Published on August 13, 2010 By Island Dog In Politics

This is a great article.

“The last few weeks have been a nightmare for President Obama, in a summer of discontent in the United States which has deeply unsettled the ruling liberal elites, so much so that even the Left has begun to turn against the White House. While the anti-establishment Tea Party movement has gained significant ground and is now a rising and powerful political force to be reckoned with, many of the president’s own supporters as well as independents are rapidly losing faith in Barack Obama, with open warfare breaking out between the White House and the left-wing of the Democratic Party. While conservatism in America grows stronger by the day, the forces of liberalism are growing increasingly weaker and divided.”

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 13, 2010

The sad part is that you can only find open and honest articles like that in foreign newspapers.  The American MSM will not touch their golden boy.

on Aug 13, 2010

The sad part is that you can only find open and honest articles like that in foreign newspapers. The American MSM will not touch their golden boy.

I wonder when/if realization will (ever) set in? When exactly does self-preservation kick in? Or will they continue to deteriorate into irrelevance? 

on Aug 13, 2010

It's probably the first installment in a series of articles. Really, that's just scratching the surface of Obammy's ineptitude.

on Aug 15, 2010

Dr Guy

The sad part is that you can only find open and honest articles like that in foreign newspapers.  The American MSM will not touch their golden boy.

Nitro Cruiser

The sad part is that you can only find open and honest articles like that in foreign newspapers. The American MSM will not touch their golden boy.
I wonder when/if realization will (ever) set in? When exactly does self-preservation kick in? Or will they continue to deteriorate into irrelevance? 

Since we do still some what live in a capitalist society they'll (ie MSM) eventually have to acknowledge conservatives since all things being said most people are a little to the right of the middle on the political spectrum and so advertising revenue would increase if they target this audience.  Unless they (ie MSM) are waiting for the bailout.

I'm not totally for Republicans getting elected.  I want fiscal Constitutional Conservatives to be.

Anthony R

It's probably the first installment in a series of articles. Really, that's just scratching the surface of Obammy's ineptitude.

Anthony, don't you remember the drama this started the last time you said that (ie the bold part) 

on Aug 16, 2010

I like the comment that happened to be at the top:

For America this is mission impossible.
Now forced to choose between a catastrophically
disappointing Obama ticket and the old,
mad, bad, dangerous to know tea party gang.

Neocons are rubbing their hands and pistol butts.
Next manoeuvre, restore Bush's reputation.
"He was right all along".

If US economy goes into heavy recession the
economic shockwaves will sunami onto UK
and almost ceretainly trigger the feared
double dip.

Why did Obama fail so spectacularly?
Maybe he was swallowed by system.

And if Obama goes at the next election is there
a viable leader out there?

That's pretty much how I see it.

The neocons were widely condemned by the left and right, but George Bush's administration had some major foreign policy successes (Israel and Arabs talked, civil wars ended in Liberia and southern Sudan, liberation of Iraq, east-European countries showing extreme loyalty to the US, United Kingdom supporting the US with man power and diplomatically; the list goes on and on).

However, I don't see an alternative to Obama. Republicans will likely run Sarah Palin against him, still not realising that moderates and liberals simply won't vote for her and those Republicans who have a very good standing among liberals are increasingly trying to become Palin-like because Republicans think that winning a primary is close to winning the election when in reality winning a primary is for all practical purposes the opposite of winning the election.

What the Democrats pulled off, a candidate who was both a favourite in primaries and in the elections, is only possible with major support by the media. Republicans don't have such corporate support.

What happened in the US was mainly the left's fault. They were all so sure that everything Bush did was wrong (and racist) that they didn't notice that for eight years they had a moderate administration that really did stand exactly between the right and the left.

With Bush's engagement in Africa he did more for civil rights than any President since Lincoln and with a democratic government in Iraq Bush did more for peace in the middle east than even Bill Clinton (who really did excellent work on that issue).


on Aug 16, 2010

I'd like to know what your definition of "neocon" is Leauki. Some define it as big spending Bush era, 'compassionate conservatism" Ron Paul coined the term and he and his followers are  big opponents of Israel. They all went as far to boo Mike Pence when he vowed support for the Jewish state. So the word neocon holds some code for  most of the people who use it.

I'm old enough to remember Carter. Americans were ready to vote for Mickey Mouse at the end of his first term. I suspect the current President will get the same treatment after his disastrously failed and economically devastating term. I can't think of one good thing Obama has done for America. Can anyone name a good thing Obama has done? (crickets chirping).

on Aug 16, 2010

I'd like to know what your definition of "neocon" is Leauki. Some define it as big spending Bush era, 'compassionate conservatism" Ron Paul coined the term and he and his followers are  big opponents of Israel. They all went as far to boo Mike Pence when he vowed support for the Jewish state. So the word neocon holds some code for  most of the people who use it.

I don't know what "compassionate conservatism" is, but I define as "neocon" ("neo-conservative") those who stand in the tradition of Irving Kristol, who coined the term.

Ron Paul is pretty much the opposite of a neocon. And I don't think I ever let anybody doubt about my position regarding the Crazy Uncle and the Paulians.

