Tiles from Stardock has been out (in beta) to Object Desktop subscribers for a couple of weeks, and I wanted to follow up and ask our users how they like it so far, and how you have been using it.  For me, it’s quite common that I have many windows open, and I have used Tiles to fast switch to each window without having to look at the task bar.

I also use a custom page to drag certain document windows to keep them in a place I can quickly access them.


How have you been using it?

3-22-2011 2-49-55 PM

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 08, 2011

renewed my subscription just to get it

wish they add the ability to change how long it takes for it to hide and unhide when autohide enabled... right now it takes too long to unhide

also why not make it more like a taskbar and alow lock / unlock and if unlocked then allow it to grow and shrink

also allow how it hides and unhides animations or effects...

also why not allow it to be on top and bottom and then go across that would really be better than now for me

finally add more skins and allow widgets to be added to it...

also allow it to have effects like object dock like when you mouse over and activate... for example grow/shrink, glow, bounce

also why not allow allow us to add tile to object dock basically we would see windows on object dock and not icon, think tiles but on object dock with full object dock functionality, integrate the two...

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