Last night republicans in Wisconsin were successful in passing a bill which in part strips unions of so-called collective bargaining “rights”. I’m not in favor of unions as they have become nothing but political tools used to stir up violence and be the protestors on-call for the democrats. Now aside that one of my problems with liberalism is they believe just about everything is a “right” of some sort.
Cell phones are a right.
- iPads are a right.
- Cable TV is a right.
- High-speed internet is a right.
The list goes on and on.
A great part of this comes from the victim and entitlement mentality of the left who think the government should provide for them. However, what exactly is a right to you? In the workplace I think you have a right not to be discriminated against, but collective bargaining is not a right at all.
I have plenty of examples of what I think, but I pose this question to you…..
What is the difference between a right and a privilege?