Neo-conservatism, as I see it, is application of traditional values to the modern world while realising which of those values aren't.

The spirit of neo-conservatism:

"The trouble with traditional American conservatism is that it lacks a naturally cheerful, optimistic disposition. Not only does it lack one, it regards signs of one as evidence of unsoundness, irresponsibility."

"I have observed over the years that the unanticipated consequences of social action are always more important, and usually less agreeable, than the intended consequences."

"An intellectual may be defined as a man who speaks with general authority about a subject on which he has no particular competence."

"Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions -- it only guarantees equality of opportunity."

"The liberal paradigm of regulation and license has led to a society where an 18-year-old girl has the right to public fornication in a pornographic movie -- but only if she is paid the minimum wage."

"It is ironic to watch the churches, including large sections of my own religion, surrendering to the spirit of modernity at the very moment when modernity itself is undergoing a kind of spiritual collapse."

"Young people, especially, are looking for religion so desperately that they are inventing new ones. They should not have to invent new ones; the old religions are pretty good."

(All quotes by Irving Kristol.)

Basically it's an ideology that uses traditional values and a strong military to protect modernity. I believe (and neo-cons believe) that the rights of homosexuals are best defended by a US marine with traditional values, for the simple reason that those who claim to be progressive won't defend our freedoms.

I'm old enough to remember Carter. Americans were ready to vote for Mickey Mouse at the end of his first term. I suspect the current President will get the same treatment after his disastrously failed and economically devastating term. I can't think of one good thing Obama has done for America. Can anyone name a good thing Obama has done? (crickets chirping).

Well, in defence of Obama, he has increased aid to Israel. But he seems to be more willing to help Israel prepare for war than to speak up before there is a need for war. And that worries me greatly.

And so far Obama has been a lot better than Carter.

I have a specific bone to pick with Carter because he allowed Iran to fall to the enemy. Carter didn't realise the immense importance of the Iranian monarchy to the world and we have all paid for that stupidity. Smart Europeans speak of American arrogance and claim to find it among politicians like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. But in reality it was Jimmy Carter who was so arrogant and so convinced that nothing outside America is of any importance that he didn't realise what everybody knew before and after his administration, that Iran is important.

on Aug 16, 2010

Basically neo-cons are those right-wing politicians who have done the correct thing often enough to be considered part of the Jewish conspiracy by intellectual idiots.


on Aug 16, 2010

Since we do still some what live in a capitalist society they'll (ie MSM) eventually have to acknowledge conservatives since all things being said most people are a little to the right of the middle on the political spectrum and so advertising revenue would increase if they target this audience. Unless they (ie MSM) are waiting for the bailout.

Ideally you are correct.  However, we see what is happening already.  They are not acknowledging anything.  They are merely going out of business.  In other words, they are the blind faithful.  The ultimate damage of their betrayal of trust will be a completely polarized press - with one side reporting the conservative view and the other reporting the liberal view.  And the only people that will be informed are those that have to sift through both views to get at the truth.


on Aug 16, 2010

One quick definition of neo-conservatism might be this: It's an alliance of the anti-communist left with the anti-fascist right.

Neo-conservatives are socialists hostile to the Sovet-Union and China and capitalists hostile to fascism and segregation.


on Aug 16, 2010

The neocons were widely condemned by the left and right, but George Bush's administration had some major foreign policy successes

Harry Truman set a standard that will never be broken in this country - the Buck Stops here.  But in reality, the president can propose, cajole, pontificate, or excoriate congress about domestic issues,  But Congress has the first and last word on that.  So a president's legacy falls heavily on his performance on Foreign issues.  In that Bush did well, and Obama has failed miserably.

However, whomever these mythical Neocons are can try all they want to to "revitalize" Bush's reputation.  Most conservatives however will be content to forget the mistakes of the Bush president as they are eclipsed by the boners of Obama, and build towards the future to get us out of this mess.

Sidebar - Do the English really spell Tsunami without the T?

on Aug 16, 2010

And so far Obama has been a lot better than Carter.

LOL - you do say the darnedest things at times.  Carer failed in 2 areas of government - Foreign and leadership.  Obama has failed in all.  And in only 2 years to boot.

on Aug 16, 2010

Sidebar - Do the English really spell Tsunami without the T?

Never before heard of the spelling.


on Aug 16, 2010

Republicans will likely run Sarah Palin against him, still not realising that moderates and liberals simply won't vote for her and those

I doubt she runs, unless something drastically changes.

on Aug 16, 2010

The Democrats are scared to death, to the point of being in favor of many things the Republicans and Conservatives are. they are willing to go against the President in order to save their butts at this point. Obama seems to not have much concern as I assume since he will still be President for a few more years after these elections he will simply spend the next few years blaming the Republicans or Conservatives for his failures as they control the House and possibly (not sure of this yet) the Senate. This will be the moment when Democrats will blame Congress and the Senate for everything they blamed Bush for before and they will completely ignore the fact that Democrats were in charge even before Obama came along and ran for President. What will be even more interesting is how the Democrats will not accept the whole "we got this mess from the previous Congress and Senate" bit that Republicans are likely to throw around and will instead argue that it's now in the Republicans hand so they are now responsible after they win in the 2010 elections.

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