged.

The same for ships in planet orbit and docked in the shipyard. And also the same for entire fleets in the stacked info panel.

on Aug 22, 2014

Can we discuss the possibility of an option to increase the size of solar systems?  Basically increasing the number of planets, and how far they will spawn from a star in conjunction with decreasing the density of stars, would create a interesting and more realistic game map.


Please see post for more detail:



on Aug 22, 2014

Damaged ships regain their health very slowly. Since shipyard can now idle. Is it possible to introduce a "repair" mode that would accelerate the health regain rate of the ships within the influence sphere of the shipyard?

on Aug 22, 2014

Great Stream, thanks!

on Aug 22, 2014

Updated post with YouTube replay.

on Aug 22, 2014

Glad to hear, the step wise vs continuous bonus system of planet approval got brought up! Please make it gradual and not with those crazy big steps and thresholds in between.

Also relieved, that the problem of planets' excess production at the end of a planetary improvement or ship got mentioned. After fixing it, please make that transparent to the player: The progress bars on the main screen (right side) go all the way to empty once a new building starts - carried over production should be displayed there in the form of partially filled bars.

The same should also apply to research projects: Take excess research to the next project and make it visible in the research progress bar on the top right side of the main screen.

-> Those three adjustments would reduce micro management anxiety tremendously  

on Aug 22, 2014

Again many thanks for the stream...working again this week so missed it but always find some time to catch up on it 


Going to miss these a lot when the game releases, hope you guys carry on this sort of thing for future games/expansions.

on Aug 22, 2014

Suggestion for upgrade all ships: give the option to "upgrade all ships of that type in this fleet" - halfway between upgrading one ship at a time and upgrading 40 at a time.

on Aug 22, 2014

First off thanks for getting to some of my questions and doing the stream as always...

One question was asked will there be a way to build an advanced factory and they said no as it's better the way it is.  This may be the case if I was building it however, what if I want to buy (purchase) the advanced factory?  We should be able to buy the advanced version versus waiting every turn to go back in and pay for the upgrade.

So after watching the beginning of the stream today, I see that Beta .41.2 is a limited release for a select group of people.  I understand that most of the fixes are for people using laptops or integrated graphics, however, there are some extras put in there as well.  Why are not people the are Founders Elite selected or how were people selected for this Beta?  If anyone can access it than what is the beta access code for it, it doesn't specify anywhere that I can see?

Edit...  Okay maybe I already am opted in as I have the shipyard shut down feature, but it still lists as an option in Steam and says needs passcode?

on Aug 23, 2014

Do you think you could try to post the next announcement for August 29, Friday's dev stream on Thursday please?  I am gone during the time on Friday's when these posts are posted and I would like to ask a question.

on Aug 23, 2014


So after watching the beginning of the stream today, I see that Beta .41.2 is a limited release for a select group of people.  I understand that most of the fixes are for people using laptops or integrated graphics, however, there are some extras put in there as well.  Why are not people the are Founders Elite selected or how were people selected for this Beta?  If anyone can access it than what is the beta access code for it, it doesn't specify anywhere that I can see?

Edit...  Okay maybe I already am opted in as I have the shipyard shut down feature, but it still lists as an option in Steam and says needs passcode?

There is no passcode needed to opt in to the patch, that is just part of the steam UI because some betas do need passcode. Anyone who has purchased the game can opt in to the patch.

on Aug 23, 2014


Do you think you could try to post the next announcement for August 29, Friday's dev stream on Thursday please?  I am gone during the time on Friday's when these posts are posted and I would like to ask a question.

Just ask it here right now. Then if someone remembers they can ask it for you next time.

on Aug 24, 2014


Whatever happened to the tech that allows one to build late game on all possible tiles with some land that would be available that was mentioned a few streams back?  I agree this will advance several planets greatly but it would be awesome to see.

I'm assuming extreme worlds are coming back... Although there hasn't been much talk about them, could you go into more detail on this please?

Thank you

The tech is Terraforming which you get after Soil and habitat techs to buy the super project "Orbital Terraformer" which instantly turns all red terraforming squares green saving you the wait in the construction queue.

I like extreme worlds (aquatic,high gravity,radioactive,toxic,etc) but I would like the option to be able to turn them off in the game setup screen?

on Aug 25, 2014


The tech is Terraforming which you get after Soil and habitat techs to buy the super project "Orbital Terraformer" which instantly turns all red terraforming squares green saving you the wait in the construction queue.

I like extreme worlds (aquatic,high gravity,radioactive,toxic,etc) but I would like the option to be able to turn them off in the game setup screen?

This was in Galciv2, Tiles aren't red in Galciv3 as they only appear with the specific techs/buildings that are available to choose to build anywhere that meets a certain % land.  In one of the Dev streams a few weeks back it was mentioned that they may put a tech toward the end of the tech tree that will allow one to build on all possible tiles that have x% land on them.  I don't see that in the game currently, was wondering if this idea was axed.

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