Rock, Paper, Shotgun has their look at the upcoming Elemental: Fallen Enchantress up and here’s a brief look at what they have to say.

“With the assistance of the brains behind Civ IV supermod Fall From Heaven II, Stardock have sought to address complaints, expand everything that’s capable of expanding and deliver the successor to Master of Magic that I’ve been waiting for since I was knee high to a grasshopper.”

Read the full article at RPS.

on Apr 10, 2012

Cautiously optimistic, by the sounds of it. Rps os the only Pc game site I frequent, although they can get a bit dug in with their viewpoints from time to time, their summaries of game flaws is the best there is.

on Apr 10, 2012

Not bad!  Really, given the source, this is a pretty positive  Pre-Review .  I hope Adam Smith follows through on his thought, of buying Elemental: Fallen Enchantress, after the Beta 3 comes out on April 12.  Then he can follow up this "heads-up" article, with a more complete one.  Even if the latter article were not a total "Rave review", his observations/criticisms could still be a useful addition to the discussion.  After all, we are still talking about a  Beta  -- a lot can be accomplished between now and the Fall.  The more intelligent discussion, and feedback, the better ...