Published on May 23, 2014 By Island Dog In PC Gaming

I thought I had a post where we could discuss Tropico 5, but I guess I forgot to make it.  Well anyways, Tropico 5 was released today and the Tropico series is in my top list of favorite games, so I'm excited to play it.

Tropico is a "dictator sim" where you create and control your own little island paradise with the heavy hand of government.

Anyone else picked this up or planning to?




on May 23, 2014

I would like to. I loved T4, but after the disaster that Omerta was, I feel like I should wait until the reviews come out.

It could be like the difference between Civ4 and Civ5...



on May 23, 2014

My impressions are that they've cycled back to the bare minimum of buildings, most likely to include all the others we had with DLCs in Tropico 4. So it seems (at least, to me) a pretty transparent attempt to just sell-sell-sell starting again with just a bit of a game, and without really doing anything distinctive with game mechanics.

Again, just my views.

on May 23, 2014

Ah, crap. I'm hemorraging money now. What happened to the days where we went months without seeing a new release. #firstWorldProblems


on May 23, 2014


Ah, crap. I'm hemorraging money now. What happened to the days where we went months without seeing a new release. #firstWorldProblems


Yeah I mean this week Tropico 5 and Distant World and then Watch Dogs? I can't turn tricks fast enough.

on Jun 01, 2014

Divinity: Original Sin. Ignore the idols of false gods.

on Jun 04, 2014

Overall, I think they did a decent job with Tropico 5.  They tried to mix things up a bit while keeping it true to its roots.  Some of the additions work very well, while others fall short.  At first, I had some complaints about the lack of trait choices for El Presidente, but these were moved into the Constitution and Dynasty systems, which tend to be more interesting.  The Eras work well for what they do, but I can see how some people may be turned off by it, as it can limit what you can build.  The Research system is interesting, but like the eras, it just seems to delay what you can build.  It would have been more interesting if there were branches that permanently enabled or disabled other research projects.  The ability to renovate buildings is a very welcome addition, though it does tend to "reset" a building (pricing, costs, etc).  Trade was made a little more interesting, and you can bring in some extra revenue with it, but you are not really penalized if you don't take advantage of it, which I am OK with as some people may not want to have to mess with that.  Exploration isn't nearly as useful as one would imagine, since by the time you really want to start exploring, you've researched the tech that reveals the map.  The higher emphasis on military and troops (not on an RTS level, it is still automated), was welcome, but can also be annoying.  Once an invasion begins, you cannot complete any military buildings (as far as I can tell, they sit at 99% until you either repel all of the attackers, or they destroy your palace).  I have not yet played multiplayer, though I do plan on it.

on Jun 05, 2014

The research "options" in tropico 5 are completely linear and frankly boring. The eras prevent me from specializing my island from the start and makes the game plateau several times. The managers/heirs just feels clumsy to handle. The trade system, however, feels like it fits the game perfectly. The combat system also works better, and lowering influence with allies/axis actually causes the game to become more difficult (this was a non-factor in tropico 4).

Altogether, I think tropico 5 is about as good as tropico 4. And therefore not even close to being worth its price.

Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot about multiplayer being added. I don't even remember if that was in tropico 4, but I don't think so. Have to try it out!

on Jun 16, 2014

Great game, really love it haha but so flawed it's unbelievable. NO PRISONS! what were they thinkingXD