Published on October 28, 2011 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

We have talked about this many times before, and I wanted to share another tip for both people who are looking to spread the word about their skins, or just members who would like more customization topics to read about.  I got a nice e-mail from a moderator at Reddit who has a sub-forum over there dedicated to desktop skinning.

If you are a member over there be sure to stop by and vote up some customization articles, or submit your own!

on Oct 28, 2011

They aren't WB haters there like Noewin, I hope.

on Oct 28, 2011

OMG, you mean there are people out there in the cyber world that are not enamored of WB and other fantastic Stardock products. How dare they!!!!

Say it ain't so Dog

on Oct 28, 2011

OldMsgt ...... I totally agree. How dare they? This is the grea ... huh ..... little drafty?

on Oct 28, 2011

They aren't WB haters there like Noewin, I hope.

That would be a Noewin situation.....