RTSguru.com also got a chance to sit-in with a Q&A session with Rebellion Producer Chris Bray.

“One of the Q&A participants asked about Rebellion's competitors in the expanding genre that the SoaSE series is a part of, and Chris opined that he's excited about the growth of their niche field, as competing titles drive his team to do better while bringing more attention to the games themselves.  Interestingly, we were also told that theHomeworld series greatly affected the development of the original SoaSE, and Blair Fraser, co-founder of Ironclad, was quoted as saying that "one of the original visions for the game was Homeworld meets Civilization."  Trying to put those two games together is a pretty neat intellectual exercise, made only cooler by seeing how SoaSE itself evolved from that model.”

Read more at RTSguru.


on May 30, 2012