Published on April 14, 2010 By Island Dog In Politics

This is from the "tolerant" democrats.  These people are really pathetic.

"Former Democratic State Party Chairman Kathy Sullivan is heading up the search, the source said. Sullivan has been calling and e-mailing liberal activists trying to get them to attend tea parties in different parts of the state and hold signs denying the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate and make racially disparaging comments to reporters.

“This is Kathy’s [Sullivan] project,” the source told “She is absolutely obsessed with painting the tea party people as racists.”


on Apr 14, 2010

Well, I am sure she will get lots of volunteers and they can just act the way they  always do!  Like the Racists, bigoted, homophobic misogynists they are.  I am sure most of the MSM will report they are tea partiers instead of the DNC - but that is normal.  At least we can get some truth off of the internet.

I will enjoy every exposure of these cretins!

on Apr 14, 2010

What would really be sad is not so much her quest to find people and to demonize Tea partiers, but that should would actually find people, who would claim not to be racist, to actually do it. Cause I can't possibly understand why a non-racist person would actually put their faces on TV passing themselves as racist just to deal some blows to the Tea Partiers.

on Apr 14, 2010

What would really be sad is not so much her quest to find people and to demonize Tea Partiers, but that should would actually find people, who would claim not to be racist, to actually do it. Cause I can't possibly understand why a non-racist person would actually put their faces on TV passing themselves as racist just to deal some blows to the Tea Partiers.

on Apr 14, 2010

but that should would actually find people, who would claim not to be racist, to actually do it.

In that regard, you just described a majority of the liberals.  They claim one thing, but they sure do not talk that way normally.

on Apr 17, 2010

Island Dog, you stupid hick. Just because some teabaggers are not racist doesn't mean that the whole movement isn't.

on Apr 17, 2010

Island Dog, you stupid hick. Just because some teabaggers are not racist doesn't mean that the whole movement isn't.

Good one, there, Aroddo.  Love your sense of humor.

on Apr 17, 2010

Sounds like something they would do.

on Apr 18, 2010

Sounds like it's just a bunch of racists exposing themselves ;~D

on Apr 18, 2010

It's getting even more bizarre - Time's Klein thinks Palin, Beck & Limbaugh are 'rubbing up' against committing sedition.  Just when I think they can't possibly be any more hypocritical, they are.  The leftists haven't pulled 'em on yet, but they're polishing those jackboots to a bright shine.

on Apr 19, 2010

It's getting even more bizarre - Time's Klein thinks Palin, Beck & Limbaugh are 'rubbing up' against committing sedition.  Just when I think they can't possibly be any more hypocritical, they are.  The leftists haven't pulled 'em on yet, but they're polishing those jackboots to a bright shine.

Bizarre?  No, desperate, Yes.  He used the example of Limbaugh calling this administration a "regime", yet that is what his ilk did with Bush 43!

I want to see someone play that idiots statement and then Hilary's screeching diatribe!  Now that is sedition!  being forced to listen to her pontificate on things she is clueless on!